Degenerate L5/S1 segment of the lower back - Pain Concern

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Degenerate L5/S1 segment of the lower back

29 Replies

Hi everyone I havent on here for a long time! Some advice please, I’ve been to see consultant and told (after all these years of being told it was muscular) that I have degenerate L5/S1 segment of the lower back. 1, is this arthritis in my spine or problems with disc/discs. 2, does the pain suddenly get worse because today I’ve been shopping and I’m really struggling.the consultant wanted to give me anti inflammatories and codeine but I have extremely bad reaction to both. He’s says if I react bad to them he can’t give me morphine. I’m ok taking paracetamol and he advised to take it all the time. He said he was sorry there was nothing else he could do for me other than physio and injection in hip. Today the pain is really bad. Should I see my gp or wait. I’ve an app for steroid injection March in my right hip to see if it’s a intra-articular source of discomfort or arthritis. feeling scared 😟

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29 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Very big OW. This part of the spine is one of the most common to get chronic pain.It is where the whole weight of your upper body sits...S1 or sacroiliac jpint.

No it isn't arthritis. It is the fluid leaking from the discs between your vertebrae.

Ifyou can't tke meds then the following is good list of what can help.

Chiropractic manipulation. ...

Epidural injections. ...

TENS units. ...

Ultrasound. ...



As for pain carrying shopping...don't. As i said all the weight is going straight to that spot. Do what I do...and no laughing...I have a wally trolley!! iN MY CASE IT IS THE si JOINT WHICH HAS DISINTEGRATED OVER YEARS OF SIGHT LOSS AND POSTURE. sO...IF YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING COS IT HURTS..FIND ANOTHER WAY TO DO IT SO IT DOESN'T HURT!!

Sorry my writing has gone large.

Pat x

in reply to Bananas5

Thank you ....Really! He told me it was wear & tiar, arthritis.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

If the same consultant thought it was muscular....then he needs a refresher course on back pain!


in reply to Bananas5

It wasn’t him it was various gp’s over the years

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Hi I have had chronic back pain most of my life. When I was young doctors said we don't treat backs see an osteopath, now I am older am told it's old age,

I am not that old but have to use a shopping trolley now as I can't carry much. I recommend you use one too. x

in reply to hypercat54

That’s awful for you! I’ve been given tramadol this afternoon to take for the first time. Took one at 6.40pm feeling a little spaced out & strange noise in my ears and head feels a little heavy. Starting to feel a bit sick. Sure it’ll calm down x

morphalot profile image
morphalot in reply to

I've found tramadol excellent - stuck at it for a while xx

in reply to Bananas5

What’s OW

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

OW as in ow that hurts


in reply to Bananas5

Lol I was a bit slow 🙄

lupus_01 profile image

I got told the same thing for 30 years. Turns out i have ankolysing spondylitis. Very under diagnosed in women.

Ask your gp for your crp and esr to be checked and test for hla-b27.

in reply to lupus_01

That’s not good sorry to hear this

Laura333 profile image

Hi, I had spinal injections for a different area on Wednesday, try not to worry, they're soon over and can help a lot.

L5/S1 is the disc space between the bottom lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum, mine was fused surgically over 30 years ago, heavy lifting caused the disc to rupture.

Like you, I can't take painkillers, make me sick, and inti inflammatories have been stopped because I developed gastric ulcers.

So, apart from Gabapaentin for leg pain and paracetamol, I don't take anything, it is very hard to live with.

I don't know why an injection in the hip would be done for an l5/s1 problem though.

Yes the shopping will have made it worse temporarily, rest and you should find it eases off, a hot water bottle behind you waist will help relax your spinal muscles, they can spasm when your back is painful.

in reply to Laura333

Thank you for replying

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to Laura333

Absolutely in the same position, though can add a number of lumbar fusiins to the mix! Awful reactions to morphine, patches and worst of all, Tramadol. Kind of managing on Co-Codamol (which doesn’t work when the pain is really severe) and Flarin. And caffeine for a tiny but of help.

Have you tried soaking 15 mins in Epsom salts bath?

Agree about shopping, its ridiculous carrying water about and all the other “stuff” we think we need. We don’t. Smallest, lightest trolley - not overfilled either!

All we want is our life back, or at least to not get any worse. Very sorry for you.

Laura333 profile image
Laura333 in reply to Fyllida

I don't have a bath anymore, we had it taken out and a wet room put in a few years ago. I couldn't get in and out of the bath due to arthritis in my knees. I've since had both knees replaced, but my husband couldn't use a bath, rheumatoid arthritis, so we just have showers now, but I can remembers the long hot soaks in the bath and would love to be able to. Codeine makes me really sick so cocodamol no use either.

I do food shopping online now and any other stuff, use a shopping trolley, and a lot of separate carriers, so don't lift much at a time. Awful, how we have to live isn't it.

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to Laura333

Have to admit a bath isn’t that easy any more to get out of. Poor husband has to get all wet lugging out a sack of potatoes! Also, even bath material is starting to feel very hard......😢 sadly, we have to give up our fun little by little. Do get a bit resentful about it.

Shopping ditto. Look around, and everyone else seems in fine fettle going about their business. Grrrrr.

Laura333 profile image
Laura333 in reply to Fyllida

I know, freinds of the same age seem to get about all over. I just get about all the pain clinics! Just lying about again since Wed til injection pain eases off a bit.

in reply to Laura333

I’ve got an steroid injection next week. You say your resting till the pain eases off i thought it was meant to bring relief. Hope you’re ok

Laura333 profile image
Laura333 in reply to

You don't start getting any pain relief for a few days until the steroid kicks in, up to then it's a bit like a dental injection, a bit sore for a few days. I had a lot of injections bilaterally, so once anaesthetic wore off that was sore.

in reply to Laura333

Hi think I may straight doing shopping online again or he can come with me. I said I’ll gave to start using lots of separate bags to lighten the weight. I’ve got to lose weight I’ve joined SW and lost 8 lbs

Essie49 profile image
Essie49 in reply to Laura333

I know how you feel about the bath! I have just been given this seat which is a bit like a lilo. You inflate it to the top of the bath to get in then deflate it and inflate it again to get out. They have also put another rail up. I think I'm lucky to have proactive OTs.

in reply to Fyllida

Thank you for the reply. I can’t have Epsom baths only tried two and I was very poorly afterwards with virus. My gp has given me tramadol as the pains so bad. I’ll see how it goes with my chronic asthma. I’ll be ok just feeling sorry for myself at the min. Pain suddenly got worse going down my leg into my foot and numbness. You take care.

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

Am sorry for that, you are entitled to feel sorry for yourself. Its early now, but give yourself some kindness during the day and go gently. X

in reply to Fyllida

Thank you you too. I’m chilling this weekend x

Thank you. I have a problem with tendons in my groin/hip as well as arthritis and they’re thinking it may help. I was so bad yesterday the gp prescripted Tramadol which helped me sleep although my chest is very tight today, I have chronic asthma.

Laura333 profile image
Laura333 in reply to

Tramadol is a strong drug, Jeananne, I hope it helps you.

in reply to Laura333

Thank you it makes it bearable

Badsideeffects profile image

Are still there?

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