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Tinnitus UK

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All posts for June 2021

Tinnitus and Covid workshop

A two-part interactive workshop focusing on management of Covid related tinnitus...

Ear plugs

So today I have found relief from putting cotton wool in my ear. Not pushed down...
nels13 profile image

So anxious

Having a really bad day. I have had T for 4 weeks and my anxiety is high. Please...
nels13 profile image
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Tinnitus and noise sensitivity

I’m a long term tinnitus sufferer who has just got on with it. Recently I’ve not...
Debbo60 profile image

Wax Removal and Tinnitus

Hi I had wax removal in January and it exacerbated my tinnitus. I had no consen...
Purpelle profile image

Can anyone recommend tinnitus retraining therapy or CBT providers?

I have an ENT appt next Tues for my tinnitus, but am also trying to find provide...
emmakt_ profile image

I'm new here and developed tinnitus from ear infection, I think Optomize ear spray made it worse!

Hi guys, I've had pulsatile tinnitus on my right ear for 7 years but that doesn’...
Fi_low profile image


I had my ears vacuum syringed at my doctors surgery a few weeks ago. My GP gave...
RobertCLL profile image

Not hearing properly

I have high pitched tinnitus in my left ear and moderate hearing loss in both e...
jojomac23 profile image


Hi, as anyone tried Hypnotherapy to help them cope with the stress and anxiety c...
bantams profile image

Shingles vaccination

Shingles vaccination: has anyone had adverse affects to their tinnitus after ha...
Fedupwaiting profile image

Recent spam on the forum

I'm sorry that visitors to the forum over the weekend may have noticed an increa...
TinnitusUKPat profile image