An Empath am I.: The struggle is real... - Anxiety and Depre...

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An Empath am I.

Dkdfree profile image
20 Replies

The struggle is real. Not fun. This is not how I envisioned life to be right now. I'm scared and alone with this. Need to find people like me who want their life back!

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Dkdfree profile image
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20 Replies
Red369 profile image


Daveacr1959 profile image

Try Wim Hof breathing exercises and cold water therapy twice daily! You tube has all the information.

samack profile image

That would be great, having my life back. You're not alone in this feeling.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to samack

Thank you

NoMoreMasks profile image

I feel you. I have tried to visualize a dome of protection around myself when I’m around someone and I’m picking up too much of their bad energy. As helpful as being an empath can be it’s also just as destructive to my well being. Meditation at night helps and I have completely stopped going to the grocery store. I have everything delivered even though I’m out in the public every day for my job. The cluster of people in stores is absolutely too much for me.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to NoMoreMasks

Agreed. Its very draining. I worked retail for 7 years,had to get out of that. Went to cleaning jobs as to not have to be in the public so much. That brought on neck& shoulder injury.😪 Now I'm manifesting good job opportunities that dont deal with people Idk what to do. Im the same with groceries, its as though my brain cannot take the sensory overload. In store lights to bright,music to loud, to much of a big open space. I never ever used to be like this. Was always an adventurer.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dkdfree

Dkdfree, I was once like you. Suffered from panic and anxiety and then one dayI just could no longer leave my home. I couldn't even get the mail. I closed the curtains

and it remained that way for 5 years. Agoraphobia set it's claws into me and wouldn't

let go.

With intense therapy done over the phone as well as much research on my part, I

was determined to break this cycle of fear begets fear. Being behind the 4 walls

of my home didn't provide me any relief against my attacks. They came unannounced

for no reason. My body jumped at any sounds I heard from the tv or the ring of the

doorbell or phone.

It started like yours did in that going to the stores became near impossible.

The flickering florescent lights, the buzzing sound emitting from them.

The high ceiling of the box stores. Smells and odors of any sort threw me off.

My brain became over stimulated walking down the aisles of products, my head

and eyes not able to catch up to my low responding brain.

After a while, would break into a sweat, heart would race, I would feel dizzy to the

point of no return and yet had the mind set and energy enough to run out of the store

and get back home.

Once home, things subsided of course until any little thing came up and then was

back in that cycle of fear. Crying, shaking and wondering how I would beat this.

Sound familiar??

I too was alone with this fear. No one understood or I felt cared what was happening

to me.

I'm glad that you are here with us Dkdfree...You have just taken your most important

step forward. So much to say. Just know that this phase of your life doesn't have to

be a forever sentence. You can beat Anxiety at it's own game as I did and many others

on this forum.

Goodnight for now my new friend. Never give up... :) xx

live-2021 profile image
live-2021 in reply to Agora1

I know we are replying to Dkdfree, but wow about your reply. It honestly sounds like you're describing my life perfectly. Thank you for sharing. Dkdfree, I hope it also gives you hope.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Agora1

You just described me to a T. Thank you so much for sharing with me. Truly grateful.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Dkdfree

Any suggestions or advice on what worked for you would be greatly appreciated.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dkdfree

Good Day Dkdfree! New day, new hope, new journey...With the help and support from those on this forum you will start to see

different avenues you can take in going forward.

Each one of us has a personal venture invested in our well being.

For myself, it started with having a good foundation. The book "Hope & Help

for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes provided me with the "key". Acceptance.

Without accepting that anxiety is not a catastrophic physical illness but a mind

game can help get the ball rolling in the right direction.

You see, Anxiety lives off our fears. It takes control of a negative thought and

runs with it producing horrendous physical symptoms that are not physically caused.

We then become what we think. A fearful, terrified person who is allowing this

invisible entity to take control of our lives.

It's not about fighting these feelings within us but accepting that they cannot and

will not harm us. I could write a book as so many others have. So as not to over

whelm you at the beginning, it is best you listen and absorb what others have to

say. We all share our own journey with Anxiety and our own pathways to success.

We are here to help you find what pieces of the puzzle are missing and help you

complete the picture. It's not about finding just one method or tool, it's about finding

the ones that work for you.

One day at a time, one size does not fit all. It will happen if you allow it. :) xx

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to Agora1

It's like a huge weight being lifted just to read your words. I dont talk to my husband or family about this so much. Im feeling failure, shame. I just put a book on reserve @library to start educating myself. Wondering if you have tried natural supplement's? I find some relief with 5htp,Ltheanin, magnesium.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dkdfree

No natural substances. The changes I went through were with my mind.It's unbelievable the power the mind has over anxiety, pain and and going forward.

Self hypnosis, brain washing from negativity to positive thoughts. Meditation and

breathing techniques. Breathing being as essential as acceptance being the key.

Biofeedback, Reiki, Relaxation of both Mind/Body, living in the Present Moment etc.

Having daily "me time" 5-10 minutes first thing upon awakening, mid afternoon

and before bed.

The self conscious mind is always on alert taking in the good and bad thoughts.

It's important to leave our mind free from the day's stress and worry. Leaving it

in a positive state can help with sleep as well as going into deep state of REM sleep.

The restorative and restful sleep.

Upon awakening, immediately go into breathing exercises and meditation. Preparing

the body for what ever the day may bring. Being grateful and thankful for each new day. Getting rid of the "what if's" and all the negative contractions in our mind such as Can't Won't Couldn't Shouldn't and What if...

Kick those negative thoughts and fears to the curb. You see Anxiety is more than about taking medication and having therapy. It's about changing your mind set and

going forward. Unless there is Action there is no release.

I have a meeting in a short time, will be back in a couple hours.

P.S., My "go to" has always been YouTube. It's a vast learning experience in itself :) xx

live-2021 profile image

Hello. You found one. I completely understand what you're going through. It's comforting to hear there is someone else. I'm sorry I haven't any advice or helpful suggestions; but I'm here if you'd like to talk.

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to live-2021


car103 profile image

Who want their life back - I feel that I don't have a life to come back to. My therapist is thrilled that I can create a new life. I'm depressed. I have anxiety. I can't even picture a new life. I hope you are successful and share when that happens the steps that got you there.

CarlJames profile image
CarlJames in reply to car103

There are people who had a good life until they fell into the anxiety/depression rabbit hole, and just want to get back to how their life used to be. And then there are others (like I was) who have suffered most if not all of their life, and want a new life.

Both are possible.

ZOO7 profile image

Hi! I’m there with you. I want my life back too. Please let’s chat. Things that help me a bit are just walking outside, doing small weight exercises, drinking a ginger ale here and there. I just statrted listen to dr. Weekes books on audible. They are helpful too. You are not alone. Anything help you?

Dkdfree profile image
Dkdfree in reply to ZOO7

Hi. I try to eat a clean diet avoiding caffeine & sugar as ive noticed these trigger me. And use supplements such as Ashwagandha, L- theanin, 5htp in addition to my daily's like vitamins C,D,B12&6. Good days and bad days.

Daveacr1959 profile image

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