Thanks to Audio Fuel and Couch to 5k. - Couch to 5K

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Thanks to Audio Fuel and Couch to 5k.

3 Replies

Hi everybody, I hope your all having a great New Years Eve.

Well 1/8th of my Half Marathon training almost in the bag.

I did the long run today, as like a lot of people around the world, I will not be in any fit state for running tomorrow! lol

I enjoyed running to the beat with Laura on C to 5k & 5K+, but the podcasts are only 30 minutes long. I downloaded, 101 running songs to my ipod, but struggled with pace as the rhythm kept on changing. Then I remembered the tracks for Couch to 5k, were sponsored by Audio Fuel.

Today I downloaded Run Free 1&2 by Audio Fuel with coaching for 2 hours running at 150-165 BPM. Yippee its fantastic!

I did 6 miles this morning and it was a brilliant run.

The sun was out and there wasn't a breath of breeze. The sea and the harbour were both like mill ponds.

It's the 31st Dec and I was wearing;

Shorts, tee shirt, trainers & a polished head.

The first mile was slightly laboured, but once that was out of the way, I just jogged along, locking onto the beat. I couldn't help but smile as the miles just melted away. Everything slotted perfectly into place, twice I had to cross at a pelican crossing, both times there was a lull in the traffic so I didn't have to wait, or even bother pressing the buttons.

I was bouncing up the Rodwell Trail, the sun was beating down, birds were everywhere. There were dog walkers, runners and cyclists all shouting greetings. A lady gave me a strange look as I saluted?

There was a lone Magpie sitting above her head. (Yes I'm superstitious)

After the warm down plus a mug of tea, I plugged my gizmo into my laptop.

I have taken over 1 minute/ mile off the last time I ran 6 miles (6 days ago), with a training effect of 3.5. This is due to me using Audio Fuel.

I now know that I can definitely complete a half marathon, injuries aside.

I hope I've not bored you with the rantings of an old Slap Head.

All the best to everybody for 2017 and enjoy the runs.

3 Replies
Curlygurly2 profile image

That's great to read a recommendation for Run Free, I love Audiofuel stuff, and have their Polyrunner podcast, I really like it! It's a shame they don't do a discount on a bundle - the two Run Free podcasts...I'll probably get it anyway though.

You haven't bored me with your ranting, I'm married to a slap head...

Pc59 profile image

Well done you😊A great inspiring read for the first day if a new year & im impressed with the half marathon! Im taking it a bit slower as a slow runner🏃🐢😂 but i have just signed up for a10k! Nit until May but it will give me plenty of time to prepare!! I must check out Audio fuel & if i get stuck finding it il be in touch! Not very good with technology 😂

in reply to Pc59

Great news about your 10K. Thanks for your comments,

Feel free to contact me if you have problems finding Audio Fuel.

All the best and Happy New Year.

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