Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for February 2023

good afternoon hope you guys are ok

I hope you guys are having a wonderful day and in case no one’s told you, im pro...
Guitarsrcool profile image

Due to budget cuts my light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.

It's been another rough day. The ebb and flow of emotions have been overwhelming...
Azdreg profile image

Physiomobility affected with anxiety

I have beat all my anxiety symptoms ( nausea fatigue, gagging, not being able to...
Peacely profile image
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Anxiety and depression

Hi, I’m BJ and I suffer fro extreme anxiety and depression. I’m on 40mg fluoxeti...
BjAli profile image

never ending cycle

I have really bad anxiety when it comes to feeling sick or getting sick. As you ...
Daisy425 profile image


Hi all Signed up here to get and to give support with depression and anxiety. ...
Hidden profile image

going back on zoloft

I previously posted about going off zoloft. I went from 150 mg to 100 and down t...
Geodog profile image

What helps with a cloudy head?

Another day with a cloudy head, ugh. What helps? I’ve tried a bit of small exerc...
ZOO7 profile image

one day at a time!

…and that’s it One Day At A Time In just want to share that I’m having a huge t...
Starrlight profile image

Anxiety Doesn’t define me

We live in a broken world where many do suffer, but thanks be to God.. He never ...
BlueStar7 profile image

just had my results

waited nearly 3 weeks to speak to the doctor about my results of my chest X-ray ...
Cimmy profile image

Good Monday Morning

On the way to the zoo with the grandkids! Beating depression one day at a time!...
Sawdust23 profile image

I Am Lost

I don't know what to write here. Every time I need somebody they're not there. E...

trying to get through this trip

I was able to make it through the night. I ate some crackers and some granola ba...
Daisy425 profile image

Anxiety All Around

It feels like I get anxious about literally everything now as an adult... I also...
Kami224 profile image


gerrerd profile image

Ying and yang.



gerrerd profile image

From Skye

How are you all doing hope you get better soon, From Skye.

From Skye.

My friend has done this post for you to see. Skye aged 9.
gerrerd profile image

Can your family be toxic?

I mean...i know my parents love me a lot and blah blah but sometimes i feel they...
Nishma__ profile image


How do people cope with being excluded from family? The depression from this is ...
Alexandra2325 profile image

Kinda okay jokes about Anxiety and depression

I mentioned this before but I often use humor as a way to cope and I have some o...

hi I am new here!

hi everyone! I just started taking Prozac today it’s my first time with antidepr...
Missjab profile image

support groups

are there any local support groups for people with depression in Phoenix, AZ?
Guinnevere profile image


Just wanted to say thank you to each and every person who has taken the time to ...
zannex1972 profile image

I know how Wile. E. Coyote felt falling off that Cliff. I was on top of the world and suddenly fell, slamming into the earth below

I was recently released from incarceration and find myself increasingly discour...
Azdreg profile image

anxiety and fever?

Can anxiety cause a fever?
Daisy425 profile image

ruining my trip

I feel so guilty because I’m ruining my trip with my boyfriend. I was so excitin...
Daisy425 profile image

Don't want to get out of bed.

Has anyone gone thru a period where the anxiety makes them not want to do anythi...
zannex1972 profile image