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Three horses at a pub

Thoroughbred looks down at his ale and say dispondently- just found out from my owner i have anxiety......

Quarter Horse says- just found out i have short neck

Shire says- i pound the very anxiety tho......wake me when an earthquake happens will bred to be slow........

as everyone knows.............suitability

each was designed to be what they are- and right in their own area or niche

Quarter horses dont have short necks but do relative to TB- but they were bred for a different purpose

and so on the cold blooded Shire............that can win a derby...

who cares as long as u dont put the wrong horse in teh wrong job-

or if u buy a TB u had better work slow, move slow and be prepared to do whats right for that horse............and he may jump 3 feet over a pole the first time scared to what no offense............hes a T B= all us horsemen and women know this.........we slowly expose them to slow training...........u dont push them............the only peole who dont know this are the medical doctors because they think they invented air............and think we horsemen are just stupid..........working wth stupid "animals"- same with how they treat veterinarians...

most - are totally clueless around animals............

we work** with animals and clients..........unlike doctors (or the bad ones) .....

if ur a TB like me- well i have my comfort areas and not..........

try not to compare yourself to the neg way..........

as many say- find a purpose and build on what u re ...........ignore those who constantly harp or think about what we are not...............why they do this......

i really could not say

i never made any student be what they werent...........if they didnt want to jump- we didnt......if they wanted to jump and not be some dressage master..............fine........

forcing people to be waht they are arnt..........doesnt work.........

every student is on heir own journey.....

its my class and i can be a total protective tyrant if i body

bullies any ......................of my students

im a positive bully in reverse

critics.....................not welcome

learnign is hard enogh without the naggy nit pickers.......each student on their own journey...............however long it takes is how long it i

dont like being yelled at screamed at and bullied............therefore i dont allow it in my classes

2 Replies
Midori profile image

Hi Brig;

I do agree with that, just as you choose the right horse for the job, the same is true for people;

No good putting a disabled person on a high rise building site.

No good putting a person with PTSD in an environment which reminds them of their trauma.

No good putting an unimaginative person in front of an easel and telling them to produce a masterpiece.

Horses for courses and the right people for jobs!

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

Thanks a lot. Many in ridinghave unsuitable horses but take it personally

They are do devoted to that breed

Or students abs people compare themselves

U must be disappointed that I don’t jump

Or I’m not a surgeon

U hear medicsl people apologize all the time

I’m not a surgeon

Who cares

Ur clients only care u work hard for them

I don’t compare students or horses I dint care if one leg is shorter or someone is nervous or or

Everyone that’s competing has butterflies

As u know

Wish society had would get off peoples backs

Not what you're looking for?

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