need some advice (sciatic pain): hi friends... - Pain Concern

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need some advice (sciatic pain)

Kasra_ profile image
26 Replies

hi friends, good morning, evening, after noon, when ever or what ever you are, i have sciatic pain for almost 2 years, and no one diagnosed what is causing the pain, anyway i don't want to share the details and bring the old ``what causing the leg pain`` topic on again, i just used to live with the pain, but something weird happened, recently i was fine for almost 7 days, so it mean no pain, actually no pain mean no pain, i ride again and done lots of activities in this 7 days, but toady after i woke up the pain has returned. but the weirdness is here it was ok last night and obviously people cant herniate their disc or hurt their spine when they are sleep because i am not doing power lifting in the bed specially when i fall at slept, you know this pain is kinda a pain that kill's me sometimes even NSAID's are completely useless . anyway any advice is appreciated, thanks for reading and sharing your valuable information.

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Kasra_ profile image
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26 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

Sciatic pain is caused by a nerve being pinched. This could have occured while asleep, through turning awkwardly, or lying in a "bad" position for too long ( if you were particularly exhausted).

There are good stretches for sciatic nerve release on YouTube, mostly involving ham and hip stretching.

Good luck. A very painful experience.

Kasra_ profile image
Kasra_ in reply to Madlegs1

thanks for the replay, but it is too weird my nerve is being pinched for almost 2 years ? with out anything showed on mri's CT Scans, it is just like god wants kidding by pinching my nerve

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply to Kasra_

The only permanent relief I got from sciatica, was through Chiropractic intervention. It took quite a few cracks, but has worked well for 25 years. It occasionally comes back, if I've been silly . Usually can be relieved with a few stretches.

Good luck.

Barbola profile image

Without an MRI you wont know ..... doctors tend to treat sciatica with ice packs alternating heat pad, rest, but not too long resting....NSAIDs, tell u it will go away. Yes, pain will disappear for a while while sciatic nerve heals.....but (my sciatica is here to stay 35 years) it gets worse......usually disc, arthritis, stenosis, bone Spurs....

My nerve was inflamed for too long and i got cortison epidurals which helped the nerve inflam. But the pressure on nerve is still here. Physical therapy, stretches, etc. Only after MRI tho to target the area.

Yes, it comes out of nowhere, and you did nothing to cause it! Feel better but get that MRI!

Kasra_ profile image
Kasra_ in reply to Barbola

thanks for the reply, i had mri's, 2 times and in different period of times, CT Scans, Xray's, but nothing showed and doctors still confused, also i wish you dont had cortison epidurals, cuz they are not good for health, i belive they are worse than pain, any way have a good day ! chill

Barbola profile image
Barbola in reply to Kasra_

Steroid epidurals were last resort before operation and they were necessary to prevent permanent nerve damage from inflammation. I have one of the best orthopedic doctors/surgeons. The steroid does go right to the nerve root and its different from cortisone or other steroides taken by mouth. I was at a stage where i could not walk for more than five minutes due to nerve pain. I agree, stay away from Steroids, but there is a time and place for them. Dont forget our bodies produce Steroids to some degree and it is not a body foreign substance. Athletes do abuse steroids, tho.

I am able to walk now for thirty minutes painfree. I take no meds. Stretches and phys. Therapy 3x week.

I hope you get to the root clause of your pain, did they check the piriformis muscle? Its somewhere within the butt and its another place thru which the sciatic nerve goes. Hope you feel better.

in reply to Barbola


How long did the injections last for. I'm hoping to have injections in Monday. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Barbola profile image
Barbola in reply to

Had three inject. Two weeks apart into lumbar spine nerve canal under xray guidance. Does not hurt much. First did not help much, only after few days, but after the third i was rid of most of the pain and still am after two months. Hope it lasts and good luck! ♥️

in reply to Barbola

Thank you, I'm glad it worked out for you. Take care Lynne

Yvette49 profile image
Yvette49 in reply to Barbola

Hi, interesting to read your reply...I have had bad sciatica since end of April, and mine also in last two months I cannot walk longer than 5 mins, the pain is excruciating. Next fri I have mri scan to see what’s happening, I hope something can be is on hold ☹️ I do my stretches every day, ( and have seen chiropractor for a few months, but stopped now till mri)

nif100 profile image
nif100 in reply to Yvette49

Hi Yvette-49 saw your reply...I too have sciatica but was helped by taking magnesium see my reply to Kasra below. Not saying it helps everyone but it is well worth passing on the message. Sciatica is a dam nightmarex

Yvette49 profile image
Yvette49 in reply to nif100

Absolutely 😢 will take a look at your reply about magnesium 👍👍

SkinnyKay profile image
SkinnyKay in reply to nif100

Hi very interested in your answer to sciatica by taking magnesium ,what dose did you take and how often ,lm in agony and desperate can't even walk at the moment so feel so desperate ,any help l will try thankyou!

nif100 profile image
nif100 in reply to SkinnyKay

Hi there I was told to take two tablets 200mg (400mg a day). After I was advised this I did also look at magnesium as a muscle relaxant online. Mine responded within about 4/5 days it was not immediate. I was literally in bed before this as I could even put my foot to the floor due to the pain. It was weird as it just simply stopped...cannot say more than that. Got up expecting the usual agony and at last could walk. A little tingling and numbness to start with but day by day is relaxed more. I now take magnesium every day regardless. I hope it works for you. I was at the end of my tether and taking strong pain relief tablets was knocking me out and really making me feel ill.

Barbola profile image
Barbola in reply to Yvette49

Hi, this is so awful but i can walk now 30 min. After not more than 5 min. Two months ago. And it does and will get better and im 82 and orherwise in good shape. Keep a positive outlook and it helps.....muscles you dont know u have relax......when walking and standing hurts from back down leg to foot....its usually the lumbar spine and it could be (with me all of those) herniated disc, stenosis, arthritic bone spurs ... spondylosis) and dont be frightened by all those complicated names that will show up on ur MRI report. Most people get them but it does not always bother them like us, poor devils. Dont rely too much on meds but get into physical therapy. If your doctor feels your sciatic nerve is too inflamed he hopefully will prescribe epidural steroid injections so the nerve can heal and there will be no nerve damage. Once u are at the stage that u cannot walk, this procedure was my choice. Orthopedists try to avoid operations.....would be last resort....epidurals (Three injections two weeks apart) may feel relief immediately, with me it took couple weeks. Sleep with pillow between thights on ur side. You will recover from your pain and walk! Epidural steroids can be given no more than every 12 mos or so but it beats operations. Good luck and hang in there and if ur doctor is not empathic with ur pain see a good Orthopedist....hugs

Yvette49 profile image
Yvette49 in reply to Barbola

Hi Barbola, thanks for the possitiveness, I will, as you say try and stay possitive and keep doing my exercises. Wil” post how I ge5 on on fri after MRI


nif100 profile image

Hi sorry to hear you have the dreaded sciatica. Mine came on after finishing C25K so back to square one re running. I have had it before many years ago and at the moment it has gone from the pain from hell when I could not even put my foot to the floor at all, until where I am now where I am now up to 4 mile brisk walking. I still have it lingering but it is now dulled to a burning in my buttock. I have had it for 4 months now and the chiropractor says it is a trapped nerve and I am now on stretching and the old tennis ball rolling which seemed to help a lot. I have to pass this onto you though, I visited my local little health shop a couple of months ago and asked her was there ANYTHING other than the constant pain killers I could take. She does health consultations and gave me the once over and immediately asked me have I got any magnesium tablets at home. She recommended taking them asap as they are a good natural muscle relaxant. I took two tablets a day and they have literally calmed it down. Now I suggest you do check that you can take these if you are on any other medicine at present but it seems to be working and I now take them every day. Let me know if you do and if they help you too......fingers crossed

TheDrivenSnow profile image

I am writing this from my hospital bed, having been admitted to hospital three weeks ago following a fall. The fall occurred in my toilet following a three-faint episode brought on by the administration of morphine after I was diagnosed with bone tumours consequent to the spread of breast cancer to the bones and bone marrow. The tumours are widespread - in my spine, pelvis, hips (also in my shoulder, sternum/breastbone and tenth thoracic vertebra) - and are pressing against the nerves that go down my legs, specifically the sciatic nerve impacting my right leg. Prior to the fall, it was my left leg that was more impacted. I now remain in bed as any mobilisation is excruciating. I would not be able to cope without my body pillow, which I brought into hospital with me. I cannot lie down flat, and I sleep sitting up. At night, I manage with bedpans and a commode in my cubicle and during the day I occasionally attempt to lean heavily on a zimmer frame to access the bathroom. My life has become severely limited and every day I request discharge on the earliest possible date, yet I am aware that being unable to mobilise at all owing to the pain also means that living at home will be impossible. A pillow lifter and Zimmer frame have been made available to me for when I finally go home. I will be managed by the community palliative care team once I have been discharged. I am counting on my current (exhausting and pain-triggering) radiotherapy regimen to ultimately shrink the tumours sufficiently to release pressure on the sciatic nerve. Radiotherapy will conclude next Tuesday and chemotherapy will start the week after. I am dreading it, but that's a conversation for another day (and - potentially - another forum). I am aware that our health scenarios are vastly different, and I wish you a pain-free future.

SecretlyDisabled7 profile image
SecretlyDisabled7 in reply to TheDrivenSnow

Hello. I know a young man who is in almost the same situation. Bone tumors, and the spread of cancer everywhere. He has powerful pain meds, but still hurts, and uses THC which gives him more relief. No, you would not be able to be home without much help. And I hear what you are saying to all of us. I wish for your no pain, or lessened pain, and an easy and beautiful journey from this. I have had chronic pain, often too severe to get out of bed, for many more years than not, but I know it is not like what you are experiencing with bone tumors and the other suffering a human body can experience. Perhaps morphine is not right for you, though, and they can give you other strong pain meds. I hope. Thank you for telling so many of us that some of the pain suffered is our own pain, but it could be so much worse and harder to bear. And I hope that you do not live alone, but it sounds as if you do, which makes it even more of a difficulty. With love offered and peace, I wish you a fantastic medication!

SkinnyKay profile image
SkinnyKay in reply to TheDrivenSnow

My heart goes out to you as l too have a family member in the same boat as you, also only on palative care it's not fair noone should be going through this and l feel so much for you. l feel ashamed being on here complaining about severe sciatica pain,when your going thru so much like my family member , but pain can effect your mental state when there's no let up with it ,anyway you take care sending heart felt love .

onamission profile image

Hi I have radio frequency basically they burn off the nerve endings first time I had it done I got 2 years pain relief but the nerve does grow back. It's done on day surgery under live x-ray you are awake during the procedure ask your GP to refer you to the pain clinic at your local hospital

smg60 profile image

Treatment by a chiropractor completely eliminated my sciatica.

Emma2017 profile image

Yeah know all about sciatic pain. Have had 3 ops.

However in your case as nothing showed on your scans maybe it is Piriformis syndrome?

Kasra_ profile image
Kasra_ in reply to Emma2017

Hi there, no it is not piriformis syndrome, the doctor checked that by pushing his hand on the muscle's, recently they findout iam suffering from psychosomatic, and iam taking anti depreassion drugs, best of luck for you, and thanks for the reply

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Kasra_

Thanks, got another double op coming up. However psychosomatic must be so hard, hope you get to feel better soon. Has your dr suggested a psychologist, with all my fun they suggested one to me as it was a lot to take in over such a short time and I found she really helped.

Kasra_ profile image
Kasra_ in reply to Emma2017

yep, doctor suggested a psychologist, and he helped me solve my conflicts, he told me that the only thing i need to do is taking drugs and waiting for the pain to gone, i hope it works

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