Australia: didn't realize you lived in... - Lung Conditions C...

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libbygood profile image
9 Replies

didn't realize you lived in Australia Wendells, what part and I expect it's warm and sunny, never mind winter is round the corner !

Lib x

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9 Replies

I have been to write to you, Wendells, as well as libbygood. I have never been to Australia - lots of other places. I am wondering what idea they have of the UK. I met some Aust. expats in Dubai who described the UK as a tine little island crammed full of houses!!! If I went to Aust. I would need to spend time there to get to know the country. Love Annie80x

Hi Wendells, I am really surprised or perhaps a bit thick as I thought this website was used by UK bloggers only. Our next door neighbours daughter lives in Australia and absolutely loves it and it is your summer now, she keeps posting photos on Facebook of her on the beach. I wish I lived in Australia and my husband lived in England. Oh I am mean.

Does the warm air make your breathing better or worse, my husband can't go abroad as he says the heat takes his breath away (I wish). You lucky, thing, how long have you lived there.

KingoftheCocktails profile image
KingoftheCocktails in reply to

Di I see a little bit of something creeping in there Sweetthing?.

Richard xxx

Hi Libby,and others of course!!

Yes I do live in Australia,have done since I was a teenager(many moons ago)

Have lived in Sydney,Melbourne, Adelaide,Snowy Mountains,& the Blue Mountains in N.S.W.Due to my husbands work.Had a ball anyway, and it never worried me or the 4 kids,to pack up and move again,in fact we quite looked forward to exploring new places and making new friends,and old friends coming up to visit us!

I smile sometimes at people saying how can kids get a good education being at so many schools?? Well my lot did ok,out of 4 of them 3 completed uni degrees, and the other one runs his own business,very successfully.

My best friend, always joked that when I die, she will put on my grave Wendell lies here,BUT be careful, she may move again!!

We have lived on the Gold Coast in Queensland,for the past 20 years(only moved once,when the stairs got to much for me) and we love it here.The winters are very mild,the summers can get a bit to warm at times,heat doesen't worry me, but my lungs dont like the humidity.Still from an to an aircon car,to the aircon shopping centre,cant complain to much!

Annie, some people have funny ideas about the uk,the same as a lot of people think we have kangaroos,hopping down the street!

Sweet thing,yes there are other people on the site, from here, and the Usa,and one was from South Africa.Speaaking for myself, I was realy chuffed to find this site,I dont know if I was missing something,but the Aussie ones, had good info.but no bloggers, with the exception of lung cancer sufferers.Get your husband to a warm climate, for a holiday,and you never know he might enjoy it!!

Well I better finish up before I write a book,hope this wasn't to boring for you.

I still have a very soft spot for the UK,however could not take there winters I'm afraid.

Love to you all, Wendells xxxxx

sassy59 profile image

What an interesting read and definitely not boring at all. You have led a great life so far so hope it continues that way. I have a friend who lived in Adelaide but loves her life (with husband and daughter) here instead. She does go back now and again to visit family though. Take care and love to you and your family. xxxxx

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I have never been to Australia, but from my online sis that adopted me lol she tells me the winters are very cold indeed xxxxx

Thanks Sylb & Sassy! Ozzygirl,your friend obivously lives in different part of Aus.Some parts are cold in winter indeed.Where we are, I only put a cardigan over a summer dress when chilly.

We definetely chose the right place to retire in.IMy only regret is that my lungs dont always let me do what I want to do,I was always so active, and hate having to slow down,but as I try to remind myself,I am still alive,so make the most of it,and stop wingeing Wendells!!

Love to you all,Wendells xxxxx

wishoz profile image

Hello Wendells - my daughter moved to Oz about 20 years ago, lives Sydney area, have visited her 3 times and loved it out there - worried today tho - with the fires - spoken to her and all ok so happy to know that - dont think the bush fires and copd would go together too well - wonder how one would cope will a tube to the Ox supply ?!!!!!!!!! Hello to any more from 'down-under' who may read this...........

Hallo Wishoz,so glad your daughter is ok.Sydney had a shocking night last night,with the heat,but apparently it changed in the early hours,and the temp. dropped again.So sorry for anyone affected.Fires are so scary.

For copd sufferers,it certainly is bad news,the smell of smoke is overpowering at times.people with 02,would have to be extremely careful i imagen!

Nice to meet you!

Love Wendells xxx

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