Can Thyroid problems cause youtohave a cough? - Thyroid UK

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Can Thyroid problems cause youtohave a cough?

Castleton profile image
20 Replies
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Castleton profile image
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20 Replies


Can you supply more details please?

What type of cough? How long have you had it? Do you have any other symptoms? Are you diagnosed, on any meds? Have you got your latest thyroid blood results, including the ranges?

All of this info will help people to better offer support. :-)



halerm profile image
halerm in reply to

I have a dry cough and can't seem to clear my throat- it is definitely coming from the throat.

betty profile image

Hi Castleton

I have a post nasal drip that gives me a cough. In Dr S's book he says it is a symptom of Hypothyrdism

Betty x

Info52 profile image
Info52 in reply to betty

I have noticed that my dry cough happens in the early morning and I believe I may have the conclusion. I normally take my thyroid by the bathroom sink when I wake up to go. I have been taking it with a hand cuffed full of a small amount of water. I mistakingly took my thyroid pill at 1:30am. I didn't have a cough that morning which is making me guess that it could very well be the powder dissolving from the peel and the base of my esophagus creating inhalation of the pill residue. I'm on a mission now because last night was the first night I took the thyroid at 1:30 and I shall do that again and see what happens and we'll be in touch

greygoose profile image

I would say it most definately can. In some symptom lists coughs are mentioned. And as betty says, it can be caused by the post nasal drip that is also a symptom of hypo. Does your cough come from the throat or the chest?

I have been hypo most of my life and I have had a cough most of my life. Doctors listen to my chest and say "well, there's nothing wrong with your chest!" as if I am imagining my cough (if I'm imagining it, how come they can hear it too? lol). When I tell them the cough comes not from my chest but from my throat, they look baffled. But then, they know nothing about thyroid...


siskin profile image
siskin in reply to greygoose

Hi greygoose, I found your post most interesting as I am probably hypo t and when I told my GP I had 2 coughs he laughed at me. One is a chest cough, with sputum easily coughed up, the other is certainly a throat cough which can go on for ages with nothing to show, even starting to cause the gag reflex and utter exhaustion.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to siskin

Yup, that sounds like mine. It's difficult to explain but it's like you've got a thorn caught in your throat and the throat sort of closes up and you have to cough and cough and cough. Or sometimes talking brings it on.

I've seen many doctors and ENTs about it - before my diagnosis, that is - because I also lost my voice a lot and had sore throats and the feeling of a lump that stopped me swallowing, and they all told me there was absolutely nothing wrong with my throat. Well, not inside, perhaps, the problem was right nextdoor!

Now, on a massive dose of thyroid hormone, the lump and the sore throat and the loss of voice have gone, but I still have that cough. And sometimes it actually makes me vomit when it goes on for too long.

Whatever gave doctors the idea that they had the right to laugh at patients! What makes them think they are so superior and that patients are all crazy hypocondriacs. What can we do to make them accept their own ignorance!!! God knows we get enough laughs over their stupidity (if we don't cry, that is) but at least we have the manners not to laugh in their faces! Perhaps we should try doning that, let them know how it feels.


in reply to greygoose

I was diagnosed with Laryngeal Sensory Neuropathy. After taking a number of drugs which ended up not helping and causing many side effects the doctor sent me to an ENT who is administering Botox ejections in my voice box approximately every three months...the coughing weny away but I still have a hoarseness in my voice. The cough has lasted for about 12 years and is now only relieved by the Botox injections. However, today I was told that I have hypothyroidism and they are going to start me on pills for this. Does anyone know if the hypothyroidism can cause a cough; I will be back in touch and let everyone know if the pills help my chronic cough like the Botox injections has definitely caused it to stop for about three months and if so then possibly I can discontinue the Botox injections. Curious to how this has affected other people

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

Bugsy, this thread is four years old. It's very doubtful that many people are going to read it now. Why don't you post your own question, in a new thread, that everyone will see? You'll get far more answers that way.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to greygoose

Would you believe it im reading it right niw due to a cough i always seem to have.a poxy niggling cough. Yr comment as im reqding it 2years later lol

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Spotydave

Well, yes, it does happen. But, what are the odds? If someone wants answers now, they can't wait two years! The obvious thing to do was to advise this person to post a new question that will be at the top of the list for a while, and be seen by more people.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to greygoose

Thats right .. but did find it interesting regarding me cough.just shows its good to keep the info available. 😁😁

Vrboska profile image
Vrboska in reply to siskin

I have been hypo for 11 years but persistent cough started only recently. I've noticed it comes every time I bend down!? As if I must cough out something. I wonder if it comes to you at the certain time and activity?

Castleton profile image
Castleton in reply to greygoose

HI to everyone who replied. Thank you so much, you have been very helpful. The cough is from my throat, and it started last April and has been very much as you described Grey. It was after going tothe doctors about it that i was diagnosed as underactive,blood checked apparently as "routine"but they have never said that it was related.

I have just had anitbioticsafter the coughg being much worse, and lets just say "nasty", even though my chest was clear, but now ican see that itwas 2 coughs, the 2nd one has gone on for about 6 week, but seems much better now, so perhaps the antiobiotics were help ful on this occasion.

Istill have the throat cough, which often starts after i have eaten or talking a lot. I work in a busy office so that is unavoidable and my colleagues are a bit fed up with me now!

I am due to visit my GP again soon but i can now go armed with more information. I also have various other symptoms which lots of people seem to have, which has made me realize that they were not just my imagination!

Thank you again everyonewish you a Happy New Year


rlcpd profile image
rlcpd in reply to Castleton

A cough like this is closely associated with post nasal drip.

There are several OTC treatments. ..hope you find one that works.

It can also be a result of GERD...there are lots of suggestions as to how lifestyle can be altered to reduce the reflux..and of course, meds like Nexium.

There is also a 'viral cough'. Antibiotics should not be used as they are useless with viruses and increase the appearance of more antibiotic resistant bacteria. Viral coughs do not last for years, however.

A cough like this can also be from a 'dry throat' which can have several different causes. Try a humidifier by your bed. Try an 'artificial' saliva-type med...such as Oral-Balance, although the new ones are better.

And there is a 'stress' expression of anxiety or nervousness.

angel3012 profile image

I also have a dry tickly type cough in my throat. I thought it was caused by the Blood Pressure tablet I take as it's a side effect, never associated it with my underactive thyroid.

ritz profile image

i used to have an irritating throat cough, dry and tickley, it felt like someone was pushing softly with a finger just below my larynx. i was on 250 levo then - i have since changed to armour and t3 and you have just made me notice that symptom has disappeared.........?..along with many others - so for me it probably was under medication

kathri profile image

Hi I'm 27yrs old I did not take a blood test of if I have hyperthyroid but I see some signs of what most people saying about it I use to be very energetic person but since ten years in so weak and losing weight day by day I'm having menstruation cycle irregularly and it's getting smaller and by the time of my period is about to come I'm having fever and anxiety .I can't sleep well no matter how long I stay in bed or fall sleep I would wakeup tired and heavy head I can't concentrate on any thing my hair falls some times and it's normal the other I'm getting upset of slightest thing some times cry with out good reason . I have been experiencing constipation other things I am dealing with is cough and high heart rate it's 135 the most of the time even in my rest time . Can you please tell me if I am having hyperthyroid doctors are saying that it's tonsils is tonsils and hyperthyroid are same some how or is tonsils causes thyroid disorder there is swelling glands in my neck both sides but not that much u can see out side only when I touch with my hands I can feel n

Kitten1978 profile image
Kitten1978 in reply to kathri


If you put the above description of your symptoms in a NEW POST, people will notice it and comment on it. I think they just haven't noticed it here!

Anxiety, irregular periods, insomnia, tiredness, brain fog, constipation, low mood and elevated hear rate can be caused by HYPOthyroidism. See the website:

I presume that insomnia, anxiety, and elevated heart rate can be also symptoms of HYPERthyroidism.

You need to have your TSH tests done EARLY in the MORNING at your GP surgery. High TSH indicated hypothyroidism, low TSH indicates hyperthyroidism. Once you have the result post it here and ask people to comment on it.

Take care


kylnaruto profile image

haha. i thought I'm just the o ly ome have this problem. haha. that always coughing. i kinda hate . huhu.

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