If you think to much you will end up going deep into yourselves. This is why Meditation is so good for things like anxiety and even Depression panic attacks. I was a mess I had it all I feared everything stomach turning constantly. Just 10 to 20 minutes a day will help. You will feel mentally stronger. Taking back control of your emotions can be so up lifting. Please look up Meditation and do the breath one first totally relax and just be. I bet you will feel a change perhaps not straight away but keep at. Keep a diary and right how you feel after a session.
The mind is a powerful thing that must be ... - Anxiety Support
The mind is a powerful thing that must be trained.

Hey, how you doing tonight? I'm sleepy so heading to Bo bos soon! 😴😴😴

I had a couple of hours but woke up 4 am coughing and feeling sick with this Achalasia. My esophugas is sensitive and had to make myself sick to stop the pressure and pain continuing. So I feel tired dehydrated and low. Just put heating on because it is white outside so waiting for the room to get warm before I do anything.
How you feeling today?

Not bad but need to get food inside me my Achalasia is playing up something is sore so water and food hurts when it passes a part of esophugas.
Mentally I feel good just playing Guitar son up stairs watching a movie and all is calm. Lets hope it stays like it.
How you feeling ?
Yeah try and eat. Just had dinner here, not much happening tonight. We were thinking of going for a steam and sauna but rainy and windy here so may go in the morning! 😆

Never had a Sauna I might give that a go. Bet it feels nice after. I will see if one is in my area.
Yea I know I gotta eat taking ant acids regular today so hopefully later I can drink my smoothies.
Prefer steam room as it's a wet heat, lovely! 😆 chills you out and always makes me feel all squeaky clean!
So do you ever see Tom Jones pass by? ha ha. I think the Welsh accent is my favourite!

I don't like the welsh accent if any I like the Irishman one. Is it expensive to get a Sauna ?
Do you sound like tom jones?

I do actually he lived about 8 miles from where I live but not the singing lol.☺
Right on, Dodo777.... !! Good for you!
The only thing I would mention is people should NOT become discouraged if they don't feel like they are 'doing it right'.... it takes practice and concentration.... the guided meditations to me, are the best for beginners.... and as SHORT as possible... like the 5 min ones or the MOST...10 minute ones... especially at the beginning... If one Googles: short, guided meditations for relaxing ... you will come up with all kinds of good ones! Try them out, mark the ones you like!
Yes I agree but the mess I was in I sat for 40 minutes just breathing and quieting the mind as overthinking was my Demon. Worrying constantly about the past future never the present.
Yes in the beginning 10 to 20 minutes can feel far to long and that could turn people off. So yes 5 minutes to 10 minutes. Like I said I was a mess and been through a lot with my physical health as well just having come out of hospital for 8 weeks having cameras (Endoscope ) down me nearly every day because my muscle closed up completely stopping food and water getting to my stomach. Worried in hospital then because if certain people in my area new my house was being lived in I would of got robbed plus someone looking after my dog it was one of the worse times in my life and I have been through quite a lot.
Anyway about Meditation . I think it would help so many today instead of all these drugs our Doctors are so willingly handing out. As many of these new drugs can make things much worse.
Omg this is amazing. I do this ALOT! I swear i overthink and i go into a phaze where i Block the world out and its just me & My mind and thats when all the crazy creepy what ifs and worse case scenerio starts to happen. Its so bad. I agree the mind has to be trained all over again and meditation is a start!

I wish you could of seen me before and a few weeks later after Meditating . My thinking changed I feel more in control mentally and the butterflies in my stomach stopped.
I had stress and anxiety so bad I would wake in the morning having to rush to the toilet to be sick . That's how much adrenalin was pumping through me and I also think this is why I have Achalasia now where I haave severe scarring in my esophagus.
Anxiety will affect one physically and its usually the stomach area that suffers like ulcers and hernias.
I am also much more comfortable being on my own and don't worry what others think. I cant brag up Meditating enough.
Thats good! Yeah i got comfortable being alone now too. My butterfly feelings in my stomach also disappeared thank goodness i hated that. That was like the sign of anxiety about to kick in. Its great i meditate before bed and i feel so refreshed more comfortable and at eaze
An interesting post DoDo777. I've always had an open mind towards meditation but to date not tried it. You say do the breathing one first - is it one I can find on U Tube ?