A Blog on Blogs...: The word ‘blog’ stands for... - Pain Concern

Pain Concern

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A Blog on Blogs...

2 Replies

The word ‘blog’ stands for ‘web’ + ‘log’.

Essentially, it is a place where you can log things. You might be asking yourself, ‘What kind of things?’. Well, really anything relating to how Chronic Pain affects your life.

So, you can write about anything from how [condition] impacts your family life to the side effects of certain drugs to how it makes you feel (whether emotionally or physically).

One of the best ways to foster a sense of community is to post a testimonial blog: when were you diagnosed and what has your journey been like since that point?

Blogs can be as short as you like so don’t feel you need loads of content. Simply post what’s on your mind.

That’s it. Now go blog so we can read and comment!

Pain Concern Team

2 Replies

I see my pain as a storm at sea, great big crashes of lightning (electric shocks), distant rumble of thunder (low level aches), swirling rainy wind (random pain patterns), rain drops on the sea surface (pins and needles) and a strong silent undercurrent (all the things going on in my body and mind affecting my pain that I am not aware of) and the calm, thats the breathing space before it all starts again.

Don't you wonder at storms generally, not just ones at sea, its beautiful, full of energy, powerful, dramatic, chaotic and unpredictable but orchestrated at the same time and its a shame my body wastes all that energy all on making pain.

nedd profile image

I think that is a beautiful analogy. Wouldn't it be something if we could channel that energy elsewhere.

After reading your description I thought of a magical picture that brings in all those elements Using all manner of blues and grays with flashes of silver. The shame of it is I can't paint. Now you have me thinking of all sorts of ways to represent it. You have done what pain killers have failed to do i.e. taken my mind of it thanks.

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