Posts - Thyroid UK | HealthUnlocked

Thyroid UK

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All posts for March 2022

Blood results

Not currently got diagnosis but dad had hypothyroidism. TSH 3.75 now was 5.95 i...
Owl2022 profile image

Levo hair why does it not appear to help

What is it about hair? Your thyroid results improve. Your vitamins are all fine....
Jump1 profile image

Aristo Levothyroxine Tablets - Splitting

I have just been reading the German language documentation for Aristo Levothyrox...
helvella profile image
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Buy T3 can someone help please

Please could someone tell me how to buy t3 as I want to add it to my t4 apprecia...
Timetraveler67 profile image


Hi all. First time posting on here , but need some advice if possible? Can anyon...
DLUG profile image

Hyperthyroid - emotional day

Hello everyone Such a sad day today, a lot of crying with worry I wish I could c...
SamB22 profile image

Which Levothyroxine Brand?

Hi all, Finally getting somewhere after going round in circles for months, I now...

Delays in receiving Thyroid function blood test result

Hello I am still awaiting my Thyroid function blood test result which was taken ...
Jelley93 profile image

So I just had a message to go on levo

Bout time 🙄😊Just had a text to go on levo 25mg as may help my heart rate but s...
Burtonn profile image


Hey. I have Hashimoto’s and had a hemithyroidectomy last year. I’m in medicated...

Thyroid problems and cholesterol

Hi I’ve been hypothyroid for over thirty years I’ve had to stop Statins yet agai...
T1S1H1T4 profile image

T3 Results

Good morning all. Asked for full panel bloods including vitamins and unfortunate...
Jodypody profile image

Unsuitable for radiofrequency ablation for thyroid nodule

Hi everyone. I posted a couple of months ago about my endocrinologist referring...
Silversnow profile image

Fed up

Literally so fed up I’ve been feeling poorly for going on 4 months now don’t fee...
Emmamc1719 profile image

Potential Pituitary Problems

Hi I posted recently about my impending dread of thyroid bloods being done by G...

Nail health - peeling & splitting

Since recent increase in levothyroxine dose to 75mcg I’ve noticed all my finger ...
Maynan17 profile image

How long between huge weight loss till huge weight gain?

I had my last thyroid bloods were done on February 14th 2022 and were TSH 0.03(0...
sobs1962 profile image

New to Hashimoto's - advice/Armour

Hello, I'm new (just found this group) so this is my first post. I have posted o...

A repeat of one of Dr John Lowe's statement

This is a statement that Dr Lowe made and I think it might be helpful to those s...
shaws profile image

Blood tests

Hi For the first time ever, I cannot get an appointment to get my bloods done be...
Nellups profile image


Hi. I am looking to find people who are like me. We have Graves’ disease but we...
NIKEGIRL profile image

trying t3

Hi, I have been on T4 for 20 years, during all this time my t3 has been at botto...
tallulah100 profile image

Anyone had any success with taking levo at night?

I have just returned from my endo appointment. I am not feeling better after a d...

Help please TSH too low? Recent blood test

So worried because my g.p. Requests a telephone appointment as my recent thyroid...

Tiromel authenticity?

Have just received 1 blister pack of 25 Tiromel (it’s £25 per 25!) to try, I kno...

Need some advice

How much magnesium and or vitamin c can i take daily for constipation. Thanks!
mintgreenish profile image

Hyperthyroid help

Hi again everyone, I haven't been on for a while as I am on an emotional rollerc...
SamB22 profile image

NDT petition

Could I draw your attention to a 38 degrees petition I just found asking NICE to...
CaptainBeOS profile image

Best UK brand of thyroxine? Or where can I get Euthyrox??

Hello everyone. I am currently unable to get my usual brand of thyroxine, Euthyr...
OllyTojo profile image

Recommend a book?

Does anyone have a easy to read book that they would recommend …I don’t have a m...
Yogibo profile image