Dizzy and feeling faint when standing up. - Anxiety Support

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Dizzy and feeling faint when standing up.

Jchavers87 profile image
24 Replies

Hello I am new to this forum and I have been dealing with anxiety off and on for 7 years now.. But this time around it hit me really bad. I've been suffering since June with so many physical symptoms. From the tingling in hands and feet headaches shortness of breath chest pains back pain dizziness. It's drivin me insane!! I dnt enjoy doin things I use to do I stop working because it got so bad. I've lost weight and my appetite also. Well my appetite is off and on but not how it use to be. I've had blood wrk done ekgs ct scans heart monitors and numerous hospital visits and they found nothing..

My biggest problem now is when I stand up for say five to ten minutes I get dizzy and feel like I am about to pass out. My legs are very weak and I get an headache. I can barely stand up to clean my bathroom or wash dishes. Please someone help me!! Does this happen to anyone else??? This can't be apart of anxiety... HELP!!!!

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Jchavers87 profile image
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24 Replies
Twinkle333 profile image

Hello yes hun this happens to me too also my heart races I can't stand for too long before I feel like I will pass out you're not alone with this hun I can assure you I'm exact the same and it's awful it really is

Jchavers87 profile image
Jchavers87 in reply to Twinkle333

Yes it is very very awful and I don't understand how anxiety can cause this to be happening. It upsets me because I can't enjoy doing anything it's like I'm stuck in bed all day. I can't even enjoy taking my showers as long as I use to. I have to get in and get out before I start to get dizzy. I wanna know why and how this is anxiety!!!! I go thru hell every single day...

Twinkle333 profile image
Twinkle333 in reply to Jchavers87

I really know what you're going through its an awful illness and more of our symptoms are mysterious as to why they happen I'm the same as you all I can do is sit on the sofa all day when I want to clean, cook and do things everyone also does but I can't it makes me feel like there's something physically wrong but I've had ecg tests and blood tests have you had any tests?

Jchavers87 profile image

Yes I have had blood test ekg ct scan even an heart monitor and my dr says it's anxiety. I've been to the hospital over 100 times.. I have an appointment with an cardiologist on Monday and my dr also Monday. I also feel like it's something physically wrong with me also. Like i am slowly dying from an deadly disease. Like these Drs are missing something. How long have you been dealing with this demon?

Shandapanda profile image
Shandapanda in reply to Jchavers87

What do you do for all of this? I have the same thing. It's like I can't just accept that it's anxiety. I don't see how anxiety can cause all of this and make you feel miserable all the time.

Twinkle333 profile image
Twinkle333 in reply to Jchavers87

Wow you sound just like me, I'm always looking for an answer as to why things are so bad but like you my doctor says it's anxiety at least I now know someone else is in the same boat and I'm not alone on this I've had it like this for about 2 months now and no sign of it getting any better how have you been lately?

Lizzette profile image

Omg i feel the same way u doooo... Im dizzy all the time... If im standing worst and i feel like a fainting sensation ... Chills all over my body ... And then headache ... Etc i have all the symptoms that exist

Omg your not alone! I feel the same exacr way with the feeling like you have a deadly illness and your slowly dying. Thats exactly wht i be thinking its so scary i cant ever concentrate like i use to all that runs through my mind is what if i dont make it till the end of the day or ill die if i dont go to the hospital bla bla its all anxiety but its so hard to beloeve that it is. Ive been to the Hospital over 1000 times and idk what else to do. Ive gotten Ekgs ctscans heart Monitors and blood work nothing is wrong with me its all Anciety and panic. I hate it

Shandapanda profile image
Shandapanda in reply to

How do you function feeling like that? I have feelings like this but they come and go? Do you work a job feeling like that?

in reply to Shandapanda

Iam not working at the time i just had a baby 3 months ago. And i cant seem to function around the house like i use too...

Shandapanda profile image
Shandapanda in reply to

Your hormones could be out of whack also from having a baby or did you feel like this before you got pregnant?

Lizzette profile image

I have been dealing woth it for around 1yr and a half.... Hate it!!! Since day one everyday i have symptoms ... Skip beats fast heart rate etc the dizzinees weird head sensation... Standing feel like im going to drop dead hate it i cry so much

Agora1 profile image

Are you on any medication such as blood pressure med? I was on one once that made me literally have to crawl on my hands and knees because I was so dizzy.

I'm glad you will be seeing a cardiologist. Lots of luck.

anxiousamber83 profile image

Omg, I thought I was reading about myself for a second. I wish I had seen a post like yours a year ago! This past year I had severe panic and anxiety and had the same symptoms you're describing. Though my diziness was all the time when standing up. I no longer have those symptoms. I saw a psychologist for cbt and nuerofeedback. I also saw a acupuncturist which was tremendously helpful! You're dizzy because of the anxiety. You're body is in a constant state of adreneline dumping and exhaustion. You can't catch up. So you're tapped out. Tingling, muscle twitches, pins and needles, weakness, displacement,etc are all daily symptoms I had.

Don't be scared, you're OK. I thought I had the worst diseases so please don't google. In the end it was a combination of those treatments and getting on a low dose of lexapro that turned everything around for me. I never thought my symptoms would go away but they did. I can sleep now without panic attacks and night terrors, and morning anxiety.

Please click on my name and read my other post to people and you can get more details and methods I used to get through it all. I would recommend the calm clinic site that talks about the vast array of anxiety symptoms including the ones you are having. Hang there and let me know if you have anymore questions.

Shandapanda profile image
Shandapanda in reply to anxiousamber83

How many sessions did it take for you to feel better and get over the anxiety?

anxiousamber83 profile image
anxiousamber83 in reply to Shandapanda

10 sessions for nuerofeedback with my psychologist and 15 acupuncture sessions with my acupuncturist. I did this the same time. Can't tell you how many cbt sessions with the psychologist because I've been going for a couple of years for marriage counseling too.

But my first session with the psychologist addressing my anxiety was like a massive weight was taken off me. Same with the acupuncturist. I have never experienced such healing and calming of the mind as I did in acupuncture. Wish someone had told me about years ago. Those treatments had cut my panic attacks to almost none and took away most of my physical symptoms. While I drastically improved I was still easily triggered, still not sleeping well, and wasn't eating well. But I still wasn't sleeping well. I had lost 20lbs beyond the pregnancy weight. That is when I got on lexapro. A week after starting I slept for 11 hours (before I hadn't taken a nap let alone slept well in over a year), have yet to have another panic attack, am eating again, stomach pains are gone, and most of my physical symptoms. I have my life back.

Tatjana84 profile image

I'm always dizzy or I fell like I'm on the boat ( rocking sensation) . I have been to the doctors and I've been told that I have vertigo. I'm sometimes so anxious about it that I can't get out of bed. I suffer from severe anxiety for many years and it's so annoying. I always think that I'm dying of something serious , because of dizzines! You are not alone!

One thing that I would recommend to you is this:

Sit on the edge of the bed, lean your head on one side for 20 seconds, than quickly lye down for 20 seconds, then quickly get up for 20sec! Do it on the other side next, and continue until you have done it 6 times!! You might want to google vertigo exercise, because English is my second language I might have not explained it well :))) This is the only thing that helps me for a few days!! Good luck :)))

judy1713 profile image

Hi everyone, Great replys :) I have all the same stuff, same symptoms, and I am 67 been going through this since grade school. It was nice to read that lots of other people are going through the exact same things. Good luck to every one, its not easy but we will all work through this. we will all find ways that help us get through this and sharing with each other will help :)

Notalone8 profile image

Hi yes it's happened to me I got it really back about 2 years ago and has it for 6 months. You need to relax and remind yourself it's anxiety if not it will drive you nuts. Try prayer and meditation, eat healthy and think positive and continue with your daily life . It will eventually pass don't give up and always have hope and wish for the best . You'll be okay :).

I was on medication 💊 a few months before i got pregnant i was fine but i got panic disorder when i was 18 and it was on and off till i finally go on meds when i was 24 and had to get off because of the pregnancy. And now iam breastfeeding so i cant get on meds but my baby is 4 months and i wasnt like this the first 3 months after having him i just hot like this Now. It sucks that it got worse i cant even sleep or go on with my day without always having this panic on my mind about when the next one will be.

Jax78 profile image

Like i said i had panic attacks before i said before it just came and went i wouldnt get them back for a long time now all of this sudden i get the at night my racing thoughts are getting the best of me i cant help what my brain thinks about i cant stop thinking about things.. im thinking its worse because of 4 reasons one i was abused for 12 years also in 2004 my father passed away left husband 2006 then had a major surgery in my jaw in 2010 and i lost fiancée October 2015 thats what i think about every single day not wanting to but my brain wont stop thinking

Mindfulness4 profile image

I literally came on here by this is EXACTLY HOW IM FEELING RKGHT NOW. The thing is I felt this in the last I went to therapy got over it quickly for 3 years and now it's back I've been struggling again since 2015 and it's fucking TERRIBLE. It feels like I definitely have some problem that's making me feel this way.

anxietymadman123 profile image

I get this all the time every time i stand up thank god somwone else has this as bad as it sounds but ye i though my brain wasn't getting enough oxygen my heart races and i get dead spaced out amd my breathing goes a bit weird uihht have sinus tachycardia ? I do and.i also have sinus arrhythmia have a holder.monitor might help

stephanxiety profile image

hi i know this post was 2 years ago but i just wanted to know if you ever overcome this and how you did? i currently am struggling with this and have been for over a year now and its only getting worse!

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