Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for July 2022

Ruptured bicep tendon

Has anyone else had a bicep tendon rupture? What if anything was done about it?...
GAdrummer profile image

A lil RnR in Ventura, Ca

 Hey gang, spending the day beachside in Ventura after Chemo #12 Did a two mi...
dockam profile image

Lu-177 and PSA Flare

Anybody have a PSA and ALK flare after their first round of Lu 177? Thad’s has g...
NWLiving profile image
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adjunct treatments

has anyone tried Protocel Entelev 23 antioxidant or Poly-MVA as an adjunct treat...
carguy1000 profile image

concerned about prostrate Cancer. ? PIRADS-4

sorry I might have posted in the wrong area, but basically my husband has had ur...
Eternity6 profile image

on to another treatment

xtandi is failing so the oncologist wants to do chemo , has anybody had major i...
Muffin2019 profile image

Can i switch to Eligard from Firmagon ?

I am 1 year since dx.I am metastatic PC so no surgery or RT was made.I have been...
mynacho profile image

 psma scan shows progression

 I was diagnosed in 2018 with metastatic prostate cancer. Showed three spots on...
Srbergman profile image

More calcium chat

A few weeks ago, a poster questioned the necessity of calcium + d3 while on ADT....
mike__c profile image

Fluctuate PSA

Does anyone else have a psa that fluctuates in the .20, .30, .40s while on Zytig...
Chris52981 profile image

tell the USA health and human services what you think about current state of prostate cancer treatment

The USA wants to know how your urologist is treating you! Request for Informati...
Darryl profile image

Swollen Legs summary, Zytiga failed, scheduled for Docetaxel

Dear all, Thank you for the responses on the last two Swollen legs posts in reg...
pozitronij profile image

New Era of Lutetium-PSMA Post Approval: Perspectives, Challenges & Future

Members of HU who are following developments of treatments involving Lutetium ma...
marnieg46 profile image

Sex, drugs and life insurance.

My husband’s oncology nurse gave us some information leaflets about financial be...

CT scan

ct scan kidney grossly stable enhanced uptake upper left kidney. any thoughts ....
rogerandme profile image

CAR T trials- Worth considering???

As I now find myself with fewer treatment options /choices, after having tried ...

PSMA shows nothing. Good news or non-news?

Past history is in my profile. My PSA went from undetectable in January 22 grad...
Jimh1946 profile image


I will be moving to the HiltonHead South Carolina area and would appreciate any ...
Bobcat64 profile image

Healthy Lifestyle Cuts Prostate Cancer Mortality Among High-Risk Men

An interesting article on exercise and a good diet in relation to advanced/high ...

BRAC2 now on lynparza--Thinking of ditching ADT

Apparently some encouraging results using just lynparza and no adt in Brac2 pat...
nuc1111 profile image

PSA Rise Question

I am five years out since my RP followed by 42 radiation treatments to the pros...
Miket218 profile image

Combined therapy study in Lancet
fmenninger profile image

How long does it take for Ac225 or Lu177 showing impact?

My dad got his first dose of Ac225 on last 25th,and the latest PSA today raise...
MacWong profile image

PSA continues to rise after 7 rounds Jevtana/Carbo combo

After my 1st round PSA dropped over 90% to 4. From then on it has steadily ri...

Cornell Scientists Have Identified a New Incredibly Common Subtype of Prostate Cancer

So very very very interesting A recent study by a group of researchers a...
cesces profile image

Hospice or an Aggressive Oncologist

I'm being told to go to Hospice by Dr Eugene Kwon (Mayo Clinic). However, I do ...
skateguy profile image

‘Holy grail’ of blood tests could diagnose any type of cancer years in advance

Dunno, if anyone has already posted this:
dockam profile image

NO Mets confirmed PSMA PET SCAN

But lupron is not an option due to other health concerns.. Any ideas,
Poppy1952 profile image

Bi-polar and ADT

G9 Grade .5 Psyc says NO WAY to lupron due to my emotional hurdles.particularly...
Poppy1952 profile image


Well as you can tell I am leaving Health Unlocked (MaleCare) since regrettably m...
j-o-h-n profile image