Increased dose and ectopics : So I’m now 4 weeks... - Thyroid UK

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Increased dose and ectopics

Cade83 profile image
26 Replies

So I’m now 4 weeks tomorrow on the increased dose and I’m now getting weird feelings in my heart and occasional ectopic heart beats. I did have bloods done at my surgery who did do my thyroid but as you all know they only do TSH and it was 0.38 miu/L range being 0.35-4.94.

Has anyone ever had increased ectopic heart beats on higher dose? They seem really painful ones when it does it as well and they aren’t normally. I’m getting really worried maybe I shouldn’t have gone up and maybe I should try and get hold of T3 instead. My anxiety is way past the roof now as I’ve never experienced such strong ectopics before and I’m freaking out a lot more with this weird feeling like I’m gonna have a heart attack at any moment. Sounds stupid I know but I did write this in my last post but this just seems to get worse and the tiredness I’m getting just seems to be getting worse and not better. I was gonna do a Thriva test while on this dose but I don’t think I can hold out until next week before dropping it back incase this is causing the ectopics. I’m really scared at this point as I really don’t understand what’s going on with my body. I’m so bloated as well. At this point I’m thinking of quitting my job because I just can’t cope with how I’m feeling and what’s going on with my body and I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I’m losing all hope that none of this is gonna get better.

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Cade83 profile image
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26 Replies
HealthStarDust profile image

I am sure the more experienced members will soon comment, but I just wished to add that I am sorry you are feeling this way. And, I hope it improves soon.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to HealthStarDust

Thank you, me too I’m so at the end of my tether now.

Buddy195 profile image

Hi Cade83, when did you last check FT4 and FT3 with TSH? How much additional thyroid medication have you added?

When I was adjusting medication ‘too quickly’ (for me) I ended up in A and E with palpitations, fast pulse and elevated heart rate. I’m now more of a tortoise than a hare and only adjust medication super- slowly. I fully understand what it’s like to have high anxiety; for me this was the worst thyroid symptom and at the time, I thought it would never end.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Buddy195

My last bloods done with TSH T3 T4 was 21st June with Thriva

TSH 1.64 miu/L range 0.27-4.2

FT3 3.91 pmol/L range 3.1-6.8

FT4 17.5 pmol/L range 12-22

I only increased by 12.5mcg as I was on 87.5mxg weird I know but 75 felt too little and 100 felt too much when I tried couple years ago.

The thing is my heart rate is never fast it’s been in the 50’s ever since I gave up drinking and smoking nearly 7 years ago. Although I did notice an increase while doing stuff few months ago but this has calmed down a bit now. So heart rate is never fast at all. Like I’m stood up now and it’s 59. Makes me wonder whether I should have gave up cause my fatigue started about 8 months after I quit both. Honestly I don’t even know how much more I can take of the way I feel at the moment like the fatigue, stomach bloating, feeling dizzy, the anxiety and chest sensations I’ve been getting are just weird. However I do think the boating has a part on how I’m feeling at the moment with anxiety. So I do need to figure that out. Because of the way I’ve been feeling I’ve been eating take aways but I have been trying to stick to chicken stuff and nothing with gluten in as far as I know but I am trying to cook from fresh again. I used to get ectopics loads when I was on sertraline but I hardly get them now but the few I have got recently have been super strong but again I think me being bloated could be contributing to that as well. I can’t cope and drs just never know what to do because my symptoms are so random and my bloods are always normal, actually the ones I just had done are actually better than before, except my cholesterol cause that’s always high. Although my last one was surprisingly 5.3 which is super good for me. This is really effecting my life though, I’m constantly worried, I hate work because I’m constantly worrying, I’m constantly moaning to my girlfriend whose actually pretty new but we luckily have an amazing relationship. It’s been an nightmare. An it’s really hard to stick to things when your so low because you hate the way your feeling constantly, I even feel angry at times.

thyreoidea profile image
thyreoidea in reply to Cade83

Hi Cade83, if you are anxious speak to your doctor who can arrange an ECG to check your heart. At standing HR of 59 is not fast at all as most peoples at rest is 60-100.

I had ectopics most of 2021 every time I moved or walked around it would be missing every few seconds but no one seemed to think it was serious apart from me, I felt empty but no other symptoms, this was during covid so not a lot was happening diagnostic wise, finally had an echocardiogram and a 24 hour monitor in the November but by that time it had all but gone back to normal and nothing was found. Whilst waiting for tests I cut everything out I didn't need such as caffeine, alcohol and snacks etc and tried to work out what was causing it, lost 2 stone so not all bad.

If you are anxious to put your mind at rest see your doctor as stress can be a contributing factor as can lack of good sleep or imbalance in electrolytes.If you have shortness of breath or chest pain with missing (ectopic) heartbeats or palpitations best to seek help.

Buddy195 profile image

Have you tried journalling to stop any negative thoughts spiralling? This CBT technique really helped me. There are lots of books on line for you to journal in, eg

Anxiety Journal: Hold On Let Me Overthink This

Pilates has also been a godsend for me, as I do controlled breathing whilst doing gentle stretches (as it’s hard to breathe/ meditate lying still with a racing mind!)

I’m so pleased you are in a happy relationship as having someone to share things with is very helpful.

Have you fully eliminated gluten? I won’t touch it now, as gluten caused me so much bloating/ discomfort.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Buddy195

I sort of tried journaling but I didn’t find it easy but I didn’t really try long enough. I’ll definitely have a look though thank you.

My girlfriend actually made me do a you tube video today on tai chi which actually helped but as soon as I stop my mind goes into over drive again. I am thinking of doing something more often though. I used to do hot yoga which I lived but no where in Plymouth that do it everyday like they do in Brighton when I was there for a year.

Thanks she’s been amazing. We met in the most rubbish time as we’re both going through different things except hers isn’t health related but it’s certainly a relationship that I’ve never experienced before in a good way. So at least I have that right now 🙂

I really try but it’s hard when I want to order something and they don’t do gluten free stuff. Like tonight I really wanted humous with pitta bread but didn’t have gluten free pittas. I do need to stick to it though. With my mood the way it is it’s really hard to stick to it but I should do because I know it could make a huge difference. I actually just watched a video on instagram on Isabella Wentz and apparently aloe Vera juice can reduce antibodies by 54% and put hashimotos into remission, broad statement but may be worth a go.

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Cade83

I’d definitely do a strict GF trial for 3 months to see if this benefits you. It is hard at first to ‘stock up’ on everyday GF items. Some products are long life, eg GF pitta bread, but it’s hard to be organised & have everything that others (non GF) are eating!

Hypopara profile image
Hypopara in reply to Cade83

please be careful with aloe Vera juice, it sent my T4 way too high and suppressed my tsh completely and I only took it for a week.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Hypopara

I’m sure that’s kind of the point, if your able to take aloe Vera juice and it increased your T4 and lowered your TSH isn’t that saying it’s helping your thyroid or if you have Hashimoto’s and then you could reduce your T4 intake?

Hypopara profile image
Hypopara in reply to Cade83

I wasn’t brave enough to stop my meds, so I have no idea what would have happened long term. All I can say is it had a profound effect and I don’t recommend taking levothyroxine and aloe Vera together.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Buddy195

When you say this CBT technique really helped you, what technique specifically helped you just curious? Or did you mean journalling?

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Cade83

As part of the CBT, I learned how to change negative thought patterns by writing down both positives and negatives from my day. The journals helped me monitor my anxiety levels & keep them in check.

arTistapple profile image

Cade83 check out the video on YouTube by cardiologist Dr. Sanjay Gupta of York. He talks specifically of the effect of (or more specifically lack) of thyroid hormone on the heart and ectopic beats. This guy has given one of the best descriptions of heart symptoms/thyroid symptoms I have heard and I have done quite a bit of research over the years. No mention about T3 as ‘treatment’ as the usual line trotted out very much like our dreadful batch of endos. BUT a clear description of our ‘brand’ (you and me) of hypothyroidism. I have survived a heart attack 20 years ago which I am virtually sure was caused by subclinical hypothyroidism. Stress is circular but my sense is hypothyroidism (however it has come about) is what creates the stress in the first place and makes us chase our tails. Doctors of very little help as long as they carry out the instructions of our useless endos. Best help re: dosage etc here on the forum.

Do be tempted to rush into changing medication until you get to the bottom of this and make changes slowly so you can follow better what is happening.

Carri3 profile image
Carri3 in reply to arTistapple

Yes, Sanjay is brilliant

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to arTistapple

I have watched loads of Sanjay Gupta’s videos but actually never ones about thyroid and the heart.

Dawney63 profile image

I am also feeling unwell on my increase, like you my heart feels weird, my heads more fuzzy, worsevringing in ears can't think straight, im due a blood test on 27th July trying to hold out until then on the increased dose

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Dawney63

Yeah I may hold out until next week just to see what my T3 and T4 is like and if my conversion improved on the increased dose or not cause if it hasn’t I’m inclined to see if I can trial T3.

Dawney63 profile image
Dawney63 in reply to Cade83

I have read some of your previously posts and you sound just like me, pm me any time I can't offer much advise but maybe between us we can find a way forward as right now I head will explode

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Dawney63

Awe it’s very frustrating and you can always message me anytime even just to vent. Sometimes it helps just to talk about how you’re feeling and it elevates it a bit.

arTistapple profile image

Let me know how you get on? Noticed a typo, should read “Don’t be tempted to rush into changing medication …..”.

Batty1 profile image

Do you measure your pulse when your having the palpitations and when your feeling fine? If so what have they been… When Im anemic or have eaten too much bread products my pulse will go up and down like a yo-yo.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Batty1

Generally my pulse is pretty slow when I’m feeling fine. I know if I’ve over eaten or if I’m bloated this increases it a lot but I would expect this. I’ve just noticed another random symptom that I was just paying a game on my PlayStation and I was resting my arms on my thighs and once a finished a game I realised my thighs were burning. It’s slowly going but that’s well weird.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Cade83

I have what I refer to as burning skin that randomly attacks me so I went to a neurologist who diagnosed me with small fiber neuropathy (for no reason) I don’t believe its for no reason I never had this until I lost my thyroid…

You should keep track of your pulse and what your doing/eating when they occur.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Batty1

That would really get me angry if someone said I had something for no reason. There’s always a reason. Just too lazy to figure it out.

humanbean profile image

Low iron and/or ferritin (iron stores) cause me to get palpitations, and if it is bad enough it can cause tachycardia (fast heart rate) and chest pain.

Some other nutrients e.g. B12 can cause heart issues if they are low.

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