New Year's Resolutions: Has anyone made... - Lung Conditions C...

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New Year's Resolutions

8 Replies

Has anyone made any, and if so have you given up yet ;)

I made two:

1. Never leave the house without my make-up on and my hair done. It's tempting when you don't feel great, but if I look better, I somehow feel better too. High heels are a great boost but I can't wear those cos of arthritis, dammit.

2. Have more fun! Sometimes I cancel an evening out just because I'm tired or can't be bothered. No more! I've got two outings planned in next couple of weeks and am determined to make them both.

What about everyone else?

love, ff x

8 Replies
libbygood profile image

Havn't made any, but the two you have made are ones I should be making.

Lib x

Well that realy sounds great.I should also make those mine,me thinks!! Good luck xx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I could make them mine but I don't think the make up would go down too well. :)

Lynne1955 profile image

I never make them as I always feel they are doomed to fail. What I do is do whatever I decide just before or after new year. Last year I quit smoking on 11th Jan and my new diet started on 29th December just gone.

I have stuck to both so far.

lynne xx

libby7827 profile image

Hi ff, I should be making an effort to go out now and then, only went out twice the whole of last year! The planning is just so difficult, will I be ok, won't I, is someone available to take him in my wheelchair? If I arrange it, will they be annoyed if I have to cancel? I could go on and on with reasons not to! I have bought a Direct Learning conversational Spanish ecourse, determined to learn something new, it's very basic though. While I'm doing it I think this is easy, then a few hours later I can barely remember any of it! I'll persevere though, but wish I'd chosen Greek or French as I already know a bit of both, French from school and Greek from living on one of the islands for a year. It was only £9.00 instead of £30 via Groupon and you have it for a year (all by download), so I've got a while to give it a go, and I'll need a while, believe me! Good luck to you all with your resolutions! Libby x

Kingston profile image

I wish you luck with the Spanish learning libby.

Well fairyfootsteps I am going to steal your resolutions. You have really given me food for thought.

This last Xmas dinner,with much persuasion from my family especially my husband.was the first one spent with others although my lovely niece made us dinner and brought it to us for three years.

Of course I had to do my hair and make up and wear the heels. My daughter booked us into the place they go to with family friends. I haven't had so many compliments from so many people in such a long time it was lovely. Alright the compliments have changed from " You look gorgeous to you look fine to you look well" ( Through the years not the meal) You look well does it for me and obviously my three daughters as they told how people had said to them how well your mum looks "isn't she doing well!" I felt well. Their faces told me they felt well with me.

So many times I have pulled out of 'do's' Lame excuses like "I'm tired" " I can't be bothered "

Oddly enough my middle daughter has asked us to dinner tomorrow and by gum I will put make up on,I will do my hair and I will wear the heels I have to take off in her home. Normally I make the excuse it's only my daughters,my face is clean, my hair looks tidy my slippers are comfy. How insulting is that to my daughters? They have often cooked us meals and I have gone but not bothered with my appearance! How dare I? I know people whose families don't go to the length mine do to make sure we eat and are loved. This is turning into a book so I shall get off and have a look what I will wear for my invite to my daughters tomorrow. She doesn't know yet but " Look Whose Coming To Dinner?"............................. Mrs Bucket?.............Mrs Bouquet?


libby7827 profile image

Hi Gina, who will becoming to dinner will be her lovely mum who, despite her health problems, has made a real effort. It makes a big difference to our kids when they see us looking "well". My son still lives with me so sees me warts and all, which is most of the time these days. This often creates negativity in parent and child and I recently had a spate of really offhand behaviour with my lad which, it turns out, is mainly because of the fear he feels for me. So, you are doing really well and I hope you have a lovely time, with many more to come. Libby x

I make a new year resolution every year and its always the same.

"never make any new year resolutions" :)

bev x

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