the down side of over drinking - British Liver Trust

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the down side of over drinking

7265sunlower profile image
29 Replies

just had a fibro scan and it was 6.8 is that good or bad

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7265sunlower profile image
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29 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

I wish these people doing these scans didn't give you a score and then leave you dangling awaiting a proper discussion about your results, we get so many folks on here posting random Fibroscan scores scared silly about what they mean because they've just been given a number without proper interpretation.

The problem is that dependent on the underlying cause of any liver damage the scales used to pinpoint just exactly what stage any liver disease is at vary (i.e. someone with alcohol related will have a different score chart than someone with an auto-immune or viral cause etc). Also, the reliability of results has also been questioned from time to time.

If you know for definite that your liver ill health is down to alcohol you may take a little bit of hope from this chart which relates to alcohol and liver damage

A kPa score of 6.8 shows you are starting to perhaps get a little stiffness in the liver - perhaps some fatty change but are no where near full on fibrosis or cirrhosis HOWEVER that being said I am not a medical expert and your diagnosis discussion should really come from your medical team who have your full sets of results and scan details plus you (the patient) in front of them.

Possibly time to start looking at your relationship with drink and to look after your liver a bit.

Fingers crossed you have an appointment with your doctor coming up where you can fully discuss these results and their implications.

All the best, Katie

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to AyrshireK

thanks katie i was diagnosed with cirrhrosis in 2012 an i didnt drink for 21 months the. n i fell off the wagon but i have been sober now for a year this fibro scan is all new to me and the nurse didnt say too much other than the result was good to be honest iam still none of wiser

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to 7265sunlower

If the result is accurate it is very good indeed.

How was your previous cirrhosis diagnosis achieved? i.e. what tests were done? Where you displaying cirrhosis symptoms and is it possible you didn't have cirrhosis?

The reason I ask is it would be highly unlikely that a cirrhotic liver would return to being only mildly fatty or barely showing any change at all. Cirrhosis is the last state of liver disease and whilst it used to be thought to be irreversible it is possible for it to recover a little ............. a total reversal would be somewhat of a miracle though.

I do think you need to sit down with your medical team and discuss these results and perhaps have a more accurate scan (could this be a false low reading? or was your previous diagnosis incorrect?). A few questions I think you need to get ironed out here.


7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to AyrshireK

I will have a second. Opinion. Now. When I was in hospital. Under. The crare. Of doctor oats she frightened. The hell out of me

Angel_b profile image

I had mine today and got 6.6. As AyrshireK says it depends on the rest of your medical history. I was recently diagnosed with pbc and wasn't sure what to expect but think it's a relatively good score for what I have. But there are differences depending what the issues are.

I hope you find the answers your looking for.

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Angel_b

Hi my result was 12 and I have stage 4 PBC ..cirrhosis.

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to bobbycat

Hiya. Bobby cat. They. Never. Told me. What. My. Stage. Was. Other than that I. Have cirrhosis

Angel_b profile image
Angel_b in reply to bobbycat

Sorry to hear that bobbycat. I can't say I completely understand the grading system and the nurse didn't tell me what stage I was. She said that I had fatty liver and the start of fibrosis - which I assume puts me around stage 1. Although the ultra sound had shown a fair bit of fatty liver I think.

Hope your keeping well and stable.

7265sunlower profile image

thanks angel b i dont what pbc is i was diagnoised with cirrhosis in 2012 then gave up for 21 months then fell off rhe wagon iam now abstinate from drink for a year now but all this fibro scan is all new to me

Angel_b profile image
Angel_b in reply to 7265sunlower

Well done for giving up alcohol again. I would make an appointment with gp and have a chat about where you go from here. Hope all goes well.

Porphyrogennetos profile image


your dx was based on labs, scans, signs and symptoms?


7265sunlower profile image

what do you mean i finding this hard to get my head round as its all new to me

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to 7265sunlower

Don't seem. To get any proper.information and I am. Scared to go properly. In to it

briccolone profile image

hi well if you didn't know you had cirrhosis-getting a score like 6.8 would not indicate that you had it. I've had scores higher than that with fatty liver. keep on with the good work I would say.

7265sunlower profile image

They told me I had it in 2012

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to 7265sunlower

I think a few folks are puzzled about your previous cirrhosis diagnosis. Did you have significant symptoms in 2012? Did you have scans or a biopsy to confirm that diagnosis?

If you had cirrhosis in 2012 it sadly won't have gone away, it could have improved a bit but IF your latest fibroscan is accurate it would hint that you didn't ever have cirrhosis. It's possible you had alcohol related hepatitis and this has cleared up following your period of abstinence.

There are a few questions you need to clear up with your medical team.

1. Is this fibroscan absolutely accurate? Do you only have some mild inflammation of the liver, mild liver change which is indicated by a result of 6.8 kPa? Do they plan to do any further tests ? (an ultrasound or CT scan should confirm that there is no more other issue).

2. How firm was the cirrhosis diagnosis in 2012? What tests or symptoms drew them to come to that diagnosis? (As I said previously cirrhosis won't reverse completely and if it has then you are somewhat of a miracle case).

Obviously your liver didn't like your drinking so it would be of great benefit to yourself and your continued liver health to keep off the drink and look after yourself.

All the best.


7265sunlower profile image

I was. In agony. With stomach pains bloated. Links I was pregnant my eyes an skin where turning yellow I had numerous scans and was told by my specialist I had cirrhosis. And should never touch a drink again.

kurtymac profile image

Good to hear that your score is ia 6.8, normally a fibroscan will be very accurate at the number. Anything under 7 is a pretty accurate reading, if you fall in the gray zone, then they will do a biopsy to be sure. Maybe try another fibroscan in a few months to see if the number is going north or south or at least staying the same. I have only heard of one person having cirrhosis and getting a fibroscan under 7 and the one who claimed it stopped posting a while ago. Many times , doctors and hospitals will be really fast to throw out the cirrhosis diagnosis. A lot of those times it ends up being alcohol induced hepatitis, which can very well mimic cirrhosis. I have seen it many times in the medical field. Have you seen a hepatologist? A doctor that deals strictly with the liver? PCPs and E.R doctors really have limited knowledge when it comes to the liver. I would re-engage in some testing and see what the real answer is. The ultrasound showing hepatic steatosis (liver fat) is normal when you have consumed alcohol for a long time. The hepatocytes will turn fatty before they turn into fibrosis with alcohol damage. This is good news, it doesn't change anything though, which it seems like you already know. Still have to live your life healthy, exercise, good diet and staying away from the poison. If you do get the green light don't fall into that trap that many make. "Oh, tests are good, I can drink again". Once the liver is damaged, it will be 3 times as fast to be damaged again. Mine is very sensitive to all types of medications due to the damage I had a year ago. Good luck

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to kurtymac

Thankyou Kurt mac I've just been in touch with my nurse after reading all the replies and she is going to go through. My notes again from 2012 an get bk to me tommorw. Coz the fibrosis scan is a good. Result. May be the diagnosis. Was wrong

kurtymac profile image

No problem 7265, I was in a similar situation last year, I am really excited about your news. It is like a huge weight being lifted off of your back. I had portal hypertension symptoms and labs looked like a scan-tron test I took back in high school. I had an umbilical hernia and my abdomen tore. When my fibroscan came back 4.8, jumped for joy, couldn't believe it honestly. MRI, US, CT, fibrosure test all came back normal after that. My first CT scan was sketchy, but the rest came back good with time. Did you have a fibrosure test done? My close buddy had the same situation in 2014, ascities, jaundice, portal hypertension symptoms, horrible labs. They said cirrhosis on CT scan, a year later no cirrhosis, changed diagnosis to Alcoholic Hep. He feels 21 at 33 now. Keep the faith, alcohol damage is homogeneous with the liver. It hits the whole liver pretty equally, other liver disease like Hep C are more hit or miss with fibroscan because they have a heterogeneous damage.

7265sunlower profile image

Well thanks Kurt for your reply I've worried. My self sick over the years. After. Been told that I'll be waiting. For the reply tommoro. From my nurse. After she's gone bk over the notes. You take care an ill keep you updated. X

kurtymac profile image

No problem, let us know. Hoping for the best!

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to kurtymac

hiya kurtymac just been in touch with my specialist nurse she has been over my records and in 2012 they where treating me for alcohol related cirrohsis an she has just told me my liver has got better in the past two years with not drinking she said its still a bit inflamed and might never go back to normal so for me it was a kind of miracle x

kurtymac profile image

That is great news 7265, just stay away from the alcohol. Key word is they were TREATING you, so doesn't mean it was spot on. The fibroscan shows a very good number given your history. My fibroscan was a 4.8 and my hepatologist who is awesome told me mine came back a little better than his so 6.8 not horrible. I would get another one in 6 month from when you had your last one to see what the trend seems to be. That is good news, beets restore glutathoine, which is the livers and bodies largest anti-oxidant. It helps the liver detoxify and helps the hepatocytes heal, eggs restore choline, which is the liver favorite nutrient. Without choline the liver can become damaged very quickly. Eggs also increase HDL and lower LDL. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and studies show that it causes apoptosis of activated satellite cells causing them to die off. Activated satellite cells are what causes fibrosis. Artichoke has natural selenium in it which protects the liver. I tend to like natural organic food instead of supplements because supplements normally come from China and aren't regulated. They also have nasty fillers that can be liver toxic. I started consuming a lot of those few foods and my liver seemed to repay me dearly.

7265sunlower profile image

Thank you for your replies its nice to know i can share my promblems with other people with similar diagnoses very kind of you.

kurtymac profile image

No problem, just glad to see the results are positive. Going every single day thinking your liver is on the verge of failing is a horrible feeling. I lived with it for a year and know how horrible it is.

7265sunlower profile image

Yes that's very true. The temptation. Is always there but I have to stay strong. Your right it is poison. Anyway. Hope you stay. Well good luck x

kurtymac profile image

No problem, when in doubt look at scary pictures, that is how I quick chewing tobacco by looking at mouth cancer pictures every time I took a pinch!

7265sunlower profile image

hiya kurtymac i know what your saying I look at scary pictures ever day me horrible next door neighbour anyway hope your keeping well .

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