Natural Supplements : Can anyone share... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Natural Supplements

Dkdfree profile image
43 Replies

Can anyone share with me if you have tried any natural supplements that have helped with anxiety/panic symptoms???

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Dkdfree profile image
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43 Replies
Hope4me1 profile image

I have tried CBD tincture. But it’s only affective for low level anxiety. It does help along with some meds for higher level or panic. Check with your dr first. Some meds might interfere with your meds.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Hope4me1

Me too and they definitely do take the edge off.

Marysblue profile image

Ashwagandha helped me for years. Takes few weeks to work. It reduces cortisol. L-theanine is a little help.

Celestial Seasonings makes a Tension Tamer tea that's good.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Marysblue

Hi Mary! It's so darn frustrating. I searched both Ashwagandha and L-theanine for side effects, and they BOTH are stomach irritants. I can't risk it. The only thing that helps that I tolerate is homemade Golden Milk, and my anxiety level is way beyond that now.

Marysblue profile image
Marysblue in reply to Nothing_but_books

Tension Tamer tea , try that. Have you ever taken apple cider vinegar for your stomach. I take it daily it helped me get over a lot of stomach problems.

I hope you find something for your anxiety and depression let me know if it's something new I have nt tried.

There's a new nose spray ketamine I think that you have to do under a doctor's supervision in their office for depression.

I'll be ready to try that if I knew a doctor here in town that would do it.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Marysblue

Tension Tamer tea. Okay. Is it like Sleepytime? I used to enjoy that. (I loved the little bears.)

Yes, I have tried apple cider vinegar for my stomach. It made me want to die how much my stomach hurt after.

I have heard of ketamine. It sounds pretty scary, but I haven't looked into it deeply.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is being offered too. Some people say it has helped them, short term. Some people say it harmed them.

And so it goes. Thank you Mr. Vonnegut.

Marysblue profile image
Marysblue in reply to Nothing_but_books

I took 5htp today, Probably stay on it for awhile, I have been isolating myself for 7 days now, just wasn't getting any better. I've taken it for years at a time but I did read it can decrease dopamine if you stay on it too long. Have you tried it?

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Marysblue

Yes. I did try it at one time, years ago. It hurt my stomach -- everything does, so I never got to find out if it would have helped.

Did I miss something? Why are you isolating? Are you sick?

Marysblue profile image
Marysblue in reply to Nothing_but_books


Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Marysblue

Ive had good results with 5htp in addition to L-theanin. Also have to mention the absolute crucial necessity of Magnesium!! So essential.

Suz_2 profile image

5-HTP is a natural supplement for anxiety and depression as it increases serotonin - can find online and in Holland and Barrett

designguy profile image

You might check out the book "the anti-anxiety food solution" by Trudy Scott, it has a lot of information about natural supplements, diet, etc... You can get it on amazon. There is also Valerian Root for calming but I don't know how much it works for anxiety.

designguy profile image

Forgot to add, there are also some strains of Kratom that are supposed to help with anxiety. It's apparently controversial and i've never tried it.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to designguy

Ive read about this myself,what form is ot in? When you say strain? Is it a flower?

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Dkdfree

It's a plant from Asia and has been used for years. The leaves are powdered and put into capsules. There are different strains of it from what I understand, like marijuana.

Another thing is to quit caffeine also, get your hormones, thyroid and adrenals checked out to make sure they are functioning properly, if not they can cause or contribute to anxiety/depression.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to designguy

Yes i have taken these steps. Thank you.

Klbf17 profile image
Klbf17 in reply to Dkdfree

Please before you try kratom, do research it. It can have terrible side effects.

It can have terrible effects if you take too much

Have you tried 5-HTP? I was on anti-anxiety prescription drugs for over 23 years. I had to come off them due to there bad side effects. I started taking 5-HTP and it really agreed with me. Now trust me I miss my xanax. But this is a pretty good alternative.

I got this off the DEA website.

At low doses, kratom produces stimulant effects with users reporting

increased alertness, physical energy, and talkativeness. At high doses,

users experience sedative effects. Kratom consumption can lead to


Several cases of psychosis resulting from use of kratom have been

reported, where individuals addicted to kratom exhibited psychotic

symptoms, including hallucinations, delusion, and confusion.

I don't know where you are at, If it is legal in your state I suggest mushrooms. They are great for anxiety. And or THC, or CBD. They all have great for anxiety. PLus you can't really over dose on them.

God Bless & Good luck

Hey. I've tried so many. Also food and diet changes. I'm not sure if I can list them all and I'm not a doctor. Perhaps you could talk to a naturopathic doctor?

Dancer2020 profile image

Just started working with an Integrated Nurse Practioner and she has recommended GABA. It's supposed to reduce anxiety. I just started it so fingers crossed.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Dancer2020

Ive tried Gaba myself.

blueslite profile image
blueslite in reply to Dancer2020

GABA works well for some people. It didn't work for me but I researched it and found that it is produced in the brain and the foods you get it from are a lot of the foods I already eat. If you don't have enough GABA then it could be the solution to your problem. There are many people who take it and it's solved their anxiety problems. Good luck!

jain88 profile image

take caffinine + L theanine 1:2 ratio from amazon order , risk free and very effective , but keep in mind tolerance

anymusic profile image

Have great experience.! This is some things that works for me:

- Food/supplements

Plant based diet, ”no” alcohol, ”no”sugar. Supplements omega 3 , vitamineral, st johns wort, ginkgo biloba

- Exercise

Wall, jogg, run

- Meditate

MBSR - Kabat Zinn

blueslite profile image

There are several herbal supplements I take for panic attacks and I haven't had an attack in two years now. I was having very bad panic attacks every day until I started the herbals. As Marysblue said Ashawagandha works very well. Also Maca root, Rhodiola rosea, Damiana, Kava Kava and Schisandra work for me. The Rhodiola and Damiana lose their effectiveness after a week or two and you need to stop taking them for a few weeks. I don't know if the others do the same. I alternate between five supplements every day but only take the Kava Kava once in a while. I still get symptoms of an impending panic attack, usually sneezing or my sinuses become incredibly filled up in a matter of seconds. Once in a while my heart will flutter for a few seconds. I don't get the severe symptoms and full blown attacks I used to have. But whenever I get one of these smaller symptoms I take one of the herbals if I haven't already. I generally take one every 8-10 hours every day. I alternate between the five I've mentioned in order to avoid any of them losing effectiveness. The Rhodiola may wake you up so you wouldn't want to take it at night. It's not like caffeine but you just feel awake, maybe clear headed. Although some people say it helps them sleep. The others are said to be taken also for energy but they don't have that effect on me. You should always research any products you plan on taking; even though they're not prescriptions they can have bad interactions with medications or there may be other reasons you shouldn't take a particular supplement. Here is a link to a site where you can search for the supplements I've mentioned. I stay away from medical websites as they seem to be trying to persuade people not to take alternative remedies and I've found that they aren't always truthful. I know that from personal experience. Good luck! 😀

Marysblue profile image
Marysblue in reply to blueslite

You seem to be into supplements like I am. I've been taking rhodiola for about 2 months for depression with lmetlyfolate. It's all I tak ed for it. Have you tried l-methylfolate, there's a certain type of it that works well for depression.I am going to up my dose of ashwagandha and hope it helps.

Maca and Damiana I have not heard of., havent tried schisandra but I will.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Marysblue

Holy Basil & L- theanin also 5htp are good.

blueslite profile image
blueslite in reply to Marysblue

I'm a proponent of alternative medicine. I don't take prescription medication and have solved several health problems with different supplements. I've never taken methylfolate although I take B complex and that has folate in it which is slightly different. I'll look into the methyfolate and order some. Thanks for that information! I appreciate hearing about supplements, I'm always researching that type of information. I'm careful about the brands I buy - some people wonder why supplements haven't worked for them and while it could be that it's just not right for them it could also be that the brand isn't a good one. I use a watchdog site to check brands for problems with any of their products. Doesn't always mean they have something on a brand, not everything gets reported to them, but it's still helpful. I mostly stick with one brand that I know works well and is a quality product.

The Damiana worked really well for the panic attacks - no symptoms or attacks at all while I was taking it. I took three a day as the bottle suggested but I probably only needed two, maybe I could have gotten by with just one a day.. After a week and a half it stopped working. I realized what had happened and that's when I decided to just alternate between the five I take now. They all work and I'm happy with it.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to blueslite

Watchdog sites? Would you please share them?

blueslite profile image
blueslite in reply to Nothing_but_books

Sure! When I'm considering buying from a brand I'm not familiar with I usually type in the brand name to see if there are current or past issues with the brand. Naturally you can also look up a particular product. But if a brand has too many problems I don't bother buying from them. Although there are many watchdog sites there are only a few related to supplements, vitamins, etc. Here are the three I use....I hope you find them helpful.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to blueslite

Thank you so much! I wish this information was available right at the top of our forum all the time. I could have used it so many times.

blueslite profile image
blueslite in reply to Nothing_but_books

YW! :) I think there are too many informational sites for them to put here. I mean, there are so many things that others might want to know about, things not related to supplements but related to their own particular problems. It would be hard to post all kinds of sites here. And sometimes you have to learn by trial and error. I recently had an experience with a brand I thought was good. I don't remember why I had that impression, I may have used something from them before that I found helpful. Anyway, I tried a supplement, it's an enzyme - serrapeptase - and said to be very good for a number of things. I bought it from the brand I thought was good but it didn't help. Although, I have to say that after several days I wasn't very consistent in taking it. Then I saw people raving about the supplement but another brand so I bought it. After just 3 days I saw a remarkable improvement in my edema - my feet were back to normal size for the first time in years. I was amazed. I ordered more but the delivery time was a month away so I ordered from the first brand I had bought and this time I used it everyday several times a day but it didn't help at all. It may be helping with another problem that I have and that I originally bought it for but I won't know that until I see my doctor in March. So even a good brand may not help depending on what the particular product is. All we can do is try.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to blueslite

Hi blueslite,

You seemed reluctant to mention the supplement brand that worked to help your peripheral edema. You'd be doing me a big favor sending me a PM if you don't mind. Also where to find it?

I'm convinced my foot pain would be less if I could control the edema.


blueslite profile image
blueslite in reply to Nothing_but_books

I don't mind mentioning the brand, I just never thought to mention it. I had read rave reviews about it - it's Doctor's Best, High Potency Serrapeptase, 120,000 SPU, 90 Veggie Caps. I got it on ebay, that was the cheapest. It cost $25. I think most sites sell it for over $30, that's expensive for me. I really couldn't believe how the edema was gone in just few days. I also have PAD and the serrapeptase is said to have the ability to dissolve the plaque in arteries. Another benefit of the serrapeptase is that I hurt my back a couple of years ago and since then I've had a pain much of the time in my lower back on the left side. After taking the serrapeptase I noticed the pain is gone. I don't know how long I was taking it for when I realized my back felt much better. People are using it for pain as well but I don't know why it works for that. It kind of seems too good to be true. LOL I've read you can take it as much as you want, I was taking two capsules at a time 3 times a day. You might want to research it first if you haven't already. I'm not a medical professional, I only have my own experience with it and what I've read others are saying. Anyway, good luck, I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. I find ebay to be a reliable source for many of the supplements I take and the prices are usually lower than other places.

I should also tell you that ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid - GNC brand) is recommended for edema and years ago when I first had it from sitting all the time at work, no PAD back then, the ALA worked well. I also started walking for 15-20 minutes on my breaks at work. The last link here mentions ALA as well as serrapeptase.

Here are a few links with info on it mostly in regard to edema, just FYI....

Marysblue profile image
Marysblue in reply to blueslite


Skye88 profile image

Vitamin B complex and vitamin D. I’ve also had a vitamin b12 injection and felt great for about 3-4 weeks after.

in reply to Skye88

Great idea. Methylated b work better for me than standard b.

Skye88 profile image
Skye88 in reply to

1st time hearing of that..definitely going to give it a try

designguy profile image

I've already commented here but wanted to add more. I tried the natural route and it didn't seem to help much and had neurotransmitter tests done which showed I was low in seretonin so I got on a med. I still had anxiety issues and was prescribed a benzo (klonopin) which helped but isn't good for long term use. I still had anxiety/panic, it wasn't until I learned I was approaching it backwards and needed to learn to float through the panic and not resist the anxiety that I started to make progress. It takes time but works. I recommend the books and youtube videos of Dr. Claire Weekes and the DARE Anxiety book and program and youtube videos. The result for me is that meds/supplements alone were not enough by themselves.

I've also found how important my digestion/elimination is to my anxiety/depression. The gut and brain are definitely linked and affect one another. I recently overdid the sugar/wheat and alcohol and have paid the price this week. My anxiety increased and sleep was off and had some depression - I have to pay more attention to my body.

Hope this helps.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to designguy

It does. I am a plant based eater for going on three years now,and your right the gut/ brain connection is key. Ive found that taking a probiotic is very beneficial. Also there are natural supplements that boost serotonin like Gaba for instance- you can google this. With me im finding i have to keep switching things up with the supplements as some dont work as strong as when started. L- theanin & 5htp have been great as well as Holy Basil.🧚‍♀️

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Dkdfree

Good for you, sounds like you're on the right track.

MaineOtter profile image

Recommend the following: Vitamin B complex

vitamin C

vitamin D


Omega -3


They all help me with my anxiety!

MaineOtter profile image

Drink plenty of water. Being dehydrated makes my anxiety worse.

ZOO7 profile image

I’m trying the b-complex Vitamin right now. I will keep you posted. So far I’ve taken it for only a couple days.

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