Slow transit constipation : Hi there, Calling... - IBS Network

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Slow transit constipation

IBS- profile image
38 Replies

Hi there,

Calling all sufferers, and wanted to ask what works for you and if senna is the only thing that gets things moving for you?

I have been suffering with slow transit constipation since having my daughter with a c-section. I’m pretty sure it was the stomach surgery that’s caused it. I’ve spent the last 5 years figuring out ways to help keep me regular and nothing at all works apart from senna. I avoided this for many years but nothing was working and it was making me ill. The doctor said to use 7.5G of senna each night which has worked wonders. I feel like a new person! The worry Is that the bowel can become dependent of senna. However, the doctor tells me she has patients that use it all their lives and it always works.

What are the chances of senna no longer working further down the line? I’m hoping it’s pretty slim and unlikely 🤞

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Many thanks

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38 Replies
Merlinjardin profile image

I took senna for over 10 years and it kept everything moving. Then last year my IBS flared up and I stopped the senna. Hospital doctor said the laxative had made my bowel lazy and at the moment my Bm is hard lumps and have to use a micro enema to pass anything. Usually every three days. Not good. Gastro doctor said better to use a softener rather than senna type laxative. In the end I was taking 3 every night. So I would say not good long term.

How many max strength sennakot tablets equate to 7.5g? ! It sounds like an awful lot and not good long term. I have only ever taken the recommended 1 a day and they don’t help my slow transit.

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to

I was advised to take Dulcolax-Pico Sodium picosulfate, liquid - by the hospital consultant. -which works on the large bowel, I have slow transit and a slow return, made worse by an attack of TM some years ago . I take 5 ml every 3 days. My natural BM is every 4 days, but was advised not to let that happen.!

Merlinjardin profile image
Merlinjardin in reply to

7.5 mg is one tablet. Don’t take them now

IBS- profile image
IBS- in reply to

Apologies I meant 7mg

in reply to IBS-

No worries

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to

One tablet is 8.6 mg. Which is barely anything. I have the bottle in front of me and the direction state 4 tabs in morning 4 tablets in the evening. (I'm in the States). I mean..better out than in right? No one suffering from chronic and long term severe constipation wants to go to ER for impaction. My gastro told me to take whatever works. There is no miracle or cure yet for constipation. Or we can take the icky meds which might or might not work and only works short term such as Linzess or Resolor, (Prucolapride) or Trulance. Sometimes for people with severe IBS-C a small fleet enema or stool softeners just don't do enough. So..tell me...what other options do we have?? Especially those of us unable to have a bowel movement on our own due to very weak Pelvic floor.

in reply to Eliana5

Are you talking about senakot? The UK version recommended dosage is one tablet per day. Quite a difference! All I’ve found that works is irrigation which has its risks too. It’s so frustrating isn’t it!

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to

Yes. I'm in the States. I take Gericot..the generic version of Senna. Same ingredients..but they are "uncoated" so they work better. 😊

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to

I have thought about irrigation and have a pen pal friend in U.K. She said it works great..but sometimes she has her bad days and had to take 5ml of Pico Sulphate the day before or after. I guess nothing is perfect. Frustrating. I'm just too afraid to do it myself thinking I may shake from nerves and give myself an anus fissure or perforate a colon..

MissRita profile image
MissRita in reply to Eliana5

Irrigation? Do you mean a colonic?

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to MissRita

I don't know..have never done either. I just know my friend in U.K does irrigation on her own..

in reply to Eliana5

Using just water

in reply to MissRita


Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Eliana5

That is a big difference isn’t it & odd how it varies so much from country to country ,I think you’re more advanced medically in the States than we are in the UK .I totally agree with you ,what else can we do for constipation, I’ve always tended to overdose as the last thing I wanted during the pandemic was a blockage , or anytime to be honest .I eat a healthy diet with fibre , exercise , drink lots of water & still get constipated, so laxatives seem to be the only thing I can take to help me go to the loo . It’s interesting that they say to take in the morning as well as the evening, I’ve never done that .

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Gardenlover2020

I know right? Yikes. It seems like a lot for just a day (8 tablets a day x 7).. yikes!! 😬

Gardenlover2020 profile image

Hi ,I used to take Senna 3 tablets per night but the consultant said to take Bisacodyl instead as Senna can cause pigmentation of the colon & long term damage , apparently.

It is also known to loose its effectiveness over time , it I suppose that varies from person to person ,

I found it slowed with me , but the Bisacodyl has too , like all medication your body gets used to it .

Ask your doctor about Prucalopride , it is a prescription medication Thor constipation, it has helped me .

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Gardenlover2020

I just read in a journal that further long term studies have proved this is outdated information and false. Many gastro's like to "scare" us with all these false horror stories. I have been taking Senna for decades and have no pigmentation as shown on Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy If I can find the article will post a link on here.

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Eliana5

That doesn’t surprise me , it does make you wonder as that was the first time , after speaking to several gastroenterologists , that anyone has ever said it to me ? It doesn’t give you much faith in these medics does it ?

I did prefer the Senna to the Bisacodyl, if you do find the article it with be interesting to read it please

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Gardenlover2020

The Prucolapride helped a bit for three months and stopped working.

health2712 profile image

Hi, I took Senna for several years for chronic constipation. I was then diagnosed with a rectal prolapse and told to stop taking Senna as this would contribute to my rectal prolapse worsening. Honestly, it's so difficult. I completely sympathise with your situation. x

in reply to health2712

Please tell me how senna can make your prolapse worse? I’ve not heard that before.

health2712 profile image
health2712 in reply to

I'm not entirely sure. My GP advised me to stop taking it after I was diagnosed with a rectal prolapse. Apparently the way it works means it can put more pressure on your pelvic floor. But I'd ask a specialist before taking my word for it.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to health2712

Did the Senna cause the rectal prolapse? Ouch! I always think I may get that but luckily never have so far. What do you do for there surgery to push it back in?

health2712 profile image
health2712 in reply to Eliana5

Hi! No, the Senna did not cause the prolapse. The prolapse was caused by excessive straining over many years. I was just told by my GP that taking Senna everyday might aggravate my prolapse.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to health2712

I'm sure I will most likely get that from straining..yikes..

Eliana5 profile image

Hi..I first heard of Senna about 15 years ago when I started to get constipation from my pain medication. I was taking Hydrocodone..the lowest dose twice a day..but that is when it first started happening. I think it also contributed to my debilitating back pain I was seeing my pain management specialist about. I had and still have severe degenerative disk disease and sciatica..narrowing of the spine, bone spurs, herniated and bulging disks. You name it, I had/have it. The nurse practitioner came in a year after I started first going and told me to take an over the counter laxative called Senna as it was the best for opioid induced constipation and to start at 2 morning and 2 evening. I was very apprehensive about taking a stimulant laxative as before the Naproxen 500, Hydrocodone, and muscle relaxer I had no problems with bowel movements. I wish I had never gone on pain meds. They never advised me they are notorious for causing constipation. I then started to get impacted as I was still hesitant about the Senna still sitting on my kitchen counter and I remember having to have enemas which was quite embarrassing. It was then they told me to see about going off of pain medication. I did.. finally..but it was too late as I finally started the Senna. I didn't have as much luck as you. It made me cramp and stay home going all day. So I decided I could not live stuck in my apartment. I did have some problems until I was about ten years old..had to strain quite a bit but I think it was all the milk my foster parents were giving me with lunch, dinner, and with snacks.. cookies. This was back in the 70's when "constipation" was not really talked about (like mental illness wasn't either). So..when I was a child I never heard of the word "constipation" but didn't let it bother me..just sat on the toilet and strained and strained. I didn't know I had constipation. I just thought it was "normal" to it always eventually finally came out. Then when I got older..I stopped drinking milk so much (except for in cereals). I think over time this (straining) had caused me to have a weak pelvic floor.

The pain clinic did give me Movantik but all it did was not made the pain med not "stick" to my gut and I started to have withdrawal from the pain meds. But did not help with bowel movements. I think I may have even tried medication Linzess but by this time I was on Senna for quite a while and it worked and still does.. but now I take it on Saturday nights (I had to keep increasing it, but it still worked. But now, unfortunately I have to take 8 tablets on Saturday night..just over the max). It works very well. I go on Sunday morning at around 7am..and am done by 10am. I suffer no side effects such as Nausea or cramping/bloating. I honestly think Senna is the best thing since sliced bread because it has never failed me for decades now. I have to also drink coffee with stevia packets and apple juice..which is a mild laxative which helps move things along. I'm no longer on pain medication but they did their damage even being in them for a short time. I'm unable to have a bowel movement on my own. I went and had a test can't remember what it's called..where the gastro or specialist inserts is a small thin tube and then has a balloon on the end up inside you. She then tells me to "bear down" like I am trying to stop urination. I didn't do well. She said the balloon didn't even inflate. I am. Slow transit signal to have a bowel movement. If I am lucky I will have some movements if I drink a little strong coffee on Monday maybe Tuesday. Then I don't go again till Sunday sadly. I have given up on colon specialists and gastro's. It's always the same outdated advice. More fiber..etc. But I just tell them "well..if I can't feel the urge to even have a bowel will I be able to get a big bulky fibered up stool out? They have no answers.

So..sorry for my long story but to answer your question...the Senna has lasted for decades for me but I have had to increase it slowly. I don't know what I would do if it stopped "working" yikes. It's probably the best laxative out there in my opinion..

IBS- profile image
IBS- in reply to Eliana5

Thank you Elaina5 it sounds like you have been on a journey. I’m sorry to hear about your constipation. Mine all started after giving birth with my daughter via c-section. I believe the stomach surgery has caused me to have slow transit. I’ve struggled for 5 years trying to avoid senna (even tho it worked so well). I’m now at a point through sheer desperation that it’s doing more damage keeping it in so senna it is! And I feel a lot better for it. I’m due to see a gastroenterologist next month for the first time, so I’m really hoping I get somewhere 🤞

It’s good to know the senna is still working for you! I had the same conversation with my doctor recently who said that taking senna long term is ok if you need to. I asked her why it has a bad reputation for making your bowel lazy in the long term, and she said that they say that to stop people from abusing laxatives who might not need them…

Not sure how true it is but she certainly told me it’s ok to rely on senna to keep things moving..

Take care

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to IBS-

It is true and I'm so happy it is working for you. Whoever invented Senna should have a Nobel piece prize. 😊

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to IBS-

It's probably true. It's sad that many models/people abuse laxatives to get thin..but you only lose water weight which if course one gets back quickly since we all need water daily.

MissRita profile image

I drink ALOT of aloe Vera juice! It’s healing and it also keeps us bowel movement moving.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to MissRita

I heard somewhere that it's not good for you. Maybe I misunderstood. Do you take it every day? If you have a movement every day? I drink apple Juice with Senna - the juice being a mild laxative. Is it expensive? I saw it in a grocery store but the bottles were small which seemed expensive. I'm on social security disability..not much income..

MissRita profile image
MissRita in reply to Eliana5

Yes and yes. Senna is a good quick fix but over time it can damage your small intestine.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to MissRita

Never has with me. I've been in it for decades. My gastro and Colon specialist said my small intestine is fine. I did read Aloe Vera Juice has it's cons too and not so good over the long run. Nothing is ever 100 "safe". Take care and thanks for all your support. I'm leaving town and won't be able to get on here for a long time. Take it easy.

MissRita profile image
MissRita in reply to Eliana5

Well everyone is different! ;)

MissRita profile image
MissRita in reply to Eliana5

It’s not expensive.

Hi… historically my IBS came with constant constipation - very regular hospital visits for enemas then doing these myself at home…desperately looking for a way to help myself I eventually tried a predominantly vegan diet (still eating fish and organic eggs) OMG what a revelation!! Daily healthy BM!!! Everything changed!! I really thought my IBS was gone and I lived pain and symptom free for 2 years… absolutely fantastic!!!

I’m sad to say though - a very recent (August) major bacterial infection and subsequent treatment plus blood virus plus external stress from very sick parent has triggered new IBS flare up - now with dreadful diarrhoea so now working on getting to grips with all this… am getting there slowly but surely… sticking with my predominately vegan diet - just tweaking it to suit - seems to be ok. BM still extremely loose but the ‘need to go’ is less sudden’ and other IBS related symptoms (some treated with medication help) are beginning to improve slowly…

… what a journey we’re all on eh??!!

… I wish us all the best of luck.

While I’m here - just to say - ‘thanks’ to all contributors - the support is invaluable!

…and the beat goes on!! Lorna xx

Eliana5 profile image

I'm sorry to hear this, but it sounded promising toward the end of your post which gives relief and hope. It's sad we have to do this for ourselves because in my experience.. gastro's are useless. Please keep us posted..

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