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Hip, groin & pelvic pain

Fern4837 profile image
34 Replies


I recently had a laparoscopy a week ago due to having hip pain in both hips and down my thighs. pain in my pelvis, in my groin on both sides and also cramping and stretching pain where my c section scar is.

They found adhesions above my belly button but said the cause of my pain is constipation. I am on pretty strong painkillers and take more or less depending on the pain each day. But this pain started 2 years ago and I wasn’t on any pain relief and was very active and it just started one day and has gotten worse and worse.

I have been discharged from gynachology because she’s saying it’s constipation but I know it isn’t because I got laxido and have been going very regularly and the pain has not got any better not even slightly better since 2 weeks of taking it. I’m not impacted and I am emptying my bowel properly each time My GP agreed and does not think it’s constipation either.

But I just don’t know what it can be that’s causing this pain. I’m planning on coming of my pain relief and using tense machine more to prove to gyny it’s not that. But does anyone have any similar symptoms and have any idea of what could be wrong.

thank you


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Fern4837 profile image
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34 Replies
Backpain23 profile image

I have pain down both sides of my legs at times, along with horrid pelvic girdle pain and in my hips. However, constipation does have something to do with it. It seems to be worse when my bowels (though I am religiously taking a laxative and large quantities of fiber) slow down and I don't have a movement. When I do, the pain is relieved for a number of hours. I do have a bowel and bladder et.al prolapse. Hope my answer helps a bit.

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Backpain23

I have been on laxido for 2 weeks and more than emptied my bowls and i’m still in the same pain day in day out. I have been discharged so planning to come down on painkillers use laxido and use my renee machine more. So i can go back and say iv done all this and il still in as much pain. I really don’t think mines is all down to constipation but am planning to see a chiropractor in a few weeks to see if that helps.

Skegness profile image
Skegness in reply to Backpain23

I also have pain round my hip and down my leg and it has got worse

Skegness profile image
Skegness in reply to Skegness

Ap they said it is prolapse but I'm getting worried

Gill1977 profile image

Did she mention anything about adenomyosis? Or sacroliotic joint dysfunction? You sound similar to me and I have both xx

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Gill1977

nope nothing just said my pains all down to constipation but have been on laxido since coming out of hospital and emptying my bowls loads and am not impacted either. So having to prove to the hospital it’s not down to constipation. But have just been left doctor agrees with me but consultant does not. It’s rubbish

Gill1977 profile image
Gill1977 in reply to Fern4837

Look up both conditions I mentioned - see if it fits with you. (I also had c-section). Go armed with as much info as you can. Ask me any questions - happy to help! Totally understand your frustration x

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Gill1977

Hello thank u for your message, Just been looking at the sacroliotic joint dysfunction and this sounds identical to the pain I experience. How did you get a diagnoses for this? And also for the adenomyosis? I am considering going private to see a specialist . Thank you x

Gill1977 profile image
Gill1977 in reply to Fern4837

The adeno was through an mri, plus laparoscopy, plus internal ultrasound - and because of my symptoms. The sjd was my chiropractor. Both private consultations I'm afraid. X

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Gill1977

Iv had an lap and internal ultrasound but not mri. Think that’s next step but so expensive for mri private. How is your sjd managed?

Yacoub profile image
Yacoub in reply to Fern4837

Ex Ray would show a lot if not a CT. 🙏🏻😘

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Yacoub

so had an x-ray on my hips but nothing showed up although when she was positioning me on the bed she pressed on my hip to check where it was and nearly jumped of the bed in agony. I know somethings wrong but dr just wants to put it down to constipation😭Just need to keep trying to get answers but it shouldn’t be this hard. xx

Alaine1 profile image
Alaine1Administrator in reply to Fern4837


It could be Trochanteric burstitis. I have it in both hips, but my left side is definitely worse. It is agonising and makes walking extremely painful. They aren’t 100% sure what caused it but think it might be due to my endometriosis and adenomyosis, + IC. But it can occur in both males and females so not specific to any condition. I’ve had physiotherapy for it but it needs to be ongoing which the NHS won’t pay for. I do get periods when it’s not too bad. Usually if I’m off work so it’s more manageable but other times it’s completely unmanageable.

With your lap it’s likely the adhesions we’re due to your previous C section which could also be causing you pain. You haven’t mentioned whether they were removed at all. They might have but it’s unlikely they will do this again as adhesions to tend to reform, although not in everyone. I hope some of this has been helpful.

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Alaine1

Hello they separated a fatty adhesion which was above my belly button. Theirs no mention in the notes that it could of been due to c section. They’ve said they couldn’t see any reason for the pain i’m experiencing. I’m unsure if i should go to physio or chiropractor I did have sod during pregnancy but after my daughter was born I did see a women’s health physio to fix ab separation and to help my pelvis. After physio I had no issues with pain whatsoever then it just started one day and gradually got worse and worse. I’m on depo injection which seems to help my pain so i don’t get any periods. However I was getting bleeding last year but it has stopped now.

Alaine1 profile image
Alaine1Administrator in reply to Fern4837

C sections are known to cause adhesions irrespective of whether it’s in your notes or not.

Diane56 profile image
Diane56 in reply to Fern4837

HII am basically same I had my baby at 37 weeks had spd that bed bound from about 30 weeks and became so I was unable to walk. I was told it normal but knew something wasn't right. I had a c section and my spd still present now . I'm stil trying to get help but gone back to gp and they ask if I could feel my bladder and I can't so now there concerned with this. Hope you get help ... I'm contacting the pain team they deal with pelvis pain and can assess you from what I have all nhs have one. But being told a sport therapist is probably best. The pelvis partnership are good too talk. I had xray they said every thing is find but stages I felt like my hips were broken and the feeling of being dragged through the bed. X 😶

Gill1977 profile image
Gill1977 in reply to Fern4837

My lap said I had a bulky uterus and my internal said I had an irregular junctional zone which both indicate adeno. My MRI didn't show anything different. Adeno is notoriously difficult to officially diagnose. Even if nothing shows upon investigation you may still have it.. many women only have true confirmation following a hysterectomy.As for sjd management....I exercise alot so use a trigger point roller to release the tension. I also use specific sjd exercises - Google and you'll find some on you tube. Really hot water bottles help too.

To be honest, I'm never sure if my pain is adeno or sjd. I have a tens machine for when my back gets really sore and just the usual painkillers.

Also - I had adhesions from csection scar and appendix scar removed but unfortunately that didn't help with my pain


Yacoub profile image
Yacoub in reply to Fern4837

BS..off to another dr!!

Alaine1 profile image
Alaine1Administrator in reply to Yacoub

I’m not sure what you are referring to but please keep your replies ‘friendly’

Yacoub profile image
Yacoub in reply to Alaine1

Sorry for the comment! Purpose was I was upset for her. Encouraging her to get a different opinion

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Yacoub

I didn’t take offence knew what you were saying x

Empowered-patient profile image
Empowered-patient in reply to Fern4837

Can i suggest you get a referral to the pain clinic. Think carefully about the symptoms and their relationship to the scar eg. It could be ileoinguinal or lateral cutaneous nerve if thigh irritation. Treated with a diagnostic nerve block. If it isn’t you need chronic pain management. What you don’t need is a forum like this. Best of luck ps. It’s not constipation!

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Empowered-patient

Hello waiting on my app with the pain clinic now and seeing a physio. Physio not seen relief yet but early days. Hoping pain click app comes in soon. Thank you it’s so nice to hear someone say it isn’t constipation that’s all iv had for the last 2 years is that’s the issue! When I know it isn’t. x

Empowered-patient profile image
Empowered-patient in reply to Fern4837

Stay of forums and keep open mind. At end of day you might just have to live with it but not let it hold you back. 🤞

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Empowered-patient

I generally do but after having a lap and then finding nothing I was at my wits end!!! But trying to get on with it but it’s hard!

Empowered-patient profile image
Empowered-patient in reply to Fern4837


eeeee profile image

Hi,have they checked for a hernia. I had similar pain 10years ago. It took two years for the nhs to find it.!! I had an unnecessary operation where my genitofemoral nerve was damaged and I am still suffering with it.Good luck and I hope you find an answer to your pain.

I use a tens machine and find it helps.xx

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to eeeee

I have had a laparoscopy and they only saw some adhesions but when i had mentioned my hip and groin pain she said she didn’t know about that. So i’m a bit worried those areas weren’t properly looked at but i don’t know just clutching at straws. I have a tense machine and am planning to use it more to come of some pain killers. Thanks for ur reply

Backpain23 profile image

Have you checked for any prolapse? I'm in the U.S. I didn't even know what a prolapse was - duh. At the time I thought all my pain was from my bad back (since the age of 23 and I'm now 72). After being diagnosed and told of how the vagina in the surgery is attached to the sacrum, I was afraid of the surgery. I didn't want mesh implants, and anything messing with my back was scary. Then I bumped into some research stating how the uterus was originally attached - to the sacrum - but higher than the usual prolapse surgery. I had a hysterectomy in my early 40s due to bleeding issues. It gave me enough courage to go ahead, with the doc planning to attach it higher up. I had it done on the 23rd Nov.

I am already feeling less pain in my legs, groin, pelvis, hips and back. I don't feel so tired either. My bowels and bladder are actually beginning to work normally again. I am prayerful it will last.

I am fortunate. I was able to get into the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn) Urogynocology department. They accept Medicare and I have a good secondary plan. It was still expensive for I had hotel, air transpo and food expenses, but I did not have to wait years. PLEASE NOTE: This is just my experience, so far.... I was warned that I may have urinary- incontinence in the future because the colon was blocking the urethra. The the first time in maybe 20 yrs, I can urinate the proper way on a toilet. Small blessings. I'd been turning backwards for years in order to urinate, even on airplanes. Not easy to do. Good luck. I hope you find a solution.

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Backpain23

Hi thank you for sharing your experiences with me, i’m unsure re prolapse I have had various scans and had a laparoscopy and they didn’t see anything. Other than a adhesion that was pulling up my bellow button or something. I’m being referred to a pain clinic to see if they can suggest anything else to help me manage it. Also getting another scan to check my gall bladder to make sure nothings wrong their. My gynaecologist has said I may just have chronic pain and sometimes theirs no explanation for it. But I think theirs something going wrong somewhere to cause this pain.

Sonnywest profile image

It does sound like adhesions. In which case they will probably start you on low dose Amiltriptaline or Gabopentin. It’s not a bad place to start and see if it has a filling effect on the nerve pain. It normally takes about 3/4 weeks to see the impact of the drug. Plus get yourself booked in with a specialist pelvic physio too. They are often better informed than doctors when it comes to female pelvic health. That’s where I’d start.

Kirsihannele profile image
Kirsihannele in reply to Sonnywest

Yes, absolutely. Pelvic floor physio therapists know 100 times better than most doctors. If possible I would look for a qualified pelvic floor PT.I have similar pain and the help I have got of pfpt.

It can be some sort of pelvic floor disorfer, pudendal nerve entrapment, levator ani sympton, overly tight pelvic floor etc. and I think the shortest way to get help is to see a qualified pfpt.

Usually the best you get from doctors is pain killers and you end up to the grave yard of pain medication. There is help, but you must have it asap, because if the pain gets chronic (in 3-6 months) it is far more difficult to treat.

There is a lot of yoga poses that can ease the overly tight pelvic floor and the pelvic area. See YouTube. Search with fo example pudendal nerve yoga.

TENS machine may help also, at least I get a little relieve of it but unfortunately only for a short time. You can use TENS many times a day however.

Chronic constipation can cause damage to the pelvic floor and lead to levator ani, but there are a lot of other possible reasons. Pelvic floor physio therapists ae the best to find out the cause.

Fern4837 profile image
Fern4837 in reply to Kirsihannele

hi we don’t have any pelvic floor pts here just physios which i’m going to see. chronic constipation isn’t relevant to me as I am not constipated anymore nor was i constipated when this started 2 years ago as wasn’t on painkillers at the time. thank you for your reply

Fern4837 profile image

I am going to see a womens health physio today hopefully get some answers!

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