I've been told in the past to avoid decongestants and many of the leaflets say not to take them but a pharmacist and doctor seem unconcerned and unaware. Has anyone else taken them? and found any effect on their Raynaud's?
I've been told in the past to avoid decongestants and many of the leaflets say not to take them but a pharmacist and doctor seem unconcerned and unaware. Has anyone else taken them? and found any effect on their Raynaud's?
I am like you and have avoided decongestants but if really desperate i do take one, say to get through a meeting or a meal out.
A good alternative is a drink made from ginger boiled in water for ten minutes then strained and honey and lemon added
Thanks, I'm not too bad yet so will avoid taking anything until I have to, mainly just my ears that are being strangely affected like I can feel a pulse in them, think I'll put up with that for now.
I see a massive difference - my raynauds is far worse when I take decongestants and be careful not all brands put the warning in the leaflet dispite having the same ingredients.
Did you know that, "SUDAFED" , is one of the main ingredients for making, "CRYSLAL METH"?
My anticoag clinic said a few years ago if I was desperate then taking one occasionally would be acceptable BUT contact the clinic to get an earlier appointment. I used them at night before bed so I could breathe & get some sleep!!
Hiya I can't take decongestants as I suffer from nosebleeds, did try one once felt wretched, instead something like hot honey and lemon drink homemade, or if u can bowl of steamy water. Unfortunately the only think I can do is tissue with olbas oil on it.
I get very stuffy but my immunologist suggested I tried a saline nasal spray which I've used ever since. I find it to work really well and I seem to get less colds etc as well probably down to the fact you are washing out your nasal passages. Its a spray can with a specially shaped top, you block one side off & spray in the other & then have to sniff in & out, all sounds a bit disgusting but I find it really helps loads.
Decongestants often contain drugs such as ephedrine that reduce blood supply to the inflamed tissues in the nose but these drugs may be absorbed from the nose and aggravate blood vessel spasm in Raynaud’s. However I have Raynaud's and have taken decongestions such as Lemsip at night and not found any detrimental effects.
Hi I avoid the decongestions which contain pseudoephedrine (main ingredient in crystal meth) I have very bad reactions to this stuff, the ones that contain phenylephrine hydrochloride I am ok with no horrible side effects or attacks xx
I know decogestants thrink blood vessels and I have took a 12 hour nose spray at periods of my life for years like twice a day everyday.I have raynauds badly in my feet,almost everytime I sit.I wonder if thats made it worse.
Why do you keep mentioning crystal meth? Everyone knows that and it has nothing to do with this.
Thanks all, I normally get away with not taking them and should do again now but in future will check the active ingredients and try the phenylephrine hydrochloride ones rather than ephedrine. Thanks