tw: sexual harassment : 22nd December... - Anxiety and Depre...

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tw: sexual harassment

PessimisticOptimist profile image

22nd December 2018, my family and I went to dinner with my brother's in laws. My family friend and I were taking a walk when we noticed three boys following us. It could not have been a coincidence because she and I were taking a very specific route. Earlier on, I had noticed them looking and pointing towards me and talking furiously but I did not think anything of it. Another guy showed up, tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Yeh aap ko tang tou nahi karahay?" (Are they bothering you?) I replied no.

There was a total of four boys. Two of them were talking to my family friend. Two of them were talking to me. The boy told me he needed to talk to me in his car because he knew me before. I repeatedly said no, I really have to go back inside. He kept pressing and while doing so, they both were walking towards me, backing me into a car nearby, dangerously close to me. While I am 5'8, these boys were around 6'2, much taller and bigger than me. When one was reaching out to me with his hands, I didn't think and I ran. I grabbed my friends hand and we both ran back inside. I told my brother what happened, he stormed outside to find those boys but the car had gone and so had they.

I have flashbacks to this, and other kidnapping attempts in my life. It doesn't let me sleep at night. If anyone has ever been sexually harassed or assaulted they can always open up to me. I'm here for them.

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