You couldn’t make it up!: I saw my... - Lung Conditions C...

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You couldn’t make it up!

Shonkie profile image
19 Replies

I saw my respiratory specialist yesterday for a big row. I have bronchiectasis and pseudomonas. She knows this and promised to see me urgently in March to start treatment. Nothing. So I asked about this and she said that she had hoped to be able to see me but was really busy. I pointed out that in the time I had deteriorated a lot with an RA flare and heart problems and could barely breathe, walk, was exhausted etc. I have never found her helpful or sympathetic and this was no exception. I have never had confidence in her either as she often forgets things or gets them wrong, like what medication I have taken. In the end we decided to go our separate ways and I will be referred elsewhere. Good! It surely can’t be worse!

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Shonkie profile image
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19 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I hope you get referred to a specialist who will listen to you and be a lot more caring. Good luck Shonkie. Xx👍

Morrison10 profile image

yes hope you find respiratory consultant who listens and wants to help.. The lady I now see Dr Sullivan is very good, but one saw before her was useless. As I was born with PCD have seen lot of specialists, don’t think I’ve had appropriate attitudes with most. Good luck! Best wishes, Jean x

Leafsweeper profile image
Leafsweeper in reply to Morrison10

(Would that be Dr Anita Sullivan at QEHB by any chance? I'd considered asking for a referral to her a while ago )

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Leafsweeper

Yes, her specialty is people with PCD that I was born with. My organs are all transposed. have bronchiectasis etc , Jean x

Leafsweeper profile image
Leafsweeper in reply to Morrison10

Thanks Jean, it's good that you're happy with Dr Sullivan, sounds like you've got a good one thre. I have bronchiectasis as well and in the past wasn't happy with treatment at nearby hospital (GH) Best wishes x

peege profile image

Wishing you the best with a new consultant Shonkie I hope you can make sure its one who specialises in bronchiectasis so you get the best treatment for the pseudomonas to keep it under control. Your post reminded me of my ex consultant at St George's SW17. He was absolutely awful, dismissive, rude, uncaring & misogynistic just vile. One of his registrars was the total opposite so I would only see her.

Shonkie profile image
Shonkie in reply to peege

It takes all sorts but some are best avoided!

Ern007 profile image

Sorry to hear your plight - I am used to being told again and again, appointments cancelled and new (dates)

You need a specialist who will listed and also care. I hope you get listened to very soon and get the treatment you need.

Mellywelly profile image

I feel your pain. My doctors and nurses are rubbish. Every time I go (still smoking) no like I told you umpteen times gave up years ago. One put me on atenolol for years then realised its not good for breathing problems Duh!!!! Then they couldn't agree if I should take a certain tablet, I actually turned round and said best out of three is it. Absolutely useless, if there was a doctors closer I would change like a shot. Good luck 👍

B0xermad profile image

Sounds like the best outcome and hopefully you will be seen by a proper professional consultant

Homely2 profile image

Good luck, my present consultant hates letting me see the results of tests. He receives them then orders more tests. I find it most irritating. He has been doing this for six months, sending me from pillar to post, with no word of explanation from him.

He has also changed his job title to sleep specialist, while I have asthma.

So I will try and change if I can.

poppyshola profile image

You have my sympathy Shonkie but also my admiration for giving her a ticking off and a brush off .. How can they leave you to suffer especially at a time high pollen is also rife.. she should be trying to find an antibiotic to help,keep that pseudomonas at bay... she obviously has no clue how scary it can be when you're struggling to breathe.... shame on her ... and shame on her patient care..

poppyshola profile image

Your hospital will have a website where you can leave feedback for your diabolical treatment, don't forget to do that for her .. she deserves it ...

Izb1 profile image

I have just been to see my gp to let her know i am not happy with the care I am receiving for my lungs and asked to be referred to the bronchiectasis specialist at Wythenshawe hospital . Although this will be a big problem for me getting there I figure it wont be more than once a year and it will be worth it to get the correct treatment. I do hope you get a decent doctor to listen and treat you properly x

JJ_7 profile image

How awful for you. I hope your new consultant is more caring. I would put in a complaint about her conduct to PALS. Good luck xx JJ

Timberman profile image

Do you have a COPD unit nearby? If so maybe you could contact them? I have found mine in Norfolk and Essex (UK) excellent.

Alberta56 profile image

Good luck. I hope you now see someone really concerned and competent. xxx

Cloudancer profile image

So sorry to hear this.I had an experience with a Professor who without any tests inferred that I was a hyperventilating hypochondriac.When the test result came back he said" oh this is serious" I asked him if he knew what he was doing had a huge row as he couldn't defend his preliminary comments and refused to go back.

I then was so very lucky to find an amazing respiratory consultant. The Professor had the empathy of a brick wall and would much prefer to see a pair of lungs in front of him that he didn't have to respond to.

Good luck with a fresh start with another respiratory team - best thing that ever happened to me x

Shonkie profile image
Shonkie in reply to Cloudancer

Thank you! What a ghastly experience, I am myself big on empathy or at the very least good manners. Sometimes moving on is the only way.

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