Im on 75mg levothyroxine i want my hair permed ... - Thyroid UK

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Im on 75mg levothyroxine i want my hair permed but my hair dresser said it might only take in some places is this true

hugs profile image
11 Replies
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11 Replies
jaxnbreeze profile image

Not sure but I take 50 thyrox. and my 'new' hair (it had become quite thin) has come back a darker colour and I have devolped whirls where it grows out of my scalp. I always had a double crown but I now have a triple crown. My eyebrows are also thicker and darker and I have to train them to lie flat. I wonder if any our organs which have become affected by hypo. return to their pre-hypo. state and does the severity/length of time of the condition make a difference. I have seen photos of untreated hypo. children with very thick dark hair which appears to be growing in all directions. Thanks for asking the question, hugs - it's very interesting.

DEN53 profile image


I've never heard of that before - perhaps she can see other issues with your hair or she is just not an experienced hairdresser. Either way she should perhaps do a patch test, I know they do this with hair colour, but can also do it with perming lotion.

Den xx

I have heard before that perms might not take.

There's some stuff here:

and here:



Sam75 profile image

I was a hairdresser for fifty years, so can say with some confidence that there is no reason for a perm not to "take" if the hairdresser is fully experienced and knows which perm to use..

Yes certian medications will affect the appearance of the hair, making it dry and brittle, being hypo doesent help iether...but whatever hair you have should do as its told by a good hairdresser.

Leonaward profile image
Leonaward in reply to Sam75

I am a juvenile diabetic for 52 yrs . Do you know if insulin will cause a perm to be different. My hair will have curl when wet but when dry , I run my fingers or use a pick then it goes straight. I have used mousse and hair gels to keep the curl when it drys but still losses curl. Thanku for your advice !

shellybelly_71 profile image

I am a hairdresser and I have never came across this problem.There are a lot of things that can cause a perm not to take. My advise to you is to buy a clarifying shampoo, this will remove any build up from certain shampoos. Herbal Essence do one. Wash your hair at least 5 times with this shampoo prior to your perm. Also always use a separate shampoo and conditioner. Advice I give all my clients.

I have been having my hair permed for 50 years both before and after Levothyroxine. I am a bit of an expert by now watching everything for that amount of time. I have had a few perms that have not taken when I've been to new hairdressers but that has only been because they don't use a strong enough solution, not because of Thyroxine. (I have been told that I have resistant hair) This is how it hairdresser, "I think we'll use such and such solution", me, "if it's special perm lotion for coloured hair or mild, soft, kind, gentle etc etc it won't work on my hair". Hairdresser, "well, I'd prefer it if you would let me use this, I'll redo it if it doesn't work". Two weeks later I return for the free redo !!! I never discuss my medications with hairdressers now, it is not relevant and only complicates matters, in other words if the perm doesn't take, they can say it's my medications when it's their lack of knowledge about their own products..

mags777 profile image

I used to get perms regularly before being diagnosed hypo but afterward had one which didn't work .went back and had it redone but again after a few days it straightened.I went to another hairdresser a couple months later and mentioned to her.i asked if my hypo would make a difference and was told it can cause perms not to work.

avantg profile image

Myself and My wife are both hairdressers having our own salon now for 37 years and still working on a daily basis. We both are on high levels of thyroxine 150 and 200mcgs daily. My wife as very fine hair and also colour treated hair. Yes thyroxine can 'build up' within the hair structure over a period of time/years..and Yes the hair does require specialist preparation.. I agree with 'Phoebs 21 hours ago' that a 'firmer lotion' ...Preparation of chelleting shampoo as well as analising the hair porosity.. low in protien or low in moisture/wet stretch pre test is advisable...there are a lot of other medications out there that can cause us a lot more problems. If your hairdresser as offered to do a 'few rollers test' that could be a way of finding out a little more. Happy Perming

Sam75 profile image

Complete rubbish, the hair does not respond to drugs, Ive been a hairdresser for 60 odd years....if a perm doesent take , its the wrong perm, or wrong hairdresser.....

hugs profile image
hugs in reply to Sam75

I've been to a few hair dresses all did test all come back the same. Parts curled and parts ended up like it's been singed. Would NOT perm my hair.

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