change: we need to change to thinking a... - Anxiety and Depre...

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7 Replies

we need to change to thinking a bout health and happiness

stop thinking mental illness

7 Replies
Hb2003 profile image

How are you doing Brig ? We sometimes do need to take a break about talking about mental health 😊🙏

I don't just like your post,... I Love your post with a capital L!

Agora1 profile image

You are so right Brig x

Thanks for sharing that thought :) xx

Dolphin14 profile image

True words Brig

giant my adopted family

of real


we all have a right to pursuit happieness under the constitution

the fore fathers were wise...

Blackdog2 profile image

Hi Brig,New to this forum

(we need to change to thinking about health and happiness

stop thinking mental illness)

It's not an illness, its a chemical imbalance, so agreed we all need to think more about health and happiness, but sometimes and I'm sure most of can agree, this is sometimes very hard.

I'm off my meds at the moment awaiting another diagnosis that's hard when your already taking things to help with your symptoms.

At the moment I'm really quite low and am struggling to get out of bed, but looking forward to getting a diagnosis, of what my imbalance is.

This lockdown has been very difficult as my release is to go to the coast and walk along the beach, but this has been denied to me and has resulted in my current meds falling down, and leaving me very vulnerable, this coupled with not being able to see a doctor face to face has been frustrating to say the least.

Work have put me on suck leave while I "sort myself out" as if I can simply wave a magic wand and address my issues

I'm trying to stay strong but finding it very hard I'm in one hell of an emotional roller coaster and can't get off

Great fun if you like roller coasters, personally I'm not a fan😱

in reply to Blackdog2

As a veteraian there are many physiological causes of depression in animals as well as emotional

We never. Judge we feel bad for them

The same should be for people as many here are saying. I agree





Chronic pain

All contribute to anxiety and suffering

As many here say repeatedly

We need to stop labeling

Not what you're looking for?