Swelling gone : After 2 years of arthritis all... - Pain Concern

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Swelling gone

Youarewhatyoueat1 profile image

After 2 years of arthritis all I was offered was pills and injections I decided to try my own route 1)I tried cbd oil it cured the inflammation but I was allergic and came out in hives 2) I figured I needed to get the inflammation down so I looked into foods and began withdrawing some I noticed my limbs were swollen when I ate strawberries then tomatoes and finally by a fluke I dropped alcohol as it was making me very tired I could jump for joy my swelling has all but gone I’m even hiking I could cry 2 years of my life wasted someone said how can you bear to give up those things ? I replied to be pain free and hike and walk is my life and if something is poisoning me why take it . The tragedy is no one offered me this option . I’m not saying this will work for you I’m just saying if I can help one person It would be wonderful .

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6 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

A generous thought on your part to share a good story with a happy ending.I hope you continue to be able to enjoy walking as any exercise in the fresh air is good for us.

Youarewhatyoueat1 profile image
Youarewhatyoueat1 in reply to RoadRunner44

Thank you RoadRunner yes I am able to now attend physio and even hike which is strengthening muscles around the bones affected by arthritis the physio aiming at certain muscle groups is working the key was tackling the inflammation. The fresh air and outdoors is a tonic itself 😀🚶‍♀️.

saj01 profile image

Hi. That's excellent news. So pleased it has worked for you. I could understand tomatoes and alcohol but was surprised about the strawberries as they are always touted as being anti-inflammatory.... but maybe with all arthritic conditions we should take a leaf out of your book... when in doubt... leave it out, just to see what happens.

Thank you so much for sharing your info.

Youarewhatyoueat1 profile image
Youarewhatyoueat1 in reply to saj01

Hi Saj . Thank you . Yes I’d read that too I just noticed last summer when I ate strawberries how bad I was the next day other . I stripped my diet right back other foods were identified lastly alcohol within a few weeks I identified the culprits that affected me just the 3 things for myself others might be different I urge anyone to experiment you might have different intolerances. My swollen joint decreased half an inch after limping on a swollen leg for over a year I was overjoyed! I just wish someone has told me option to try over a year of my life wasted . The internet gives you anti inflammatory diets and most have strawberries and tomatoes in ! I guess one size doesn’t fit all as you say . I never realised alcohol was inflammatory I do wish they taught this stuff at school about food being your health and wealth .

saj01 profile image

Hi... thanks for your reply. I noticed that late summer my joint pain increased... so did my tomato intake as I always grow them!!... bit of a pity as a lot of the meals I make are tomato based. I've got fibromyalgia now so am keeping a food & drink diary and try tried to increase magnesium levels. You're right about it being a good idea to teach school children about food... as some of them eat a huge amount of rubbish.

Keep well.

Youarewhatyoueat1 profile image
Youarewhatyoueat1 in reply to saj01

Good Morning Saj. I apologise for my lateness in reply i have been busy enjoying life in all its fullness now I have less pain with my knee. Just an update i am no medication whatsoever now I rejected steroids , steroid injections and strong painkillers. I felt it was a downward spiral when i was offered tablets to line my stomach for pain killers it seemed one positive would lead to more negatives

I was fortunate to be able to afford private physios as the nhs waiting list for physio was appalling None of the private ones i saw inclinedly really helped and I saw a nhs one eventually and within 6 months of physio they suggested the gym!.... i was terrified but it was the best thing i ever did i was put on a free course (nhs) and others were on in and we all encouraged one another the aim was to build the muscles up around my bad knee they explained.. well its been a life saver for me.. i made new friends and we all ended up joining and some i don't recognise now the positive outlook on their faces .. and i do honestly believe if your mind is happy and filled with endorphins that exercise gives off you are in less pain.. works for us .. may i suggest i don't know if the nhs runs this scheme in all areas but it is marvellous as not only am i not costing them drugs i am adding hopefully years on to my life by keeping healthy .

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