on to another treatment: xtandi is... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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on to another treatment

Muffin2019 profile image
18 Replies

xtandi is failing so the oncologist wants to do chemo , has anybody had major issues with jeventa? After that series I get my PET scan that the insurance denied in April, they have to pay for it now. After that he wants to do fluecto (not spelled right) , it will be available in my area, anybody has had any bad reactions to this also ? This would be done in the fall and do people still work a part time job like 15 to 16 hours a week on these medications ?

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Muffin2019 profile image
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18 Replies
leebeth profile image

My husband worked full time through 8 cycles of a cocktail of Jevtana and carboplatin. His last dose was June 15, and he retired July 1. He had no side effects at all except for one brief bout of neutropenic fever that resulted in 2 days hospitalization. He didn’t even lose his hair. No fatigue or nausea or neuropathy. He starts Pluvicto on August 16.

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to leebeth

Keep on posting as I will be following your posts, encouraging and hope the next treatment will be without issues. What was his PSA before starting and what is it now? I saw your post on your page, he has been through alot.

leebeth profile image
leebeth in reply to Muffin2019

His PSA in January, when he started this chemo cocktail, was 41.3. Most recently, 2.7. His scans aren’t good.

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to leebeth

Sounds like his cancer is aggressive, my first chemo was 2018, PSA was 156,took it down to .6 but it eventually went up in a year and tried cosodex that failed then abitrone that lasted about a year and half. Now tried xtandi that does not work so on to what your husband had. Pet scan after that then pluvitco as it will then be available in this area if necessary. The PSA has gone from 8 to 21 at last one so finish off the 3 month try on xtandi in August, would start the next treatment in September onward. How long are the cycles of the chemo ? Hope he had some positive results, fight onward and keep posting.

leebeth profile image
leebeth in reply to Muffin2019

He had 6 cycles of docetaxel every 3 weeks April-August 2021. Then 8 cycles every 3 weeks of the chemo cocktail, January-June this year. His scans don’t show much improvement since January, but his PSA is responding, he is pain free, and it hasn’t gotten worse, so there’s that!

in reply to Muffin2019

You have been through a lot! Good luck with next treatment plan. Waiting to check husbands PSA in a few weeks to see if Xandi is working or failed. Fingers crossed for everyone!!

CAMPSOUPS profile image

Hang in there Muffin2019. Im not far behind you and will be looking at the same questions decisions before too long.

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to CAMPSOUPS

That is the hard stuff, my oncologist has a plan of attack six month out, hopefully it will work. He has been on target so far so I trust his decisions. When first started in 2918 I had only three bone nets that healed , been getting xgeva fir the bone strength for over a year, last scan showed no mets and CT scan in may of this year showed no disease progression done for a study that I did not qualify for after that. He said that the xtandi following abitrone has only a 15 to 20 percent of working. In order to get the Pet scan I have to fail xtandi and do chemo so the insurance has to pay for it then they have to pay for the pluvitco treatments. Seems the insurance companies know more than the doctors, so sad as it causes deaths. A person's husband could not get a Pet scan during covid, the disease was in the liver and cost him his life.

Oldie68 profile image
Oldie68 in reply to Muffin2019

Can't the relatives of the deceased sue the insurance for denying coverage that led to death?

in reply to Oldie68

Cancer must be very advanced if it goes to the liver. My dad only lived a few days once that happened. Insurance company most likely saw that.

in reply to Muffin2019

Once cancer reaches the liver, it is usually only a matter of time.

Oldie68 profile image
Oldie68 in reply to

Sorry to hear about your dad. How long did he live after the cancer spread to the liver? How long ago was that? I have a friend who is receiving chemotherapy (docetaxel+platinum) for exactly this problem (PCa spread to the liver). Not sure if it will help but it seems there are treatments.

in reply to Oldie68

I'm sure it makes a big difference if the liver involvement is caught early. Plus, treatment has also advanced. Major organ involvement is tricky though. Many things can determine your friend's outcome. Many new drugs available now. My dad passed many years ago. He actually had UNDIAGNOSED colon cancer. By the time his spouse and doctor took his symptoms serious he was hospitalized for more testing. Blood work showed elevated liver enzymes, did a biopsy. Sent him home after a couple days and he looked and acted good. Got a phone call with biopsy results later that day and tests confirmed he had colon cancer, metastasized to liver...and three days later he slipped into a coma and died at home. Liver involvement is never good. Sometimes older, and especially Alzheimer patients are not taken seriously and really listened to. I'm just glad he didn't suffer for long. I am now dealing (for the past 7 years) with my husbands advanced prostate cancer. Again, I sadly detect some indifference for older people from one doctor. Day by day and grateful for every single one we get. I hope your friend responds well to his treatment, there is always hope and every case is different. Good luck.

Oldie68 profile image
Oldie68 in reply to

Thank you very much for your reply. It is sad but true that older patients are often treated with indifference, like it is time for them to die. Nobody should be treated like that. Good luck with your husband's advanced PCa. I hope he responds well to whatever therapies are available to him and lives many more years. That he has lived for 7 years after diagnosis gives hope to people like me who have recently been diagnosed. I know everybody is different and there is no guarantee for anything, just hope.

Muffin2019 profile image

Has anybody on xtandi had blood clots, passed 2 yesterday, pee dark red, drank water and by another hour or so it was clear but then passed another one much smaller, I freaked out. Going to call the oncologist to find out if there is a major issue or a UTI. I have had cold chills, tiredness the last times this happened but did not pass blood clots.

monte1111 profile image

Five plus years and no blood clots. Have to see what MO says. Hope it's something minor.

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to monte1111

Have you had them ? Scary to see, is it more common for prostate cancer victims ?

monte1111 profile image

Only bled after biopsy. Not sure about being more common. I assume your MO would have an answer or have you undergo some tests.

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