i am suffering from a serious upper back pain... - Pain Concern

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i am suffering from a serious upper back pain,especially when i drive,also the pain increases when taking pain releaf (ibuprofen drug)help

egusto014 profile image
4 Replies

i was asked to tread ulcer,presently i am on ulcer drugs like flagil,gestid liguid,cimitidin,chloramphinicol,omepraszol,tetraciclin but the back pain persist.please what should i do bcos i am dying in pains,thanks

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egusto014 profile image
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4 Replies
earthwitch profile image

pain from stomach ulcers can radiate through to the back and be felt worse there. If your pain isn't getting any better with treatment, then please go back to your doctor and let them know.

mitziblue profile image

You need to go to a pain clinic. If you already are let them know the med's aren't cutting the pain any longer. Hoping you get some relief soon!!! xxx Mitzi

omshanti12 profile image

Dear Egusto014,

So sorry to hear you are in such a bad way at present.

First of all, if you do definitely have an ulcer, then you must NOT take Ibuprofen, it clearly gives that information on the leaflet that comes with Ibuprofen. Secondly, have you had an ulcer confirmed by endoscopy/gastroscopy, as I believe that is the only way to be absolutely sure? A GP treated me for an ulcer after a positive stool test result for Helicobacter pylori for which he gave me triple therapy antibiotics. H pylori often causes an ulcer and triple antibiotic therapy will usually clear this up and give the ulcer a chance to heal. I also went on a very strict ulcer-friendly diet.

However, my painful symptoms did not improve after triple therapy and I had to find out the bit about endoscopy myself on the internet - I insisted on having that done. It turned out that I did not have an ulcer after all. However, it did no harm to treat the H pylori! Many more tests, investigations, consultations, etc, finally led to my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. For this I am currently taking Cymbalta 30 mgs in the morning and 60 mgs in the evening, which does help a lot. Along with trying to lead a healthy life.

It sounds like you may have problems with your back muscles or spine. Would some gentle stretching/yoga/physio/acupuncture/massage help?

If you definitely have an ulcer, your doctor must help you more with the pain and the healing process. Hopefully, the doc has checked you for H pylori and other causes. Be very careful with your diet, alcohol, cigs, caffeine, medications, etc. Please see someone as soon as you can, there must be something that can help you.

In the meantime, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless you and keep you safe,


Brett85 profile image

Chances are that the ulcer is working its way through the back side of

your stomach. If the tummy has been hurting for this long, I would then

have it checked out with a scope procedure. If you are given narcotics,

driving may not be in the picture much for you. Take care.

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