I’m wondering if anyone is having experience with this: My son is a high school senior and has an accommodation written in his 504 Plan that allows him to use his phone to take pictures of the board in his classes. It was written in because it was determined it was the best way for him to keep track of assignments. If he writes them down (which is not likely), he often won’t bring it home. Using his phone for a photo is a one step way for him to record assignments and he always has it with him, so he won’t leave it behind at school. The school enacted a no cell phone policy this year which I didn’t think would apply to him but just discovered that, while other teachers are letting him use the phone, one will not due to the policy. I contacted the special ed department and principal and was told that under no circumstances can he use the phone, even though it’s in his 504 Plan. They offered to give him a Chromebook, but the reason we opted not to use one from the start is because we knew it would get left behind or that he wouldn’t use it. He is getting As and Bs in all of his classes except this one, which he is failing, and they still won’t concede, and now he’s not allowed to use the phone in any classes. What do I do?
504 Plan and Cell Phone Policies - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
504 Plan and Cell Phone Policies

Forgive me my lack of technology, but if he took a picture on the chromebook, could he immediately send it to an email? I'm just trying to think out loud here. Also, that is a fabulous 504 idea, I'm going to use it. Sorry for the frustration you are feeling.

The problem with emailing it is that it adds another step and he is less likely to follow through. The photos on his phone have been working fabulously - he even takes photos of notes which helps him study. I’m very disappointed that his school is taking this from him since it’s something he’s been doing very successfully for three years. He’ll be going to college next year and I know of many college students who take photos or record lectures to help them with their classes.
Kshds- here are 2 ideas.. have the teacher take the photo and e-mail him. The second is that the school district purchase or give him an Ipad to use in all of his classes. You could ask for apps on the ipad that he could really benefit from. Like Bookshare ( a high auditory library of books, Dragon naturally speaking...). This is a win win, he gets to use it for accommodations and he could also use a scheduling app. To put the photos in.
If no other child can us a phone, I am surprised your son would be ok with it..
Just 2 ideas to try to help. You could also ask the teacher what their idea is.. sometimes this builds a good bridge with teacher and student.
Good luck in resolving this issue.
Thanks for the ideas! This teacher is very argumentative and controlling. I tried to work a plan out with her yesterday and she talks over me. I won’t be able to count on her. I know the school will give him a chromebook but I can ask about an iPad. The phone has just worked so well the last few years - he always has his assignments and notes with him that way. I did speak with an attorney with Equip For Equality today and he said that his 504 Plan should override the school policy. How far I’d like to go in fighting them on this is the question - he’s already almost through the first semester of his senior year and there’s not much time left.
Unfortunately.. the teacher makes his grade. So when he is in college he can do it with the professors approval ( in fact in college it is written the most syllabuses for the class).
Yes you could fight it or find a way around it, just for the remaining 7 months.. it sounds like it is just one teacher so you guys will have to find another way to deal with it or push it with a lawyer, but I would assume it would just make the teacher even madder.
It would be nice to find a win win for each.
Phone are also recording devices so if the relationship with the teacher is already strained, I assume it would be an unpleasant fight.
Best of luck, I would just count the months down and you both will be done with this situation.
Would they let him use an old phone that doesn't have any service on it? Only capable of taking pictures. That is what we did for my son.
Give him a digital camera.
How frustrating! Some people, not just teachers, refuse to bend rules. Hope you are able to figure out something that works for all.
As I am a 504 student my mom has also written down that I can’t get my phone confiscated because of my panic attacks or if there’s an emergency. When the district fails to obey or use your things in your 504 take them to court or talk to the district. They can get in trouble for not handling 504s correctly.