Help with talking to dr about meds - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Help with talking to dr about meds

Eli44 profile image
9 Replies

I’ve struggled with A.D.D. For a long time. I’ve taken medications like adderall for it and various drugs for depression. A few years ago I had an acute pancreatitis that was extremely painful and I spent months, multiple hospital stays and surgeries before My father took me to the Mayo Clinic and they saved my life.

From time to time I have flare-ups that are extremely painful and I either get admitted to a hospital or take pain meds until the flare ends in a few days to a week. I’ve noticed when I take the pain meds I am able to focus much better. I can focus on projects better and bring in more income at my business. I’ve taken adderall and other stimulants for focus and it never feels like they work to help me much. Are the medications that work on the brain does like opioids do. I don’t want to seem like an addict. I already struggle to take myself to the dr or hospital when I’m I real extreme pain, because I don’t want to seem like a drug seeker. I really want to be able to focus like I can on the pain meds. I can focus on my work and my artwork. I’d really like help somehow or how I can talk to my dr about it or what to ask.

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Eli44 profile image
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9 Replies

Doctors can't arrest us, and they tend to think that shaming us is a waste of time.

Just state what you say here to your doctor. Doctors know that patients have all kinds of cases that fall between the cracks. Report what you report here.

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Gettingittogether

i disagree

GatsbyCat profile image

Hi Eli44~

Welcome to the group. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago with ADHD as an adult. My partner thought that I exhibited signs of it.

So I asked my primary doctor for a referral to a psychiatrist who then gave me an assessment test with positive results. She was also very blunt and said, "There is no magic pill, you have to put in the work." At the time, I was pissed off with her statement. Looking back, I agree with her.

And, YOU need to be your own best advocate with your doctor (and for that matter everyone else.). This means standing up for yourself, and just providing information on how this medication affects your mind, body, etc. Is it helping your executive functions? Can you think more clearly? (I take Focalin xR and it does help me with those things btw.) Are you experiencing side effects like nausea, vomiting, etc?? If you're not comfortable with your doctor, find a different one that you do like.

Being your own best advocate is much easier to say than to do. However, if I can do it, so can you! I also bring written questions or notes that I need to address to my appointments to stay more organized and on track with my treatment plan. It's your responsibility to do the best you can for yourself.

Hope this helps. Good luck on this journey of life

Best regards

ADDSufferer profile image

You aren’t asking your doctor for opioids. You are asking them if they know what it is about the pain meds that help you focus - if they have any thoughts or suggestions. Maybe a different prescription. If they see that as you being an addict then you need a new doctor!

wtfadhd profile image

Hello Eli44,its so sad that as humans, we sometimes feel like we are “ med seeking” if we simply want to feel good.

arent humans purposely wired to seek to feel good and try to avoid pain?!?!?!

i guess society gets to determine what others “ should find pleasurable?!?!🤷🏻‍♀️

society tells me im supposed to like ice cream and watching sports… sorry, i dont. lol

anyway, im a social worker and a drug n alcohol counselor so it really caught my attention that u said that opiates( pain meds) make ya feel good- focussed, productive, etc- all the stuff that stimulants are designed to help us with.

im so happy you brought this up! its a very controversial topic that is taboo to talk about. But i want you to know that you are not alone in your thoughts. Dr Carl Hart, a tenured professor of psychology at Columbia- has unapologetically come out to the world that he uses heroin. heroin n opiate pain meds are both derived from same source.

He wrote a book called. “ recreational drug use for adults”. Its fabulously interesting and really IMO, the only way to argue his points is if u take an ignorant or moral high ground. some drugs are legal- some are not- its not based on anything other than politics….

anyway, so there is NO WAY you will ever get opiate pain meds prescribed to you in the USA today and prob not in your lifetime for purpose of treating ADHD! and i highly recommend u do not ask your doctor for opiate pain meds to help with your ADHD!!! it will not serve u well in any way.

However, u are not alone in the fact that you notice that your opiate pain pills give u a sense of euphoria, focus, calm, productivity, n well being. Most people experience those nice feelings when they take an opiate pain pill.

i just wanna throw it out there that if a person hates their job, family, lack of family, pets, friends, lack of friends, and the air, etc etc, then yea, ANY drug or dopamine creating substance could easily become a huge problem n overtake your life❤️. so again, im not suggesting to anyone that drugs or any dopamine creating substance all on its own could help create balance and well being. sounds ridiculous that i would have to spell out that disclaimer, but….🤷🏻‍♀️

good luck to you!

Eli44 profile image

Thank you all, For your input. When I first had my acute pancreatitis every nurse and doctor ask me if I drank over and over and over. I had quit drinking completely about 5 years before the attack and hardly drank at all before that. Every one of them looked at me like I was lying or a unicorn. I understand that most acute pancreatitis sufferers are alcoholics, but it’s not a miracle that I don’t drink. The ability to get help when your in pain is ridiculous anymore. I don’t want to take pain meds for the rest of my life. I’m wondering if there is something that effects the brain life opioids. People suggest pot, but not in to that either and it’s illegal in my state anyway. I love what I do, I just want to make my business better and my families life better. I love working. I work another job on the weekend to make sure when my business is short my family doesn’t suffer. I want to focus. I have projects that I can’t focus on that I think could be great. I just want my mind to calm down. Thinking of 10,000 things is a gift and a curse when you can’t focus on those 100 great ideas.

Or better yet, those ten great ideas! ... or sometimes that one blockbuster idea!

Stonesfan profile image

I disliked the stimulants so I treat my ADD with the following

Essential for ADD

Exercise - walking outdoors

Mindfulness (while walking)

Meditation - I use a neurofeedback EEG headband (from Muse to get live feedback)

Nootropics - vitamins & minerals & plant extracts (many inc B12, B Complex, Omega 3 oil, Vitamin D)

Coffee - 2 x strong espresso per day.

Try to sleep well

Optional extras for ADD

Neurofeedback therapy - using Myndlift + the Muse EEG headband. My protocol is set to train my attention

CBT therapy one a week

Update - microdosing

Eli44 profile image

Well I talked to my Dr and nurse practitioner and they upped my adderall. I’m also trying to get more exercise, but I work a lot right now, because I have my own business. I’m also getting back to meditation more often and just trying to realize I’m happy and even though I put in 12-14 hour days 7 days a week. I have things that stress me out and deadline, but I can spend time with my kids when they come help me at my shop. Meditation helps a lot, but I have to make more time for it. It’s a one day at a time thing. Thank you everyone for your advice and input.

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