Posts - Pain Concern | HealthUnlocked

Pain Concern

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All posts for December 2019

Gluteus medius tear is not hip bursitis

What does a gluteus medium tear feel like? What are symptoms? What type of surge...

Labradoodle year in hip

When groin pain is torn hip labrum what does it feel like how is it diagnosed. H...

Identifying a slipping rib

What are symptoms of slipping rib what medical professionals can do you diagnose...
Ribresection profile image
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Diverticulitis - what exactly is it

Many years ago I was told I had several diverticulae, through an internal scan (...
Krawlins profile image


I have been feeling deaf in my left ear for years,to me it didn’t feel like true...
Ronald49 profile image

More awareness for chronic headaches in children

Many of us know that a lot of adults suffer from chronic headaches. But in fact ...
chronichead profile image

The mechanobiology of brain function - this may be the future

Much research by the medical professionals into the functions of the nervous sys...
johnsmith profile image

Anyone quit burprenorphine or opiates cold turkey?

I’m going into my fourth week without pain meds. I had been on buprenorphine si...

CBD with antidepressants and painkillers?

I am taking Venlalic XL 150 mg and Pregablin 150 mg for Fibromyalgia and am keen...
Monkey233 profile image


Hey guys, are there any supportr sites for Fibromyalgia support, I have a friend...
mascotty02 profile image

Best pain meds?

Hi everyone, I suffer from joint hypermobility syndrome and as a result I’m cons...

Do you have a child with chronic headaches? What information do you need to help them?

Hello everyone, I am looking a lot into non-invasive and non-pharmacological co...
chronichead profile image

Cholecystitus symptoms after gallbladder removal

Hey Guys, After a truly horrific year of attacks (which we have affectionaly ni...
Mistee profile image

starting new life with pain !

hi there, hope you to be healthy actually i just applied for a new job and today...
Kasra_ profile image

Gaviscon Advance and drug interactions

Does anyone know where I can find out if Gaviscon Advance will interfere with an...
Diver1948 profile image

Helpful Books

There is a very impressive set of books in 3 volumes. Now in 7th edition. The P...
johnsmith profile image

How do migraines impact a child's social life?

What are your experiences with the impact of migraines or chronic headaches on a...
chronichead profile image

Amitriptyline and glaucoma

Has anybody got glaucoma and taking amitriptyline? I have only been prescribed a...
Karjade profile image

Laparoscopy and dye test

Has anyone had a laparoscopy and dye and have any advice or can say how painful ...
Haj123456 profile image

Would you use digital strategies for a child with chronic headaches?

I came across an app that wants to deliver coping strategies for children. For e...
chronichead profile image

Pregabaline for pain?

Hello I am fairly new here. I have been coping with long term pain, but recently...
strongmouse profile image