Pregabalin and Weight Gain?: Hi everyone, I... - Pain Concern

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Pregabalin and Weight Gain?

22 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have recently (yesterday) started taking Pregabalin instead of Gabapentin for chronic pain. I have TMJ and it causes muscular and nerve pain in my face which is quite severe in addition to the joint pain and crunching/clicking every time I open my mouth. I have put on 2.5 stone since February on the Gabapentin and I am desperately trying to lose weight. I used to be 9.5 stone and I am currently up at 15 stone. I am terrified of putting on weight with the Pregabalin. The Pain Specialist gave it to me as an alternative to Gabapentin as I'm not sure that worked very well. He also gave me Buprenorphine a few weeks ago but I ended up in casualty with severe sickness and headache (i couldn't even keep down water) that lasted 2 days. I now have Fentanyl 25mcg p/hr instead and it is MUCH better. I cant take NSAIDS as I'm allergic to most of them we've tried so far (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen etc.).

Does anyone have any advice on how to lose weight whilst on Pregabalin? Is it possible to prevent weight loss even if you are on acalorie reduced diet and excersise program?

Any help would be much appreciated. I hope everyone is having a good, relitavely pain-free day.

Thanks x

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22 Replies
disney-girl profile image

Hi Kirsteenie!

I have taken Pregabalin at varying doses for the past 2 - 3 years. Yes I gained weight, but i can't say for certain it was the medication. I was making poor food choices and not getting regular exercise. There is hope though :) I have recently lost 3 stone going to a very well known weight-watching group ;) it's not been easy but I have found that it is the exercise which makes the difference!

in reply to disney-girl

Thanks for your reply Disney-girl! Thats an amazing achievement! Its definitely given me some hope. I understand the thing about the food choices. I've just found that, with the gabapentin before, I was exhausted as i was also always on strong opiates with this until we found one that worked for me. We tried Dihydrocodeine, Cocodamol, OxyContin, Buprenorphine and now Fentanyl! The constant tiredness makes it so easy to reach for sugary, fatty foods for a quick boost, doesn't it? Of course good food choices help energy and mood in the long run, I suppose I need to find that balance. I'm really happy to hear your great news, keep it up :-) xx

boxter profile image

Hi Kirsteenie,

Yes i take pregabalin and also glimeperide to lower my blood sugar.My Pharmacy guy says a combination of the 2 is what is causing my weight gain.Going to speak to my Gp next week as i am so not happy about this.

Carol :)

in reply to boxter

Hi Carol,, I hope you manage to get some advice from your gp. I guess everyone's made up differently so everyone is effected differently. For me, I think I just need to find the energy to get out and exercise. That's the main problem right now... Energy! I fall asleep everywhere and anywhere at the moment! Perhaps I am just getting used to pregabalin, is it even fully in my system yet? I will speak to me doc soon about the tiredness. The pain is very well under control finally, now I just want my mojo back, lol. Maybe I can't have it all! Please let me know how you get on, I really hope it goes well for you xx :-)

boxter profile image
boxter in reply to

Hi Kirsteenie,

I was taking pregabalin 150 and now i take 200 twice a day with 2 solpadol which i take 4 times a day.With the diabetic meds and under active thyroid meds my GP doesn't want to increase the dose anymore until i see the Rheumy Consultant 1st week in august.He says i am on quite a high dose but they don't even take the edge off the pain so i am hoping i get something that helps me off the Consultant.My energy has up and left and i could sleep on a clothes line lol

Take Care

Carol X

in reply to boxter

Sorry to hear that :-( has your gp given you anything to help with energy at all? This is what I'm wondering. I'm not even sure such a thing exists really. I hope your Rheumy appointment goes well. That is a high dose! I'll be working up to 300 two times a day. But like I said, I also have the fentanyl and my pain has definitely improved. I hope you find something to help xx

boxter profile image
boxter in reply to


I am hoping the consultant can help me,i have never heard of fentanyl is it a painkiller ?Do you get fed up taking pills all day long i certainly do ! They often upset my stomach too have you developed irritable bowel as i have my GP said when you have fibro it affects all muscles including the bowel.I have not been offered anything to help with the energy.

I will let you know how i get on with my appointment.

Take Care

Carol X

in reply to boxter

Hi Carol, I did get fed up with the pills! Fentanyl has been good for my pain (energy loss and weight gain aside! But I'm fighting it!). It's funny actually, I had ibs before opioid treatment and it has actually helped mine. Everybody's is different, and occasionally it'll come back but it's not so bad any more. The tablets can be really tough on your tummy though, my dad gets that problem. He is on co-codamol but a heap of other non-opioids too. Good luck with your appointment. I haven't been offered anything to help with energy either. But, believe it or not - I'm just back from my first walk in ages, and I'm taking it in small steps :-) no pun intended :-) let us know how you get on xx

gem5891 profile image
gem5891 in reply to boxter

I am tired all the time too and am currently on pregabalin 150mg two times a day, have only been on it a few weeks, am still taking codeine 30mg when i need it and paracetamol 4 times a day, think i need to up the dose of pregabalin will have to speak to doctors. I was on gabapentin before and Amitriptyline before that, and they have given me liquid morphine to take when i need it. I have gained alot of weight over the past 6 odd months, am getting pain constantly in my groin constantly, the specialists are saying its either a seveire case of IBS or it could be adhesions won' t know really until i have a CT scan. Something tells me it could be more then just IBS because of all the symptoms i'm getting.

I do hope you find answers soon X

elsief profile image


I have been taking pregablin myself for a number of years and I did put on at least 3 - 5 stone, I'm not 100% sure as I did not weigh myself just before I began taking it and could have put a bit of weight on before. I have now lost 4 stone by going on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) with Lighter Life, this is very drastic I know but I was desparate as my walking was affected greatly by being overweight I have CRPS on my right hand side.

If it helps relieve your pain I suggest you try it and then address the weight when you are ready like I have.

Good luck with the weight and pain


in reply to elsief

Hi Elsie, that's really good advice. My pain is definitely more manageable now. I feel like I just need something to counteract the tiredness. Maybe I should tough it out a bit first, but I'd really like to address the weight gain ASAP as I'm sure you understand! I can't believe that though, 4 stone? That's awesome :-) its really whatever works for you and if a very low cal diet does the trick and you can handle it then go for it. It's not forever, just until you hit maintenance I hope :-) great news for you, thank you for your advice. You've all been really helpful and I'm grateful for it. Xx:-)

Cast007 profile image

Hi, I am on Pregabalin and did put on quite a lot of weight, but I have been going to ww and have slowly been losing weight. I got myself a power assisted tricycle which helped me to lose weight with the peddling but gave me help when I needed it. I cannot walk very far at all but this really helped me. Be encouraged it will happen if you take it one step at a time. Have lots of cyber hugs, Carol

Milosmum profile image

I have to say I was prescribed pregabalin and I just blew up like a balloon I put on three stone in three weeks, I ended up going to emergency at hospital as I was vomiting and had bad headaches and was finding it hard to move with my skin getting tight due to the weight gain, I told them at the hospital and my gp that I thought it was the tablets, but they wouldn't listen. In the end I stopped taking them and low and behold I lost a stone a week for three weeks, I think it's a dangerous drug and needs more research.

Nicotinejack profile image

My wife was put on Pregabalin by a specialist at the Royal Edinburgh some months ago,

she wasl alarmed at the amount of weight she put on in six months so asked our doctor if any of the drugs caused weight gain he checked her list and said no. We had another appointment with specialist this week and when my wife complained about weight gain and not getting any pain relief he said "Pregabalin causes weight gain" and took her off them

donzy65 profile image

hi i was on pregablin 200mg and amitriptyline75mg for fibromyalgia i havnt dare weigh myself just no i have gone from size 8 to a 12 in 6months while your taken these tablets it doesn't matter how much you exercise if possible or how healthy you eat its impossible to lose weight as they have got ssri 's in them im in the process of weaning myself off them with great difficult.....

deedee94 profile image
deedee94 in reply to donzy65

Hello yes i gained around 4 stone with the meds for Fibro i must admit i slowed down a lot wasn't moving as much, no energy and well we all know the pain ect, i started on meal replacement protein drinks 1 a day at 1st instead of breakfast then 2 a day breakfast and lunch , healthy big meal and 2 low fat snacks in 5 months i had lost 2 + stone my energy levels are higher and the support from my group was just amazing quite a few ladies have also joined now with this condition and all doing really well if anyone wants to have a look they are more than welcome UK only i am afraid its on facebook and its Herbalife uk with Dee group all the very best to you all as i totally understand

mumthecarer63 profile image

My daughter has gone from a size 14 to 18/20! Definitely the Pregabalin and the self-loathing is immense! However, we have got to a place now where the cocktail of drugs is as good as it will ever be, so there isn't any choice.

Sharron0090 profile image
Sharron0090 in reply to mumthecarer63

I know the feeling I've gone from size 12 to size 18 but being pain free is more important than being size 12. It does get me down though

Sharron0090 profile image
Sharron0090 in reply to mumthecarer63

I know the feeling I've gone from size 12 to size 18 but being pain free is more important than being size 12. It does get me down though

Sharron0090 profile image

Hi, I take Pregablin and tramadol daily for chronic back pain. I have been diagnosed with degenerative sclorosis. I'm unable to exercise due to pain inmy back and pins and needles in my legs which I have constantly. I have gained 3stone since being px gabapentin and then Pregablin . is there anyway of losing the weight as I can't exercise and I do eat healthy and hardly use alcohol. Any ideas would be greatfully appreciated

deedee94 profile image

Hello yes i gained around 4 stone with the meds for Fibro i must admit i slowed down a lot wasn't moving as much, no energy and well we all know the pain ect, i started on meal replacement protein drinks 1 a day at 1st instead of breakfast then 2 a day breakfast and lunch , healthy big meal and 2 low fat snacks in 5 months i had lost 2 + stone my energy levels are higher and the support from my group was just amazing quite a few ladies have also joined now with this condition and all doing really well if anyone wants to have a look they are more than welcome UK only i am afraid its on facebook and its Herbalife uk with Dee group all the very best to you all as i totally understand

Billybb profile image

I went on Pregablin about 8 months ago at 50mg twice daily. My weight has risen steadily over that time. 4 weeks ago, I doubled the dose on advice from my Psychiatrist and I have put a stone on since, despite using slimfast shakes and eating salads/stirfrys. I have today dropped back to 100mg per day to see how I am affected. If ok, I am going to come off them all together.

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