Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for June 2020

Being a university student on sertraline

Is any other teenager on sertaline (Zoloft) or any other SSRI anti-depressant? I...
cm7352 profile image

Mixed Feelings About My Birthday

Hey everyone! How is everyone? I apologize for being gone for so long. I have a ...
mela654 profile image

You ever feel like you just try to hard?

I've been feeling a bit sick the past few days. Not physically, at least i don't...
Rudolph26 profile image
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Not Sleeping

Keep experiencing nights where I wake up at 2am and then can’t sleep again till ...
Hidden profile image

Why me

Why am I always the easy target? Why do I always choose th wrong people. Why do ...

Anxiety about being home alone/health anxiety

Need a little advice. I've recently started being terrified of being home alone ...
Braylie profile image

Schizoid Defecto?

Does anyone know about this disorder? Is it curable?
jwhitleyjr profile image

Alone I guess...

I've been keeping something inside of me for too long, nobody knows about it, no...
Lixus profile image

Why does everyone want me to stay alive

I have nothing to live for so why stay alive

Thank you

I feel so selfish for posting so much, but i wanted to thank you guys are being ...
Lindsey14 profile image

Feeling Lost

Started dealing with crippling anxiety a couple of months ago and I wish I knew ...
Always262 profile image

having a hard trusting people

This guy that i liked changed his profile picture on the dating website. i calle...
tulip1576 profile image

I’m a terrible person

I have come to accept that my negatives outweigh my positives. I will never find...

I'am in desperately need of someone to talk to, who can relate to what am going through

I'am introverted person I usually don't like to reveal my true feelings about an...
Galaxyie profile image

Wanting out of suffering ...what to do

I can’t keep suffering like this. How do people get through? I just keep thinkin...
Starrlight profile image

Anxious overeating

I really have an issue with overeating when I get worked up or I feel anxious. W...


When someone you’re in love with is gone by choice, if you knew what part of you...
AlLeYkAt86- profile image

Looking for someone to talk to

Hi. New here. I just need support. I have depression and anxiety. Bipolar disord...
Teatime08 profile image

Why tell me these things

Everyone tells me things are going to get better but in fact things get worse. I...

Losing faith that there is actually a god.

This past week, my mother had a stroke, came out of no where, she is slowly reco...
CJ2016 profile image

My Son passed away from an accidental overdose

It's hard for me to share this but if it keeps one person from doing the same, i...
PBGFL profile image

Agoraphobia and anxiety

I've been out of work for 7 weeks now due to mandatory mask wearing. Can't wear ...

Need Support

TW - Suicide I am not sure how to post here and if this is even a place to pos...

Dealing with anxiety and depression

Im in group therapy regular therapy seeing a psychiatrist and taking medication ...

Control !

Your the driver ! dont let your mind control you, !

Venting about Motivation

Hello Everyone: I am just venting because for the past three months that I have ...

Am i a bad person?

My mind keeps trying to tell me i don't care and in heartless and selfish. Im st...
Lindsey14 profile image

Song speaks to my heart Blue October’s song Fear. I don’t know if the link...

Anxiety, depression and fatigue all together feels like a knot, and I don't know where to begin unraveling it.

26 year old male, inherited a generalized anxiety disorder from my mom's side of...
Navella profile image

Funny because it’s true...

There are moments when my anxiety over having to make small talk with people I k...
Althaea profile image