Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for July 2022

Xtandi stop working

Hi, My father did CT and blood work, and had an appointment with the doctor who...
JNunes profile image

Invitro study. Our novel findings indicate that safe doses of may be used to decrease AR expression and metastatic ability in CRPC cells Low dose dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) downregulates the expressio...
Graham49 profile image

Does Prostate Cancer-produced Testosterone (T) Show Up In Normal T, Test?

I have been on Lupron, Erleada & Xgeva for 3 months. T has dropped from 331 to 4...
john4803 profile image
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What's up with Choline?

I have seen a number of posts where people have referenced avoiding eggs due to ...
JRPnSD profile image

HealthUnlocked purchased by CorEvitas

I did not know that the HealthUnlocked platform was purchased by a pharmaceutica...
Magnus1964 profile image

Dumb Question on Casodex

Four weeks of Casodex 50 mg alone reduced my PSA from 1.10 to 0.42. Casodex sto...
dac500 profile image

Enough is Enough - Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH,

Thought this was interesting. When I saw the Director of Urology at a major NCCN...
Hawk56 profile image

Treatment thoughts re 5 year recurrence

Looking for some advice. A close friend of mine now 81. Diagnosed 5 years ago....
hg115pb profile image

Rib Cage intermittent sharp pains

Recently started having intermittent sharp pains that shoot thru the right side ...
Mackeyandme profile image

rising psa while on xtandi

psa six weeks ago 7.9, started xtandi June 10th, two weeks psa rose to 13 .3, s...
Muffin2019 profile image

Video of Interest Newly Diagnosed APca

High All I have only now found Excellent Video on Youtube "Is Prostate Cancer ...

PSA doubling = cancer growth doubling?

I hope this is not a dumb question. Since PSA comes from prostate cells, wouldn’...
Wyldhare22 profile image

Ending ADT Vacation

Today I had Lupron 3 month shot ending a vacation of one year. I had been on 5...
dac500 profile image

opinion on timing of ADT vacation

Please refer to my BIO. To see what procedures I have had I just had a phone ...
Plankman profile image

Treatment options for metastatic prostate cancer?

My husband was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in January 2022, his Gl...
NNPwife profile image

Does IMRT cause incontinence?

My doctor seems to think that a course of 9 weeks of IMRT on my Lymph node area ...
Dave78717 profile image

DO Recommendation

I'm in the Metro Phoenix area and am finishing up with 44 radiation treatments s...
Andy1569 profile image

PC & Type 2 Diabetes

As if PC isn’t enough now my Glucose is climbing. Just four months after beginni...
ShipModeler profile image

Breaking androgen receptor addiction of prostate cancer by targeting different functional domains in the treatment of advanced disease

Im not Castrate resistant but will eventually be so this is an important article...
KocoPr profile image

PSA rising after clinical trail

Psa in 2018 diagnosed with biopsy gleason 9. Has prostate robotically removed ps...
Moco1 profile image

RO Recommendation

Can anyone recommend an RO between Providence RI and Boston MA for adjuvant/sal...
Alturia profile image

Looks like I have a BCR, 9 years after Proton Beam Therapy in Korea

In early 2013, I had 28 doses of PBT radiation at the Korean National Cancer Cen...

Fallen hero

My father passed this morning after a 5 year battle with advanced PC. I wanted t...
Stumpgirl profile image

Bone cancer in spine

Finished Ra 223. Had mri of the spine. Showed most of vertebrae involved . Prior...
Goldberg profile image

Piperlongumine inhibits cell growth and enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells;year=2020;volume=10;issue=5;spa...
Bigm789 profile image

Anti-Cancer Effect of Pitavastatin May Be a Drug-Specific Effect: Subgroup Analysis of the TOHO-LIP Study
Bigm789 profile image

Does ADT always shrink prostate?

If you go on ADT (lupron 6 mo) and your prostate does not shrink, is that a sign...
groundhogy profile image

Lynparaza and Testosterone?

Some small trials have shown benefit---has anyone had personal experience? Thank...
nuc1111 profile image

Vodka and PC

I found the following interesting. Still have not seen anything definitive on al...


I saw this post in Fight PC but no responses. I currently take Resveratrol, so I...