No time to turn at Beauty's glance... - Bridge to 10K

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No time to turn at Beauty's glance...

Oldfloss profile image
29 Replies

Finding the joy?

Yes... Ramble time again... and here I am, doing the rambling, and what rambles I have had...Since my last, lost my way, post, thanks to the original wake up call from PeggySusi , I have been running regularly and I have been doing exactly what I intended.

It is interesting too, that over the last week or so, I have noticed in many posts, the word, joy, cropping up time and time again. I intended writing this report sooner, but was struggling to find a way to encompass all I wanted to share, in a run report! All the thoughts in my head, all the images floating before me and a title for my run, and then clicking onto a post written by our friend linda9389 on Fun seemed like Deja Vu!

So... after a day's full workout with a small, knowledge thirsty whirlwind... I re-titled my post and got it in order. So. here goes. I have been running, not far and certainly not fast, there is a regularity in my running, but each one has an added frisson of excitement, as I allow my feet to take me, to pause and to pursue that hidden joy.

My runs have been ones where time or distance had no place... I have run here and there, in drizzle and dry, at home and away, each run bringing my hidden friend within reach.

When I look at Strava... my Run headings tell their own story...beginning with;

* The one where CB went quiet...

* The one where the sun shone...

* The one where the wind took me...

* The one with Buttercups and bounce...

* The one with a twingle...

* The one where it wasn't raining...

* The one with a lovely little hill start...

* The one which I could...

* The one with serenity and sunshine...

The last run, taken in the depths of the glorious Shropshire countryside epitomises my current feelings about my running. If you can bear it, I shall ramble about that one.

Serenity and Sunshine.


After a few weeks of profitable, but hefty, garden re-vamp work, cycle store building, shed dismantling and greenhouse moving, Mr OF and I headed for the luxury of a cosy cottage, in a stunning location, to peace, quiet and a chance to recharge, refresh and relax.

The weather was unseasonably chilly, but the sun shone, not all the time, but most of the time, the mornings were bright and clear, dew-sparkled with sunshine-glimmer and the evenings, breathtaking, in hues of crimson and gold.

Setting out, on Sunday, for a final run before heading home, I woke to windows blurred with condensation, ( a Listed Building with no double glazing), but with the promise of a good day beyond. Running gear laid out ready... and after the normal cuppa, courtesy of Mr OF, morning yoga and stretches completed, I headed out, through the stable yard into, what had over the week become familiar territory.

Down the drive and onto the narrow, high hedge-bordered lane. Thick, lush verges, burgeoning with flowers of every kind. My feet light, breathing easy, my pace steady, as I turned up the short hill towards the Wrekin view. I did, over the week, name all the different photo points and , passing a huge copper beech tree, the gate appeared and I paused to take yet another photograph.

Making the brow of the hill with little effort, I continued. Past the long drives of the very few homes bordering the lane. Gardens full of huge trees and shrubs and beautiful stone houses , Sunday slumbering in the morning light. Turning and gently heading back down, I turn and run through the green cathedral corridor of huge branched oaks.

Out into the early sunshine and into the tapestry glory, which took my breath away in my first outing.

Endless fields, a sky that stretches from edge to edge...cotton wool clouds, sheep grazing in the far distance and... poppies... everywhere, poppies...a Monet in the making...

My senses are overpowering me. This is the third run I have had here, up the lane, down the lane but always making sure, I run along this beautiful trail through the fields. Each run brings new delight.

Steps are light, heart is lighter and my mind, free from any stressful thought. I am at one with the world and the world is at one with me.

The distance covered, matters not...the speed, matters not, the pace, not at all...the only thing that does, is, I am, moving, I am running, my legs taking me onwards and forward.

All too soon, the run must end, I come to the turning point and make my way back, past the poppies and the strangely evocative lawn-trimmed enclosure, where an memorial seat stands testimony, to a soul who remains, forever immortalised in such beauty... down past the trees, down the lane and turning into the drive, I take one final photograph, of an ancient stone wall. Clasped in the heavy, scented embrace of old fashioned roses... the darker rain clouds are moving in now, but nothing can dim my inner glow; the run is done.

For me, right now, this is what I want to do. Take the runs as my body tells me too.., some will be short as these were, some will be longer, I feel they are coming...and the joy?

Yes, the joy is here, the joy was here , right beside me... all I had to do, was to give myself the chance, the breathing space and of course, the time, to see it.

Thanks you for sharing my joy.

Oldfloss x

This run … for Annie x

The lines above...

Leisure.. by W. H. Davies

Mr OF's favourite poem.

Written by
Oldfloss profile image
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29 Replies
Katnap profile image

Poetry in motion! ❤️

😺 Katnap 🐱

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Katnap

Thank you lovely Kat-man x Finding joy and myself x

SueAppleRun profile image

Just perfect xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

I feel it was, my friend... I feel it truly was. x

MissUnderstanding profile image

This is lovely to read. Your joy seems well and truly back where it should be…in your running shoes ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to MissUnderstanding

Clearly you were right, my friend... the shoes are not simply where gremlins hide underneath! Thank you x

AlMorr profile image

Great reading Oldfloss, weather now more sunny and less cold, by the way today marks six years since I graduated from C25K ✔️✔️✅✅✔️✔️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to AlMorr

Huge congratulations to you, my dear friend,.... and many more running years are wished for you... Feeling the joy!x

GoogleMe profile image

Oh what a great idea to have titles for each run!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

I have some real doozies on Strava !!!!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Mine today was "The one where I never quite caught up with the people walking ahead of me"...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

Love it.... absolutely! One recent one... The one with a lone goose, loose laces and a tank...!

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate10 in reply to GoogleMe


Folkylass profile image

Perfection! Thank you Oldfloss 🥰xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Folkylass

It was very satisfying and the whole week was full of calm... Thank you x

GTFC profile image

Really enjoyed this Oldfloss and noticed the link between, ' there is a regularity in my running' and 'all I had to do, was to give myself the chance.'

You commit to the unknown of each run and find the wonders that await. Keep exploring because running gives you the opportunity to keep writing...and I like reading 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to GTFC

Thank you, for taking the time to read my posts... to share the feelings helps so much. I had forgotten how much I enjoy posting my own runs, and not just reading all the awesome ones of friends.

I started out in 2015, as a new runner, without knowing where the runs would take me, with an excited anticipation , but unknowingly as the time passed, I know now, that I lost my way. The Pandemic and then Mr OF's heart attack last year, took their toll; I was using the runs for the wrong reasons and so, losing the real reason I run.

But, I have learned a salutary lesson... and the runs now, are like starting the adventure all over again x

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Joy is just brimming out of this post!

I love it so much! From the poem, which I will now look up to read in full, to the poppy fields, the blue sky stretched out as far as you could see, and the light feet and mind free from any stress, this run has become a masterpiece by your hand!

How special that you noticed that memorial bench and gave thought to the one who watches from there.

Just lovely, just perfect, just joyful!

More of these please Floss!


P .s . Mr OF has impeccable taste 🥰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

You, my friend are one of the reasons I am able to run. Always with me, always ready to support and lift me up and give me back my self-belief.

We ran together and we sang together... Windmills of your mind... and the sun shone and we smiled as we ran.

The bench... such a surprise and I have tried to find who the name belogs to, but no luck. No one locally who I spoke to in the village of Cound, knew either!

The plaque read, ..JENNY. The Road Not Taken.

The whole area was so lovely...all mown and tended...

The whole week has worked a lot of magic... and although this week now is already proving testing, I am feeling much more able to stay calm and in control.

The joy is there, and with me .

Thank you, for being there xx

PeggySusi profile image

Lovely to share your joy in such a beautiful place Floss.. I had to read your post as soon as I saw the title.. it was my mum’s favourite poem too.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to PeggySusi

It was truly, beautiful and I have seen some beautiful places in our wonderful UK.... each run brought a new pleasure...

That poem... Mr OF has always loved,,, he used to be able to recite it... he struggles, because of his memory issues, now , but small granddaughter has set him the challenge of learning it again:)

Your Mum too .... loving those words which just give us all , maybe a reminder to step back, pause, and just look around:) x

PeggySusi profile image

And seize the day.. x

linda9389 profile image

What an uplifting read OF. The joy returns. Again. I'm so, so happy for you 🥰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Feels good... xxx

Fionamags profile image

Beautiful - just beautiful. 🥰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Fionamags

It was, it was xxx

Sammyyy profile image

Thankyou for your beautiful post, I always love reading your posts, they keep me grounded, I’m hoping to find joy in running a bit more, I’m slowing down in my running & feel that I haven’t run properly if I stop to take photo’s, take in the beauty.

Yes, I know it’s silly, mind games eh?!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Sammyyy

You are welcome and thank you... a slow down can still be a run... I do on the hoof shots and pause shots and sometimes, if I have just done an out, route, I will take photos on the cool- down walk home:)

Your run your pace and you could just do one or two photo runs and ease back a little:)

skysue16 profile image

Beautiful photos , words and descriptions OF, thank you for sharing. Your recent runs do sound joyful….love the titles (I think I need to get a bit more creative with mine 😂).

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