Anyone hurt there thigh muscles before? - Pain Concern

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Anyone hurt there thigh muscles before?

kylie1986 profile image
20 Replies

I keep posting but not many respones. Has anyone damaged or oulled or torn there thigh muscles? How long did it take to heal and what sort of pain was it. Mine has laated 3 weeks so far and still in pain around knee and thigh

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kylie1986 profile image
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20 Replies
Bevvy profile image

Sorry I don't understand your posting. Have looked at previous postings and you have had replies. I haven't responded (like possibly other people) because I have no experience with what you are going through. My only suggestion is that if pain is continuing you might benefit from seeing your GP. But I would suggest that to anyone who has had an injury that isn't healing after a few weeks.

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to Bevvy

What part of the post do you not understand? I have had replies yes but none answering what i am asking. I understand see my gp and have done this many times and he has said i have pulled a muscle. Im on here like everyone else asking a question about me thigh nd if anyone has pulled a muscle or damaged a muscle in there leg and how long it took to heal. For sayi g this is a anxiety and pain sight people are not very understanding. Time to find a new forum

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to kylie1986

Am genuinely sorry you feel like that and it certainly wasn't my intention. I was simply pointing out people have responded and also why you might not have got the answers you are looking for.

ipmacs profile image
ipmacs in reply to Bevvy

I thought your answer was fine!

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply to ipmacs

I've answered this poster twice. They just don't like my answer.😢

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to Madlegs1

Not really no hence why i asked again. Iv asked people if they have done it themselfs bot ehat they think it is. You havnt told me you have pulled a muscle and how long it took to heal so no the answer wasnt what i was looking for. If anyone else gives me a snide comment on my feeds i shall report them and keeo repoeting them until something is done. Im on here for help not to be insulted. If you dont like my post then do not read them let alone reply. I need helpful people to talk to not time wasters. I shouldnt be having to make these replies when i feel the way i do

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply to kylie1986


lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to kylie1986

dont do that kylie! give us another chance, the pain your describing sounds like fibro pain, but you could have pulled a muscle and that will make it worse, I get continuous pain in my upper arms, but I use crutches and have pulled the muscle if I get up awquardly, it can last what feels like forever, everyone is different in healing one of the ladies suggest Ibuleve I think it was, that is a good cream, try a heat pad, or even a hot water bottle, they at least comfort it if they dont cure it! Muscle pain, for what ever the reason can hurt like hell, chin up kid. Lyzzie x

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to lyzzie

Thabks lyzzie for your reply. Yes i do keeo hearing about fibro.maybe i suggest this to my doctor and see what he says . Hope your well x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to kylie1986

probabley best, self diagnosing is never good, but it does sound veryy fibro like and it really isnt east to deal with, I get it in my legs too, it sort of wraps around my thighs and down the side of my shins, Ive sat on the side of the bed before now, trying not to cry/scream, which ever, if you havnt experienced it, you dont know what it feels like, have you had a virus or something lately, that can trigger it off, but Doctor is the best place to start. Good luck, stay well, Im busy watching the Olympics, at least we have won a gold for diving, and they are rather nice to look at too!!! definate bonus.

Lyzzie x

Rosepetal60 profile image

Knee and ankle only. Ankle at least 3 times. These things take more time than you think to recover. So fustrating. Ankle now at 2 moths and showing no sign of improving. Knee in past has been 4 months.

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to Rosepetal60

Thank you for your reply. Yes it does seem to be taking a long time. Didnt realise how long. I suppose with the leg ankle and knee there used alot. I hope your ok

Gigi71 profile image
Gigi71 in reply to kylie1986

I slipped on some flagstones due to my ridged feet and to stop myself falling on a wall I pulled a muscle in my upper right arm. This was in early June and still have pain. I do get relief from Ibeleive, although quite expensive, I think it's worth it.

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to Gigi71

I have deeo heat to rub in but it doesnt seem to do anything for the pain. Im having a blood test tomorrow so fingers crossed that may give me some answers. Thank you for your reply . I hope your well

Gigi71 profile image
Gigi71 in reply to kylie1986

Thank you,have many ongoing issues with my RA, and changing meds am waiting for physio for my back, buttocks and backs of my legs due to my posture. I have always watched my diet so that my joints aren't under too much pressure. I was on Amitripyline for 12 days and it made me worse, 10mg for pain relief but I was in a fog and couldn't cope, so back on Naproxen, Amitripyline's main use is for depression which I don't have luckily. I take Humira and going on to methatrexalate next week after stopping Azathioprine. Sorry I digress, my friend recommended Ibelieive have tried other rub ins but haven't worked. He gets flare ups in his knee when he plays to much golf, also he fell on ice 2 years ago and did something to his shoulder took a long while to recover, but got relief from this. He won't go to the Doctor. Good luck I hope you get sorted out soon.

Hi Kylie as I have spondylosis since 1986 I put all my aches and pains down to this - but walking my dog a few months ago I was getting this tightness and heaviness in my thighs like they were seizing up almost and felt I would fall - went along to my GP he suggested I lose weight thought I had another condition sent me for blood tests - they came back clear - joined slimming world starting to lose weight - because I was still having this problem - I looked up my spondylosis and came across another condition I thought may be linked to what I was feeling - went back to my GP with this new info but he ruled it out - gave me a print out for FM told me to read it carefully and I couldn't believe that it referred to what I was going through - it had a diagram of the body with the points of pain marked on it and they were exactly where I had pain plus my arms - thighs - upper and lower back are sore to touch - I think I've had this for years but put it down to spondylosis.

I returned to my GP on Monday and he has confirmed that I have FM and started me on Amitriptalene not happy I have it but so made up I now have an answer.

I hope this info has gone some way to giving you the answer you are seeking - if you aren't happy with the GP you are seeing as it sounds like they are trying to fob you off - try to make an appointment with another GP in your practice who may specialise or have a better idea of muscular skeletal problems. Take care x

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to

Thank you for your reply. Yes iv heard alot about fm. My doctors do seem to fob me off alot due to my anxiety but the paims im getting dont seem to want to ease off. I am on the large side so maybe dropping a few pounds might helo me too. Thank you and i hope the new meds work well for you

grace111 profile image

kylie if you have pulled a muscle dont just wait for it to get better. go to either physio or go on utube and get some remedial exercises for a pulled muscle. as if you just wait its going to take a long time for the pain to go and not only that you may loose mobility. i twisted my knee about 3 years ago. and about 3 days later was when i felt the pain. i was finding it hard to put my foot down and let my weight go on it so i was slightly limping. i went to the doctor who sent me for physio to tell the truth i could not be bothered going as i was on anti psychotics at the time and felt like a zombie. however i just went on utube and put in exercises for a twisted knee. however i did not really do that soon enough and i still do not have the same mobility in my knee that i had before. i cant crouch down the way i used to. you know if you crouch down to talk to a child? that sort of thing. i just cant do it the pain is to much. i got of those anti psychotics in january this year and since then i have been doing exercises for my knee.however i had a big operation and was ill so thats been on hold. although im back doing the exercises again 65 so things take much longer to heal when your older. but please dont just wait for it to get better start to stretch it out now.. good luck kylie. love grace xoxoxo

kylie1986 profile image
kylie1986 in reply to grace111

Yeah ill defo look on youtu e for aome excersizes . Its such a weird feeling in my leg. I can be lying diwn and get a sharp pain in my thigh. I hoe it is what the doctors says and just damaged tissue or muscle from the rides at alton towers. Thanks for your replyand i hope your pains get better soon x

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to kylie1986

take some painkillers like ibuprofen or neurofen they are the same thing. they are anti inflamatories and take down inflamation. and also give your thighs some massage to keep the blood running into those muscles and if its very sore i would still get it checked out again. but i have to say when i twisted my knee it was agony infact the pain would take my breath away at times. good luck. keep us posted.

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