A Newbie's Story - Hope: Hi, This is my... - Anxiety and Depre...

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A Newbie's Story - Hope

8 Replies


This is my first post here in the year that marks my sixth year of struggling with depression. People said that it would get better with time and I argued that it never gets better, we just learn to live with it. And I still stand by that statement but there was one thing that did happen some time during these last six years which...no, it did not make it easier...but...it made it worth fighting for.

Two years after it began, two people entered my life...they did not understand what I was going through but they put the best of their efforts trying to. The connection I had with them helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, life happened and they left but what stayed with me was that little time they helped me see the light. When they left, it got completely dark again but that image of light, that realization that there is light at the end of the tunnel (since I have seen it myself)...that kept me going.

It's still dark and it's not easy to get out of my bed at days. I don't get up for a day at times, sometimes two, sometimes a week but I do always get back up and fight just because I know that reaching the light would be worth all of this pain and suffering.

Having such a deep connection with someone just for a year is keeping me going even today i.e. 3 years later. And I wish everyone who suffers from this terrible disease finds that one connection...that one ray of hope (even if it's transient) because you deserve it. And one day, it's all gonna be worth it (for all of us, hopefully).

I don't know anyone here and forming such deep connections is a long way to go. But we have to start somewhere. I hope to find amazing such people here and I would love to have you talk to me, and I promise that I'll listen :)

If there's even one person here whose suffering I am able to give meaning to, both of our journeys are gonna get easier.

We are all in this together :)

8 Replies

Square, you're back!! I was so afraid you'd gone. We can't stand being shapeless. Please stay and keep us shaped, okay?


Amazingly put, too! These words touched me. Wow, that there are people in the world that hold onto an impact no matter how small! Wonderful!

Thank you!!!!

That's what I like about you, Square. You are so kind to others. Keep that quality, okay? The world needs people like you!!

You would be good in a care job. It would give purpose to your life. As a matter of fact, my GP recommended the exact same thing for me! I'm from the States and had a great job there. Then I moved to Norway and am having a hard time finding one. Sure I'm not trying as hard as I could, but that is because I know that, unless you are brought to this country on a job, it is really hard for foreigners to actually land one. I need something to do. I need purpose. My GP recommended volunteering. I'm still not sure that this is what I want to do because, while I am pretty good at Norwegian, I just don't have the confidence. Then she recommended helping out older people who don't have the abilities to to run small errands for them (grocery shop, walk their dog, etc.). Since all Norwegians are taught English from the 6th grade, she said she'd be surprised if people refused to switch to English if needed.

You can't compare any aspect of yourself to others, buddy. Easier said than done I know, but doing so just leads to hurt. You volunteered and you did great! I have no idea what you did, but I can tell you this: you did a great job!

No, that was me. You did everything right. I should be the one apologizing, okay?

Good night!

Sorry for hijacking your post, dlrowsayir. Great post!!

Hi again. I hope you are still with us!! I am soooo sorry about the direction this thread has taken. Is there anything I can help with?🙂

I deleted what you wanted me to. Be happy now.

Do not respond to this please. This is dlrowsayir's post.The only reason I respond to you here is to tell you I granted your wish. Go see for yourself, but do not reply here (unless it is to the topic dlrowsayir gives us here). I'm not surprised if dlrowsayir is scared off. Oh dear, what have I done? Darn my vampire fangs! 😂

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