I'm currently on Olanzapine, 20 mg a day. Since I've been on this I've noticed that my bodily sensations feel different. I feel hungry, but don't often feel tummy rumbles. I've also read that a common side effect is muscle stiffness, but I feel like I don't really feel any sore muscular sensations really anymore. I just feel like my body is quite numb, has anyone else ever experienced this? I can't see anything about it online.
Olanzapine and numbness: I'm currently... - Action on Postpar...
Olanzapine and numbness

Hi Zebrawhite, good to hear from you again. I was in the same dose of Olanzapine as you once and I remember feeling quite numb. I don't remember that many physical sensations as I was on other medication also at the same time which made me quite sleepy. The hunger is also common indeed and we don't feel full as we would normally do.
How are you feeling aside from these side effects? How is your mood?
Take care, here if you need anything
Hi Maria
Thank you for your reply. I don't remember feeling this way on ablify, but the side effects were so bad I needed to stop taking it. Now other than feeling numb in my body and unable to cry I am still getting anxious about something bad happening. I can sleep ok, but worry most before bedtime and when I first wake up. Not sure what to do to stop that feeling.
Hi Zebrawhite, yes, different anti psychotics have less or more side effects. I am sorry you are experiencing worrying before bed time and when you first wake up. Are you at home? Do you have support around you for the nights and when you feel you need to take some time for yourself? Be very gentle with yourself now, you are recovering from the equivalent of a very serious car crash, Here if you need anything,
Hi Maria, thank you for your reply. I do have my partner for support at night. I find the olanzapine makes me sleep very heavily so he has to wake me so I can do night feeds (I don't want to just have him do them all).
Does anyone else find that Olanzapine makes them sleep so heavily at night that they don't wake up during the night at all? I used to wake up at night sometimes, but now never do unless woken up by my partner.
I'm finding recovery much slower than I'd like. Has anyone else found it frustratingly slow transitioning from psychotic break to stabilised?
Hi Zebrawhite, I also found olanzapine very sedating, at one point in the MBU I made one of the night nurses very worried as she could not wake me up.
Yes, recovery can take a while, it is not always linear and that is OK as well. It helped me to try and keep a journal of how I was feeling or the things that I was able to do that day, I noted the small stuff like taking a shower, being able to play with baby, or going for a walk. Slowly I could see how I was making some progress.
Are you seeing a therapist at the moment? I found one to one talking therapy very useful in my recovery.
We are here for you, take it very gently with yourself, recovery is a journey
Hi Maria, I'm glad I'm not alone in not being easy to wake up whilst on olanzapine!
Keeping a journal is a very good idea, I'm going to start doing that now, thank you.
I haven't seen a therapist yet but might ask about that option as I'm under the care of the perinatal health team.
Thank you for your kind words and help.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having side effects. I am on olanzapine as well and have noticed the not feeling full, like other antipsychotics I’ve been on.
I also have water retention since starting this medication. When I go for a wee I have to then stand up and keep going sat then standing until it’s all out! Sorry tmi. But it is like my body just can’t do it as naturally anymore.
I feel quite flat and numb emotionally and have lost all of my deep passion and excitement for things in life. I usually get new intense hyperfixations each week but those have gone! I miss them. When I start to feel excited for something, I can feel the meds block that sensation and I go back to more calmer. Think I will ask about coming down on them for half the month. Have pme so do need higher dose 2 weeks of the month at least xx
Hello I'm on Haloperidol and get numbness in my legs and thighs which first thing in the morning feels like an epidural. I also have severe anxiety in the morning and can't show happiness any more. The range of emotions I have tend to be depression that's disabling, sadness, anxiety and fear all caused by thw meds. I feel no sleepiness or zen on these. So you're definitely not alone with side effects. What we're the side effects you had on ability?
On Ablify I couldn't walk properly or sleep. Very happy that's not an issue anymore, but still get so anxious sometimes. Sorry to hear about all of the side effects you are experiencing. It's so hard to get the right medication balance.
I'm so glad that you're not getting the other side effects. Did you get insomnia when you said you couldn't sleep? And how bad was it? When did you notice that it had improved? Sorry to ask but I really am struggling with my meds and what to do. Psychiatrist has suggested a change of meds but I'm waiting to speak to my private doctor to cross reference with her. To see if I keep trying to withdraw from the haldol gradually or be courageous and try something else. Hope you're well otherwise x