Clear cell scan all clear but still need chemo ? - My Ovacome

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Clear cell scan all clear but still need chemo ?

Snoopy01 profile image
15 Replies

Hello all

I was very recently diagnosed with Stage 1c clear cell cancer . I went for a Ct scan last weekend and the great news came back today is that the scan is totally clear (bar a kidney stone that showed up !) so there was nothing showing in lymph nodes etc. I started chemo last week standard treatment of 6 rounds one every 3 weeks. It sounds as if i will be continuing the chemo. Slightly confused in why i have to now have chemo - presume its a precautionary measure but I wondered if anyone else is in the same situation ?

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Snoopy01 profile image
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15 Replies

Hi Snoopy. Nice to hear from you again.

I was stage 1a clear cell. I had 6 cycles of carboplatin which started 6 weeks after my hysterectomy. I think they like to do it as a precaution, especially with clear cell. They told me there was just an 8% chance it would have any effect but I decided to have it anyway as belt and braces. I will never know whether I was in the 8% group or not but one year on I feel fine and hope to stay that way.

All the best with chemo. It's not pleasant but its not horrendous either, hopefully, and you'll get through it.

Good luck

Linda xx

Snoopy01 profile image

Hi Linda

Thanks for your reply - Yes im with you- I am up for continuing the chemo to maximise the chances if getting rid of any last little cancer cells

It was such a relief to get the great news today and I feel really positive as yesterday I was getting down in the dumps about losing hair /having had a hysterectomy etc etc but I have now 'woken up and smelt the coffee' and realise how very lucky I have been :)

Fiona x

willow123 profile image

Hi Snoopy. Thats great news. :-) Good luck with the chemo.


Whippit profile image

Dear Fiona

That is really brilliant news. It must be such a relief for you. I think you're wise to continue with chemotherapy. My GP explained that cancer can develop little florets that appear elsewhere and a general chemotherapy just adds to your reassurance that there is nothing there to worry about.

It's horrible losing your hair - but hey you've not got many more to go now and then you can just get on with life.

Loads of love. xxx Annie

Snoopy01 profile image

Thank you to you all for your replies - Ive just been really touched and overwhelmed by the support since first getting diagnosed and playing the waiting game to find out what stage it was and if the cancer was anywhere else and it is such a brillant supportive forum. I wish everyone well with their recovery and fight with this silent disease - and dont ignore the symptoms like I did and don't make the mistake I did like putting work/job before your own health .......make time to look after yourself.

Big hugs to all

Fiona x

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Snoopy01

Hi Snoopy, Good news about everything being clear. I think it's as the others have said, it's standard procedure now to give chemo even if things look clear. Belt and braces sort of thing.

Continued good health wishes are coming your way ;-)

Love Wendy xx

Hi Fiona,

They are following the right procedure for you, which can only be good news, I wish you all the very best love x G x

Joyed profile image

Hi Fiona

At 38 I was diagnosed and treated for Clear Cell staged at 1c in November 2010. I had two surgeries and chemotherapy six cycles. 18 months after treatment my hair has grown back and I am embracing life. As Wendy says its a belt and braces approach . . .

Love to you and all our fellow Ovacome Ladies

Vicky x

Pollywollydoodle profile image


Same situation clear cell 1c in one ovary, endometrioid in other ovary 41/2 yrs ago- also had six cycles taxol/carbo to mop up cells from punctured huge cyst. No recurrence as yet, I always thought i'd be wondering what if if I didn't and recurred. Good luck.

Polly xx

Lily-Anne profile image


I had the same diagnosis, stage 1, clear cell and serous, believed removed with first surgery, hysterectomy as the next step which was all clear, and offered chemo, had one round of Carbo only. It was the right decision for me after speaking at length with my Oncologist, we are all different, I asked the same question, good luck with the chemo, the time goes pretty quick.


Shazican profile image

I am slightly different from u as i was stage 2c clear cell full debulking , hystectomy and chemo , cos when i was diagnosed , we asked at the time why they couldn't tell us it was cancer when my tumour was removed and the reason i was given was that u cant tell a bad cell from a gd cell with clear cell and they didn't actually find out that it is cancerous till they did the biopsy on it , they couldn't tell by looking at it ... so guess it is a precautionary thing they are doing with u just incase ... better to be safe than sorry .... x

Snoopy01 profile image
Snoopy01 in reply to Shazican

Thanks Shazikan and have you finished your chemotheraphy now ? All best wishes

fiona x

Shazican profile image
Shazican in reply to Snoopy01

I finished my first 6 sessions at end of march last year but unfortunately it hadn't cleared and was re diagnosed in July but in my lymph nodes now so unfortunately now i'm classed as incurable .. so now back on chemo as and when i need it , i've had a year out so thats gd .. got my 1st session of 6 yesterday same as before carboplatin / Paclitaxol .. but i'm still working and i just got married on 16th Feb there so even though i have all this going on life is great .. so keep positive and keep fighting xx

Snoopy01 profile image
Snoopy01 in reply to Shazican

Hi Shazican

You are so positive and Im glad you are getting in with your life despite having to go through chemo again which must be really hard - you are a very determined and brave person .i wish you huge best wishes for your treatment and I will have everything crossed for you. I am staying on the chemo as the tumour has given me vision problems, which is apparently very rare, so i am hoping that my vision will improve so that i can get back to my job ...fingers crossed anyway. Big hugs to you and wishing you well



Shazican profile image
Shazican in reply to Snoopy01

Hi Fiona

So glad to hear that ur staying on the treatment , they are there to help u and make sure u get the right treatment for u .. u will also get a great amount of support on here , i was so glad to find this site and all the ladies are lovely and because they have been through similar things u can compare notes , sometimes just to settle ur mind if u don't know if ur the only one feeling a certain way or having certain symptoms , and if ur anything like me i didn't like to say anything to my family for fear of upsetting them ..

I hope ur vision problems sort out for u and u get back to ur job soon .. take care and hopefully speak again soon xx

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