I posted in March about my position. I had painful hands and needed MTX for RA. My specialist advised me to come off Pred by the end of April. I was on 2mg after 4 1/2 years of PMR. I am not on the MTX as had osteoarthritis and CTS, At the end of April I had an appt with the Specialist who reviewed my bloods, I was feeling really dreadful and I knew it was that I was missing the Pred. My cortisol level was very low also body salts. I was then prescribed Hydrocortisone tablets -30 mg a day. After two weeks on them, I feel worse than ever and am so dizzy and tired that I am laying on my bed most of the time. In desperation I went to A& E and had emergency steroid treatment. They confirmed very low salts and that my cortisol was 30 much lower than 300 this time last year,
I feel like I am fading way. Since the drip treatment, I have spoken to my Dr, who spoke to an Eccrinologist and my Rhumatalogy. They are all certain I should improve on the Hydrocortisone but I am not. I have a synathacan test next week.
Any comments welcome and appreciated.