Feel so crap. I'm so fed up with being in pai... - Pain Concern

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Feel so crap. I'm so fed up with being in pain all the time!

rowantree profile image
22 Replies

So fed up.

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rowantree profile image
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22 Replies

Hello Rowentree

Sadly I know how you feel, up here it is starting to get so cold, it is that and it really gives grief,

I have been on this site on and off now for about eighteen months now and we see the seasons through each year. We all suppose that things would become better regarding our conditions, sadly all just continues in its on sweet way.

What I am trying to say to you is we all try and give support to all on this site even when we are screeming out with our conditions, mine is more time related than the railway timetables

So all I can say to you is keep a hold, feeling down just makes matters worse, so we need to try.and look for positive things that we can undertake, that gives us the confidence to carry on. and help ourselves and the people who love us

All the best


rowantree profile image

Thanks BOB

sharelle profile image

It must be that time of year as I'm feeling crap too! Endless pain, endless drugs, endless not being able to have a good life. Sorry I'm probably not helping so I'll stop now and hope someone else will be more positive. Try and find something good about your life and cling onto that xx

superannie profile image

Hi all, no I will add my tuppence worth. I am sick and tired of not being able to go about my daily tasks, simple things become a nightmare. Frustration and pain, not a good combo. Tired of constant, constant pain! There ,got that off my chest. Its a new day so am going to accomplish at least two things today, second coat of paint on my wine rack I am renovating to go in my newly papered and new floored kitchen. Knit some more xmas decorations for my daughters market stall, ready meals for later. Sorted. Have a good day everyone. Ann xx

Monkeybonesloz profile image


Can't add anymore to the emotions. I am currently signed off work after having a massive break-down with the constant pain and then sevre attacks. I just got fed up with letting people down all the time. I couldn't handle it all, as well as the pressure of being the only wage earner in the house. I have no name to my condition which for many people = them not giving a crap or never showing any empathy. I feel rejected by all my colleagues as they just don't get it. I'm working very hard not to think of this. I'm now receiving help from the Mental Health Team which I hope will help me. Problem is everyone seems to use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ... I struggle to have the energy, concentration and focus to do all the paperwork!

Ann is right ... another day, challenges to make sure it is not another wasted one which will only make me feel more useless.

Take care everyone xxx We are different to everyone else, we have to adjust to live with that. x

in reply to Monkeybonesloz

It was a few years ago now, I was exactly in the same place as you. It's horrible and I always thought it a huge waste of everything. I was angry, frustrated, desperately seekung the old me.

Then one day I turned it around. This was giving me a chance to be someone else, some one who has pain but has a new way of living with new interests, friends etc. Those people who don't care are not worth bothering about.

I started slowly. I taught myself new skills at my own pace. I went out and had various therapies, which were a pleasant distraction from the pain, an hour or so a week pain free, I can still remember the feeling of luxury.

My life is now full of what I did do in the day, not the huge list of tasks I didn't do. Even if it was only one little thing, I treat myself. My treats are obscure - it might be catching up with friends by email/facebook, meeting friends for coffee, music, films, playing a computer game, meditation session, chocolate, chips with the tea. Anything that will make me feel good.

Eventually the more you do and the more you treat yourself for doing it, the better you will feel. The pain will still be there, but you'll feel better in yourself.

Some of my early treats were for getting downstairs in 15 mins instead of 20. Not a huge achievement (the pain was the same) but a recognisable change in my ability. I could have cheated and gone down on my bottom. Another one was walking to the post box. A short walk down a steep hill and back. No time on this one as the walking was the challenge not the time it took.

The more you do little things and the more you recognise you can do it, the easier they and others will become.

And the last thing I did was to stop being hard on myself by stopping comparing me now to the old me. Now is all we have and we all have to work out a way to live in the now. The future my hold wonderful cures, drugs operations, but don't waste precious energy wishing for them. Just focus on now, what is the best thing foir me to be doing now?

Monkeybonesloz profile image
Monkeybonesloz in reply to

Fantastic message - thanks for sharing. I got so bogged down with what I wasn't doing. I might start a list of what I did do each day and see it as my Treat List. Even if it is something dull like 'washing up' - at least I'm not looking at a messy kitchen when I am well enough to move around a little.

in reply to Monkeybonesloz

Good luck, start small so you don't overload yourself, make your treats fun and something to look forward to.

Sometimes I think we get bogged down with what we should be doing and as we are slower the list gets longer, then we have no motivation to do anything because it all seems too much to do. By picking one one two or however many you can cope with each day, and the things you want to do, not what needs doung the most! and then doing something nice for yourself as a reward, it does make life a bit easier. My children do it too now.

And some things that you do hobbies, playing an instrument, drawing etc, get you caught up in the flow which is a great distraction.

chriswinkle profile image

Hi all,

Am so sorry to hear about all your problems, we all sympathise here and it is good to be able to express your feelings without being rejected. Sadly people cannot empathise until they have known real pain and we don't really wish that on anyone, do we? So keep on telling us as we do all know something of what you are going through, and we do care about you.

With love, Chrissy

nanaber profile image

I could have written this post I feel the same so tired of it all. One day without pain would be like winning the lotto. It interferes with living, how can you function when each step is agony. I have an appointment with my gp this morning I know from experience I might as well go and talk to the wall. She's understanding and sympathetic but there's nothing she can do.

Monkeybonesloz profile image
Monkeybonesloz in reply to nanaber

Can definitely relate to this. Have meetings at work. May as well just send in a CD of the same questions and the same answers that I give.

mwalker23 profile image


Yes pain is tiring and gets you done. I was off work recently as I could not handle it and sort of cracked up. Yesterday I received my second epidural injection and I am feeling so good. Long may it last although I am resting and in bed. I feel normal today - so don't give up hope. Even feeling normal for one day is fantastic. There are a lot of tears shed as we think no-one understands but don't give up the fight. Take care there is hope.

Monkeybonesloz profile image

I only discovered this website the other day and it is super to be with you all. If nothing else today, please, please think that you have all helped to lift my spirits by being with people like me. Pain is a lonely business - but here I have the hope now of people relating. xxx

chels27 profile image
chels27 in reply to Monkeybonesloz

Same hear just found out about it an it is good to talk to ppl in the same boat as me xx

welshnut profile image

Hope things improve for you soon, remember one second at a time. Sends a cyber hug to let you know you are not alone.


chels27 profile image

Sorry ur have a hard time of it, try to think positive, a know itshard sometimes but keep ur chin up xx

johnsmith profile image


"Feel so crap. I'm so fed up with being in pain all the time!". I have moments like that. Don't fight that thought, because if you do you will feed it. Thoughts come and thoughts go. Just watch them. If it gets too bad go to bed for an hour. I have found from my experience when I am more tirde than usual these thoughts predominate more. So I take the thought as a marker that I am mentally exhausted and need a sleep and housekeeping tasks must be put on hold.

rowantree profile image

Thank you so much everyone. It does help to hear other people feel the same. We're all struggling through together. I'm so lucky I gave a great partner, lovely caring kids and a job I love which has just been made permanent so I can now stop hiding how much pain I'm in, as before I was worried they might find a reason not to keep me on!

It helps to find a thing each day to appreciate. Some days I feel much less able to cope than others.

joe69 profile image

Hey Rowantree it's Joe...

Sorry to hear of what your going through at this moment.... It is hard very hard, this I can sympathise with you, am going through hell myself...

I've just commented to a post too which I put up a few days about what's been going on with me....

Am going through hell with these spasms/tremors am having, on which the doc's have now came to a end on what is causing me to have these symptoms...

Yes am stressed out and depressed with whats going on in my life the now. After talking too good friends am starting now to think more about ME....


superannie profile image

Hi all, I have just got a new electric blanket and it is absolute bliss! I am now enjoying three hours of deep sleep as soon as I get into bed. For me that is a miracle. Should have done it ages ago. I used to have one about five years ago and it packed up. Thank goodness my brother insisted I invest in another. Just thought this would help someone who hasn't got one and suffers backpain. Ann

Britishbulldog profile image

Hi rowetree i experience pain everyday in body and mind but lets step back a bit and think were in this together and im sure talking to everyone in this group will help us all find a way of a better liveable life im sure we can help each other.god bless

Camellion profile image

I can truly relate to those who suffer constantly nothing but relentless pain. Being possotive is something i allways prided my self on but that to has diminished . As much as this and other forums are a wonderful asset, i feel it would be a greater comfort if we could actually talk to each other, now that would be something possotive. Of course I know that is not possible. Shame!

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