Tinnitus and Sleep - how much rest are you get... - Tinnitus UK

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Tinnitus and Sleep - how much rest are you getting at the moment?

TinnitusUKPat profile imageTinnitusUKPatPartner60 Voters
Four to five hours a night
A good eight hours or so
Two to three hours a night
One to two hours a night
7 Replies

Hi Pat i never sleep the whole night I wake up several times I take Amitrypalyn which helps and Boots Sleepease which is the same as Kalms

London20 profile image

Use white noise and crackling vinyl to get to sleep, "T" goes mad when I wake up and its pot luck whether it settles down or not. Have 3 or 4 really bad days a week. Extreme high pitched scream in head

1exercisegirl profile image

I listen to a audio book on low so I concentrate on that instead of the screeching noise in my head. It seems to help distract me long enough to be able to fall asleep.

Judyspal profile image

I have a fan going which helps me get to sleep,unfortunately when I wake up in the middle of the night,no matter what,I struggle to get back to sleep,sick of this incessant loud buzzing ☹️

Freddy17 profile image

It's pretty rough trying to sleep when your brain is rattling.

TishL profile image

I try to sleep without extra sound, and concentrate on natural, external sounds like clock ticking or/and have the window open. Nice listening to the rain. I really miss silence.

jill29 profile image

Hi Pat I have to have meds to sleep otherwise I would go crazy. I alternate -zopiclone and Amitriptyline. Sometimes I sleep well about 7 hours sleep and other times - like last night about 4 hours. Lack of sleep does affect my well being the next day and I feel quite depressed the next day as I have really loud tinnitus.