Posts - Pregnancy and Parenting Support | HealthUnlocked

Pregnancy and Parenting Support

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All posts for June 2020

Exercises first trimester?

I am very early on in pregnancy and like to exercise and keep fit. Just wondered...
Jess1391 profile image

Baby doesn’t drink enough formula

Hello, my baby is almost 4 months and although she is very healthy, lively, reac...
Dreamama profile image


So I wrote on here a while ago about my LG going too sleep. We are still having...
Annh17 profile image
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Baby bump no growth for two weeks

Hello, I’m currently just past 17 weeks and have developed an unhealthy habit o...
Cookie_92 profile image

Why can't anyone see how much im struggling and that i need help?? *Trigger warning this post talks about depression and self harm*

This is abit long winded because once i started to type i just couldnt stop so p...
Mumof3xx profile image

10 Month Old is Constiapted

Hi, my 10 month old son is on 3 meals and 3 bottles of milk a day but I'm findin...
NE90 profile image

Hmmmm.... Unsure about recent consultation. Feeling rubbish 🤔😥

I was seen in the emergency gynae clinic last week for multiple gynae issues but...
Positive2022 profile image

Social gatherings- should I go?

Hi all Lockdown measures are easing but I am still unclear as to whether pregna...
Padawan20 profile image


Hi, hope everyone is surviving these crazy times. My LB is 13 months and altho...
E_05 profile image

Polyhydramnios and breech

I am 37+3 with pokyhydramnios. Baby was breech at 36 weeks and I have tried chir...
didi456 profile image

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