Those of you who have acid reflux, does it fill your mouth with a soapy taste, and your nose with a soapy smell that burns the back of your nose and throat? It's a bit like when you ' re having a bath and get soap in your mouth and nose!! I take Lansoprazole.
Reflux??: Those of you who have acid reflux... - Vasculitis UK
Is that WITH lansoprazole? If so I think you need to insist to your GP you are referred to a gastroenterologist. Either you are one of the 30% of patients for whom PPIs don't work or you have non-acid reflux as well and PPIs don't stop the mechanism of that, just supposedly help the acid damage (not always).
I was on Lansoprazole for 6 months during chemotherapy for breast cancer and had no problems with it, and now been on it since September. No problems until recently, so I'm not sure if it is reflux. I also have sinus problems since my diagnosis of Vasculitis, so wondered if it might be that causing it .
The first time was it the brand? There is a difference between various versions of a drug. I still think I'd ask to have an endoscopy - or maybe to see an ENT bod to have a squint at your sinuses. Sounds horrible.
Same brand every time, notice this time though they have given me a different brand. I'll wait to see how I get on with those. Endoscopy - bleugh!!
Dear poemsgalore1,
I don't know much about this one, though I AM on Omeprazole- and have been since diagnosis, seventeen years ago. I've also never had an 'endoscopy' but have had a colonoscopy, which was 'negative'- in my case a good result! I was put on it, by my then consultants, to negate 'drug interactions' and 'acid reflux'- sound familiar? I do admit to a little, and I do mean a little, 'acid stomach' sometimes, along with, wind, constipation, griping and so forth. Putting this in the context that I am still alive, almost eighteen years after I nearly died-I can't really complain.
By the way I put a 'post' recently, regarding constipation, and have had some interesting answers.
I send you my very best wishes, for 2015.
Thanks Andrew, I'm off to look for your other post.
It wasn't my post actually but it was placed at roughly the same time.