My LB has always been great to have his teeth brushed since his first tooth at 5m. However, the last 4 days he has decided he doesn’t want them brushed, flat refuses to open his mouth, and gets upset if I try to force it. I would much rather make a game of it and get him back on side but I don’t know how to persuade him. I think it’s just toddler exerting authority but I don’t know if it’s something to try to force if he won’t cooperate as I don’t want to give him a phobia. Advice greatly received!
19mo now refusing to have teeth brushed - Pregnancy and Par...
19mo now refusing to have teeth brushed
I'd explain why teeth brushing is important and let them brush your teeth at the same time, have a song and a new toothbrush, brush their toys teeth first or distract them. They are all doing this at some point and repeatedly. Don't force it - in the worst case just leave it for a bit. Maybe you can have a peek if they have an infection or bitten on tongue which makes brushing uncomfortable when they are laughing or playing or just ask.
Been through the same. We got one of those step up stools for the bathroom and my 22 month old does his teeth himself (sort of). He stands at the sink and has a go himself first and then let's me finish them off. Its definitely an independence thing with him.
Hello there, my daughter went through that phase too. A shark toothbrush did the trick - it has a cover that looks like a shark, and I sing Baby Shark while she brushes her teeth 🦈
we had this about this age too , there’s no pint reasoning with him he didn’t care if he never brushed his teeth again and they all fell out 😂we let him do it himself by getting him to the sink and running the tap I say mummy has to do it first for 20 seconds at the top and bottom then you can do it (I drag the seconds out and sing a song while we count lol) he can still be a pest at times if he’s overtired etc but most times now he actually asks to brush his teeth. We let him choose which colour of toothbrush that night (we have a few in both bathrooms) also showed him the ms Rachel bedtime routine and that’s now his favourite teeth brushing song (warning it sticks in your brain!) you also get toothbrushes that flash lights for 2 mins so they know they have to keep going until the flashing stops which also helped us too in the mornings when he’s FAR too busy to brush his teeth any longer 😂 Hope that helps lovely xx
Thanks all for the suggestions, we’ll try a few over the next few days and see what happens! Xx
I'm a dentist, I'm having to hold my Evelyn in a head/body lock to brush her teeth because the alternative is worse. The.dentistmom is great on Instagram for tips.She's better if we both do it. Also TV on in background. Also singing during it. Also giving him his own toothbrush to 'help'. She gets lots of praise and distraction afterwards.
I don't know if it helps but I'm basically saying it won't give him a phobia because they know you're in control/can be trusted but you're firm and it happens at the same time every day and it won't last forever .
A little update and suggestion in case anyone comes across this. He still has days he can be finicky about having his teeth brushed but is usually much more on board when his stuffed toys have theirs brushed first 😂