Increas in T after face and nick message - Tinnitus UK

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Increas in T after face and nick message

Raneen profile image
11 Replies

Hi, yasterday I had a face and nick message, it hurts wile doing it, she told me my face mucles are soo stiff ... when she messaged my ears I almost scream from pain (ear from outside, wich should be nice and fun, was painfull to me, but I wanted that, I though it would help relaxing the stiffnes), after the massage I felt good... in the night I noticed an increase with T ... is it normal? Should I continue doing a message? Anyone went through this and it was a temperoray increas? Im not sure what is right and what is wrong... what to do and what not to do... I though my tinnitus coused from tmj and stress ... and that make my face muscles sfitt .. wich increas T ... after message it have to calm doun, not increas!! ...

Also there were one point in my neck (left vain), was so stiff .. she (the message lady), puts a prussure over that point wich really hurts..

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11 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

I’m sure the massage lady was right when she said you are very tense. She is the one who is experienced in tense muscles.One of the ways to relieve tension is breathing exercises. Please go to the website of the British tinnitus Association and find the section on relaxation and breathing. This does take a lot of practice, like anything new, but please try to persist with these techniques or any other relaxation techniques that you can do for yourself.

Raneen profile image
Raneen in reply to Happyrosie

Thank you, I will try, have to ..

bridgeit profile image

The type of massage you're looking for shouldn't hurt. If it does, it's probably not the right therapy for you.

To relax generally, try adding a few drops of lavender oil to a nightly warm bath. Think about visiting a qualified physiotherapist who can best advise on good head/neck posture and offer some gentle neck exercises to relieve constriction. Good posture includes restricting the amount of time spent every day in a 'head forward' or to one side position on a smartphone! Frequent head forward positioning can cause painful neck problems in the long term.

If you're keen on complementary therapy, you could try Chinese acupuncture (needles) for direct muscular relief.

It might be worth checking with your dentist to see if you have a TMJ problem, i.e. the joint that opens/closes the lower jaw. If there is jaw misalignment, it can become very painful over time.

If your ears are really playing up, have a word with your GP in case there are problems with eustachian tube/sinus blockage or infection. A GP might suggest a visit to ENT as well (they might not).

I would not allow anyone to deep massage or put pressure on the front of my neck as there are too many major blood vessels in that area.

I hope you soon feel better!

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to bridgeit

bridgeit I found your post to be very good, I had a good ( or so I thought) good sports massage lady for my sciatica in my back and you mentioned this “ deep” massage not being too good. I had to give her sessions up as she made my sciatica worse . I thought I liked it as it relaxes me and sort of helped my t but my sciatica turned out worse, not better.

bridgeit profile image
bridgeit in reply to rabbits65

Thx for you reply rabbits. I avoid anything fierce such as deep massage, vigorous musculoskeletal manipulation and strenuous exercise. I think those methods are designed for top athletes and that doesn't fit my profile at all! I think walking is good, with the right shoes, so is swimming using the right form, and a nice, gentle massage can work wonders in terms of relaxing tension.

Sciatica is awful; really disabling. You have my sympathy. I wonder if you've seen the therapy advice from Bob and Brad on Youtube? I've put their link here in case you haven't:

They usually offer enough options to pick and choose which exercise(s) work best for the individual to relieve pain, depending upon the source of the trouble. The page also links to lots of other sciatica exercise advice as well.

I do hope you find something that you can cope with comfortably that works for you soon!

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to bridgeit

Thank you bridgeit so much for all your advice , I have to be so careful with this sciatica , lifting really triggers it off , like shopping. Cannot lift watering cans . Yes walking I do with my poodles. I can’t go too far because my feet have arthritis , but for the tinnitus walking is very good . I must see if the swimming pools are re opening . I am 69 on Wednesday and I’ve had sciatica on and off since the age of 20 !!!! Tell me a bit about your self , that’s if you don’t mind. I much prefer to hear about others .

bridgeit profile image
bridgeit in reply to rabbits65

Hi Rabbits,

Sciatica with arthritis is not an easy combination, and T as well! Good luck with finding some relief.

Thanks for your interest in my story. I don’t dwell on myself much; I like to use the Healthunlocked forum to distract me from my own health troubles (there’s always someone worse off than me) and share some of my experiences if I think it can help someone.

Similar to you, if I talk about myself, it drags me down or throws up unhelpful negative memories. Suffice to say that I’m no spring chicken. I’ve had more ill-health issues over the last 3 years than I’ve had in a lifetime. I had not realized until significant health woes hit me that the NHS is hit-and-miss in terms of delivery of a listening ear, care, good diagnosis and appropriate treatment, from a GP practice on to assorted specialists.

I tend to post when there’s a question or topic raised that I know something about. I have a long history of eye problems, so I know something about eyes. I developed T during complementary therapy over 3 years ago at the same time that other strange symptoms emerged. I have some personal experience of assorted health issues as a result.

The NHS treatment I received at the start of my recent journey was appalling, so I went private to get a sensible diagnosis which cost a small fortune, so I know about the benefits and pitfalls of private treatment as well.

I read as much as I’m able because I like to know what my options are, so I’ve learned quite a lot about assorted conditions, which helps when dealing with specialists who aren’t familiar with the word multidisciplinary and don’t have the confidence/experience of long age. Couple that with 2 decades of being a family carer and it’s enabled me to speak from experience when offering advice, hints and tips. I read but steer clear of posting on topics about which I know nothing.

I have good friends, had dogs for decades when younger, enjoy a hobby or two including my garden and discovered mindfulness a few years ago which I think is marvellous!

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to bridgeit

Hi bridgeit, Thank you very much for your very interesting reply . I have paid for private treatment too, at the start of my T journey I was really scared and I banked all my hopes on this specialist thinking he would take the time to explain properly if I was paying. How wrong I was !!!! So this forum has been a lifesaver. I really like the way you write and talk and it’s absolutely wonderful to meet , at least online, I was a home carer for 24 years and I now feel I’ve still got a lot to give. I came down to Bexhill 5 years ago to help my sister look after our mother . She had dementia and died 2 years ago. I have now bought a bungalow and live on my own , my family live 90 miles away my kids and grandchildren so I miss everyone and it’s too expensive to move back to Hillingdon /Windsor way.

Yes I do mindfulness too . It’s great. Walk my two very happy lively poodles and can see my sister most days .

That’s just about it, I will leave you to enjoy a very very hot sunny day .

From Penny. ( rabbits65)

Raneen profile image
Raneen in reply to bridgeit

Thank you for your reply Bridget.. I have been to many doctors, non is usfull, Im waiting to MRI scan to do to TMJ.. waiting for mouth guard too to be ready.. they are both sonna take time .. I want the T to calm doun in my lwft side, and will consedir gwntle massages ... there is no qualified physiotherapist who can best advise on good head/neck posture.. dont know were to find ...I know what a good posture shoulde be.. but hard to stay in that posture .. I dont use phone too much.. I grwo up having bad posture ... Thank you for your advices .. I will try lavender oil to a nightly warm bath to relax... and I will check youre other advices .. thank you so much

bridgeit profile image
bridgeit in reply to Raneen

Hi Raneen, you're very welcome.

If you need a mouthguard, that might explain the pain around the joint of your jaw including your ear. The MRI will reveal what's going on inside your head and the specialist will know how to deal with anything they find.

Meanwhile, take care with the left side of your head. If there is inflammation owing to tooth grinding or TMJ dysfunction, massage and rubbing might aggravate the joint unless you know precisely where to massage. Best to use a cold compress on the left jaw joint area, but not too cold, for about 10 mins morning and evening. Check with your pharmacist in your local chemist about taking an over the counter anti-inflammatory on a temporary basis for a few days. That might help too.

For the next 2/3 weeks avoid opening your mouth too wide (no wider than thumb size), avoid yawning if you can, don't clench your teeth together (teeth should never meet unless eating) and try not to eat food that is crunchy or requires firm pressure from the jaw to chew. The jaw muscle (masseter) is relatively the strongest in the human body; it can exert 68kg of pressure. If the joint is inflamed, that's a lot of pressure!

I suggest you let your jaw muscle relax a little and see if that helps relieve pain around your ear.

I hope you feel better soon.

Raneen profile image
Raneen in reply to bridgeit

I will try to.. thank you

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