Please help me to get help. 10 months without name of my vasculitis and no treatment exept ASA and kortison. Nothing of them prescripted of my collegues.
i am not rheumatologist, not lungdoctor, I am an anestetist. I cant vasculitis but I do can oxygentreatment. I know that normal pO2 is 20 kPa in swedish analyzers, NOT 10 kPa as my bloodgas is. My lungvessels were damaged JUNI 2015. Now I am dying in sufflocation and have multiple organ failure. And every kollegue refuses to give me oxygen, thou I tell them it will save my life. Organdamages can be cured with oxygen, nothing else. Some male kollegues trie to lie to me and tell me that 8 - 9 kPa is normal. BULLSHIT. Every value less than 20 is wrong. In swedish analyzers. The values are different depending the anlyzing method used. Different methods have different analyzers.