Anxiety attack... help.. : It's really scary... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety attack... help..

4 Replies

It's really scary and I don't know how to stop it. I've tried deep breaths and stuff. My muscles are tense and nothing feels real all my senses are weird and I think I'm going to die. I've had the million dollar workup so I know it's nothing health related but I can't help but think so when I'm like this.. or just think that the stress with kill me. My stomach also feels bloated and swollen for some reason..

4 Replies
Randilynn profile image

Hi... I know exactly how you feel. It will pass... I've had to deal with feeling completely detached and couldn't eat or drink anything for almost a month.. I ended up in the ER a few times due to dehydration. The best thing is to get educated. This was the best thing I could have done. The more you know about anxiety and panic the better you can help yourself. Deep breathing does work but you have to be patient. I get lavender essential oil and do my deep breathing with that, it helps a lot. I also have a few games on my phone that make me have to concentrate, this helps me focus on something else. The more we focus on it the worse it gets so finding something else to do helps. If you have Kaiser, there's a number you can get from them thats for anxiety, sometimes it really helps to have a professional remind you that you're ok and that all your symptoms are conducive with anxiety and panic...

Hope this helps and feel better

steadfast66 profile image

I know the feeling. When you feel this way, find something else to concentrate on. When you are thinking about how you are feeling, the feeling intensifies. No, you are not going crazy. Do not think about dying, we will all do that. Do think about how you are living and what you can change, like your attitude about your feeling of doom. Read a good book, sing uplifting songs, engaged in a conversation with a friend (not talking about your feeling of doom) but something else. See a therapist who believes in talking things out vs medication. However, if you need medication, ask your therapist/doctor about natural remedies for anxiety. Heightened self-awareness is a terrible thing, but know you are not going crazy and are not alone.

Agora1 profile image

Hi dear. When you are in a state of acute anxiety it's hard to try the deep breaths then unless you have been practicing before that. It needs to come naturally at the time of an attack. I know how hard it is to feel reassured from doctors or tests that were done. As for your stomach feeling bloated and swollen, it is more likely from the anxiety. When we are anxious we tend to swallow more often which makes us swallow air and bloats the stomach. Chewing gum can make it worse because of the air that is swallowed as well. When you are not anxious, try the deep breathing then and sense what relaxation feels like before you get into an anxiety attack. As you retrain your mind and body, it will become easier. Hugs to you.

sherrie43 profile image

When I get nervous or stressed I'm the same way. Sometimes during the night. I hate it to. I've been on Wellbutrin for 14 years for depression and oxzaepam for aniexty just when needed cause that ones addictive and that really helps

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