Went to the docs with regards to anxiety a... - Anxiety Support

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Went to the docs with regards to anxiety as Propanalol dosen't seem to be working, he gave me some websites to look at

coll profile image
9 Replies

and said self help was the answer,needless to say if it was i wouldnn't be here...help

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coll profile image
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9 Replies
ellabella profile image

How awful for you! I don't know why I am shocked but I am. Is there only 1 doctor in the practice? I hope not Coll. You must go back if you feel anxious you need face to face help. We are here of course but referring you to web sites when medication is involved and you are worried is wrong. Good Luck Coll x

coll profile image

Yes there are more docs and i know i should go back,but after being made to feel a bit stupid and felt as if i should get a grip i feel a bit reluctant now.I also know its all about PMA towards the problem..Anyway thanks..:O)

greengrape profile image

Yes, there is some excellent self help info around (e.g. on this website) but if you've given it a good go, (and I'm sure you have) and there's still no improvement in how you feel, then your GP should offer you a referral for therapy. It might be worth you checking out NICE guidelines on anxiety- nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/C...

Unfortunatey some GPs are better than others at supporting people with anxiety. Please don't let this put you off going back to your surgery and asking to see another GP. Stress how much your anxiety is impacting on your life. If you still don't have any luck you could have a course of therapy through Anxiety UK. Good luck and best wishes.

Dibble profile image

Hi Coll,

You can get help on the NHS by self-referring in many areas. You will need to find your local NHS Improving Access to Psychologoical Therapies service (IAPT). Have a look here to search on your postcode;


Or at iapt.nhs.uk/services which is slightly more up to date.

All the best,


Hi Coll. Doctors, believe it or not, receive very little training in regard to mental health problems, especially anxiety so it is no small wonder that they resort to pills as the easy way out. Anxiety is becoming much more prevalant as the pace of life inccreases so they will have to get their act together. The above answers give you good advice as to who to contact. We all know it is down to us, but we need help,and this sort of advice is stupid and harmful to someone suffering from anxiety. It's the old "pull your socks up" brigade that need to go through this pain themselves because they do not know what they are talking about. And, unfortunately, this includes many doctors. Only talk to those who have been there. If they have been through the experience then they can be of great help. Good luck. jonathan.

janicecarrington profile image

i was given propanolol & had a bad reaction to it go & ask for a second opinion from another G.P. xx

thelittlestranger profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this Coll, sending you hugs. Self-help is great in the sense that you learn tools you can use for life, and that will always be beneficial. But sending you away to do EVERYTHING on your own isn't always the best way.

I'm now doing self-help but through classes provided by IAPT (someone mentioned this above). It's great because I can see how many people are like me, and it gets me off my bum and doing something active, while learning some great tools in the meantime. :)

coll profile image

Thank you everybody for all your helpful comments ..:O)

vickya profile image

Hi are you feeling better?

I was prescribed propranolol it's good for the physical symptoms, but doesn't help the mental aspect of anxiety. Then my doctor prescibed me diazazpam (it's OK but not a long term solution as it is addictive, so only able to take that for no longer than 2 weeks). Then she put me on Citolapram (anti depressant, known to help with anxiety/panic). I'm not on 40mg of this. I found it didn't really help (but maybe I didn't give ity long enough, been on 6 weeks now). Then I saw a specialist in the field (I was lucky enough I could get health care in Austria - it is sencond to none). She prescribed me 30mg of Mirtazapine and I felt better almost immediately. Maybe try this if you are still having symtoms. I also try and follow The Linden Method, look it up it is a great way to try and start living by once you are well again. Hope this is of some help.

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