Does anyone have issues with nausea when they ... - IBS Network

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Does anyone have issues with nausea when they are in a flare has been bad a build up of gas but it just doesnt go its so painful

Tonichick profile image
7 Replies
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Tonichick profile image
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7 Replies
s-unrise profile image

I have felt almost constantly nauseous for months, gassy, bloated, indigestion. The nausea is the most debilitating. I have been on a gluten free diet for 2 weeks (out of choice, blood tests were normal) so far I am not having indigestion and stools are so much better but still have nausea. I find lemon and ginger tea helps a little.

tansy-ann8 profile image
tansy-ann8 in reply to s-unrise

My most troublesome symptoms now are the same as yours s-unrise; exactly the same. The dreadful looseness has eased somewhat and my weight is back to normal, But I have stemiltil for the dreadful nausea , Mebeverine for the spasms and ranitidine for the indigestion - I rattle!!!! Can't have too much acid even though I love acidic fruit.

Good luck to you all.

PatV profile image

crystal ginger helps my nausea.. A lot of sugar tho

Tonichick profile image

Thanks Kerry Its just my symptoms have changed in recent months ive had this 22 years and never had the nausea til recently and this gas build up is horrible so painful...ive steered clear of trigger foods but my ibs has become linked to how my RA and fibro are the gp dosnt like swapping my drugs with being on a biologic and all the others ive got domperidone for the nausea which does help but te colpermin isnt working as well now...

I also suffer from nausea a lot of the time because I suffer from functional dyspepsia (the upper gut) as well as IBS-D which causes me to feel sick a lot, sometimes more after eating. I feel especially unwell after a flare up and I get them quite frequently and the pain/discomfort I have is practically 24/7 and that can make me feel sick too if it's bad.

carole2 profile image

yeah i do my doctor's give me some anti sickness pills ,my ibs has been terrible can't get it down.

Junmanse profile image

I have the same problem, if you stuck a pin in me I would go bang , Colofac helps